


Robert Johnston sat there tapping his fingers together, listening to what these three young men had to say. They were trying to get him on bored for their next alum, and they weren’t giving up.

“I’m sorry boys, but I already have a lot on my plate.”

“Well, Mr. Johnston, I think you should really think about this” the youngest one told him, he seemed to be the most grown up even though he was the youngest, and he seem to have the most level head.

“I would love to, but I have a lot on my plate as I told you and my wife wants me to start spending time at home.”

“Bring your wife and kids to the studio” the middle one said, he seemed to be wild, he had already said a few inappropriate things but the younger one shut him up.

“I don’t think my six girls would want to be trapped in a studio all day.”

“You gave six kids?” the middle one then asked, shocked.
“Yes, and as you know I really work with my friends or family, I don’t do business with people I don’t know, and I can tell what kind of music they will do, I’m not into filth.”

“Were nice good people, we don’t like filth either” the youngest one told him.

“Yes that is good to know but I still am all booked up, now if you would excuse me I do have to get home, were packing for our holiday to the Bahamas.”

“Wait, Mr. Johnston, it would mean a lot to us if you would just think about this a little more, and maybe heard some of our stuff” The oldest one told him.

“I have no time…” he trailed off. “Unless… no my wife wouldn’t go for it.”

“What?” the youngest one asked.

“Well, were going to the Bahamas as I said, and were renting a big house, so if you really want me to think about it I was thinking that you guys could come and show me what I’d be working with.”

“I can’t go, I have to go to New Jersey for the holidays” the oldest one stated.

“And the rest of the family is going to Texas” the youngest one added.

“Then no deal...” Mr. Johnston.

“Ok…ok, I have to ask my parents but I’m in” the youngest one then stated.

“Yeah, me to” the middle one stated.

“Good, I will have a talk with my wife and we will sort out details.”