Status: working on it.



12 months before..

The pressure was setting in, and I could see her out of the corner of my right eye. She was in the right corner of the first row. She was dancing to the music that we played, and singing every single word right that slipped out of Matt Sander’s mouth. Her hips moved to the rhythm of the drums, but her body moved with the guitar’s and the way they did sent tingles throughout my body. She glanced at me, and I flew a little wink towards her way. I could see the smile forming across her perfectly shaped lips, and god did they look so damn soft.

The song ended and the crowd cheered loudly, and Jimmy threw his hand, which had his drumsticks in the them, and he had accidentally let them fall out of his hands. Everyone laughed. One hit me in the back of my head, and one flew over Matt’s head and out into the crowd, which everyone dove to get. I picked up the drum stick off of the floor, and threw it back at Jimmy, which hit him in the middle of his face. I smirked.

“Mother fucker.” I said at him and he looked at me.

“You’re going to get it!” He mouthed and I raised up my hands and mouthed ‘bring it, bitch.’

I then looked towards Matt and saw how he was speaking into the microphone.

“Alright, kiddos! That’s it for tonight! I hope all of you fuckers had a great time and we’ll be signing autographs out back in the next hour or so! I hope I can meet all of you beautiful fans and talk to you for a bit! But for now, everyone who has a back stage pass-” Brian rudely interrupted him and began talking.

“Can take their pretty little ass’ to the side of the stage, and deal with the security guards!” He snickered and ran off stage before throwing his hat to the crowd. The girls went wild once again and started to push each other around to get the hat.

We all laughed and made our way backstage. I grabbed a water bottle and opened it so I could pour half of it onto my head. But, before I could even get my hands up to pour it over my head I got tackled to the floor and the water went all over me and the person who tackled me.

“What the fuck, Jimmy?!” I screamed and tried pushing him off of me.

“I told you that you were going to get it!” He said and began to softly punch me in the stomach and it only made me laugh as Matt easily picked the tall man off of me.

“Enough, guys. The girls are here with back stage passes.” He said, and helped me up to my feet. I looked behind him, trying to see if any of them were the girl from the crowd, and unfortunately none of them that I saw matched the features she had and I frowned slightly. I then got a big smile on my face and did my best not to show my disappointment.

“Hello ladies!” I croaked out of my throat and some of them ran to me, some ran to Brian, some ran to Matt, and some ran to Johnny and Jimmy.

All of the girls got their time with each of us band member for thirty minutes, and then were all ushered out the exit door. I made my way to the dressing room and changed into some clean pairs of skinny jeans and a black and gray checkered button up t-shirt. I looked into the mirror and tampered with my eyeliner, fixing the smudges and applying more. I fixed my hair, and adjusted my snake bites. I sprayed on some smell good, in hope of that the girl would be in the back, wanting to get her autograph.

I looked over, and towards Matt and Valary. They were posted on the couch, messing with each other with big smiles on their face.

“You guys ready?” I asked and they both looked over at me and nodded, standing up. We made out way to the exit of the building and went on back to the table with sharpie’s and photo’s of us to sign and give to the fans. I scanned the line as good as I could, and I couldn’t spot the girl out of the 300 that were there. I signed heavily and began signing the photo’s of me, and then the CD’s that were handed to me, and started taking picture group-wise and photos of just me with a couple of girls at the same time.

I mumbled under my breath slightly, and began to give up hope. Usually, I wouldn’t change clothes, fix my hair, or my makeup. I’d just go as I was. But there was something about this girl, and I wanted to find out what it was. It has been almost an hour and a half of me and the band signing autographs, and I was exhausted and tired. I placed my hand on my cheek, and leaned my head down to look at the table.

I heard a slightly cough, and I looked up apathetically. And I jumped straight up. There she was, in flesh. Her red tank top and her black skinny jeans fit her body perfectly. Her black hair, with some blonde in the bangs made her latina complexion look amazing. Her dark chocolate brown eyes made my heart tremble into pieces and the way she smiled made it come back to full again. Hesitantly, I reached out my hand for her to shake.

“I’m Zacky.” I smiled a charming smile, and luckily, she smiled back at me. And then with the sweet voice that I anticipated on her having she spoke to me.

“Yeah, I know.” She giggled slightly. My heart trembled into pieces again.

“I’m Annabelle.” She said softly, and handed me a CD to sign. I hurried up and signed the CD, and a photograph for her.

“I love that name,” I smiled big, so happy she was the last girl in line, because now I can sit here all night, talking to her, which made my heart go full again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I updated. Happy Cindy? :3

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