Temporary Bliss

Quarter past two, love in my eyes, blinded by you.

The buzzing of his iPhone was loud as it rattled against the wooden table next to the bed. A groan slipped from his chapped lips and the noise caused him to turn over and reach blindly for the ringing device. Sleep laced his tone as he murmured a hello into the brightly lit phone. Even though her words were slurred and the loud music in the background nearly covered her voice completely, his mind still stopped and got caught in a trance. His responses were quick and fast, assuring the drunken young woman he would meet her at her apartment in a maximum of five minutes.

Joe’s heart raced as he climbed out of his warm bed and tugged his low hanging boxers to their correct place on his hips. Grabbing his jeans from a heap on the floor he slid his legs back through the denim and pulled a freshly cleaned white V-neck from his dresser. His muscles flexed as he pulled the thin material over his head and down his chest. The material covered what so many girls begged to get their hands; his defined chest with a faintly forming six pack topped off nicely with a luscious happy trail. The clock ticked as he lifted his hand to his head, ruffling his raven hair back into shape before slipping out of his house.

The front door clicked shut quietly and Joe let out a deep breath. He hadn’t woken any of his room mates. He knew with the slightest noise, especially at this late hour, he would wake them up. Greg for certain, he was a very light sleeper. All of Joe’s roommates were concerned about him. Sneaking out of the house at two, three and even four in the morning only to come back home at noon or later with a broken expression. She was using him, even Joe knew that, but no one stopped it.

Not that they didn’t try, however. There were countless nights where Greg and Jack did all they could to hide Joe’s car keys and strand him in their bungalow. These plans only ever lasted for longer than the twenty-four hours that he was locked down in. To Joe Victoria was a drug and their late nights were the best way to get his fix.

With the turn of a key the engine in his gray Mercedes roared to life and propelled him to his destination. The streets were nearly empty due to the late hour. It was mere minutes before Joe’s vehicle was parked in the garage connected to the apartment complex. His Nike sneakers squeaked against the concrete as he walked quickly to the entrance of the building.

The walk to her door was agonizingly slow for Joe. He was picturing her within his mind as he crept closer and closer. Her dark brown eyes were always deep and sultry when she would stare him down. Imagining that simple action brought a chill to his spine. A thin layer of perspiration covered his palms as his hand wrapped around the door handle and twisted lightly. Unlocked, as always.

He slipped into the room quietly, kicking off his shoes at the door on his way in. Soft seductive music echoed lowly in the room. In that instant Joe knew tonight wouldn’t be one where all she wanted was cuddling. Of course, when were the nights ever about that? His heart rate picked up speed as he padded down the hallway to Victoria’s bedroom.

A grunt fell from his lips as his body was instantly pressed roughly against the wall. Goosebumps peaked on his skin as her lips attached to the base of his neck sucking roughly. Next her lips were connected with his, pressing a rough and needy kiss on them. Her mouth tasted of cigarette smoke and vodka to the point where Joe almost had to pull away. When she opened her eyes, though, and those deep brown eyes stared down at him he remembered why he was here. He loved her and this was his time to have her as his.

Her thin body radiated a great amount of heat as it was pressed flush against Joe's. The long blonde hair hanging down her back was tangled and ratted from the long night she spent at the club. It perplexed most to watch her leave alone. She could have had any man she danced with at the club. They all followed after her like horny dogs begging for a good time. Victoria always shook them off though, only to get home and call for Joe the second she walked in the door. She treated him like a toy and she sure enjoyed it.

A rush of adrenaline pumped through Joe’s veins as he pushed her back before knocking her onto the bed. A seductive smirk found its way to her red painted lips while she laid sprawled across the white satin sheets. Joe’s built form crawled up onto the mattress and straddled Vic’s slender waist. It was a teasing act, the way he took a torturous amount of time to remove the cotton shirt from his body. The second it was gone her bony fingers were sliding all across his chest hungrily, as if she were examining her meal before she ate it.

A satisfied moan left her lips as Joe’s body ground down into her fragile one. That noise, the sound of his name bringing so much satisfaction was the reason this was happening. He was determined to make her feel good, determined to remind her what she felt in him. And as his callused fingers gently pulled the dress of her body he knew he was about to feel her love again. To him that was the whole purpose, to make her love him again. Even if it were just for one more night.

The smile that formed on his now lipstick covered lips was wide. The mere touches of his hands had her moaning his name loudly. Joe's body began to move faster as he pulled his hands away from her body and quickly tugged his jeans from his body. With a light toss they were out of the way and a loud slurred giggle left Victoria's lips. He fell into her trap yet again, and Joe was about to indulge in his sweetest addiction. Her seduction was like a thick fog and it had erased everything but the current moment. For that moment Joe had forgotten that it was merely temporary bliss.