The Addiction


Her walk was known far and wide. Her sway was her signature. That Mona Lisa smile captured the hearts of all the men.

She’s the new queen of fashion. She’s the definition of sexy. Everything about her screams perfection.

How do you do it Ms. Dederick, how did you rise up, they all ask her. She does her normal giggle and insists that it’s a secret. She’s heard all the speculations about her sleeping with anyone who could help her career. But she knows that’s wrong. Ashe’s still a virgin. She believes in waiting until marriage.

How do you do it Ms. Dedrick, how do you stay so thin, they still ask her. She still giggles and refuses to say anything. She’s heard all the rumors of her starving herself, doing drugs, all of it. But she knows the truth. It’s just being good to your body: exercise and eating healthy.

How do you do it Ms. Dederick, how do you stay motivated, they all ask. She does her little giggle, saying it’s nothing out of the ordinary. But she knows the truth. She knows her “dark side.”

Her addiction isn’t sex, drugs, alcohol. It’s simply attention. And what better way to get attention than to becoming the top girl?