Sequel: Unanswered Prayer
Status: This was a fun story to write. Hope you'll like it!!!

Runaway Wolves

Chapter 8

I opened my eyes and looked down. I still had the dagger in my stomach and it was still bleeding. Oh well. At least I got to give a Alex the message. I loved him and I couldn’t just let him die. My kidnappers had a lot of men and they were good. I’m also positive that these are the people who kidnapped Crystal. I meant over and pulled the knife out with my teeth and slowly lowered it behind my back. I dropped it and let my hands catch it. They probably thought they had killed me and that’s why they didn’t take the knife out.
I cut my hands and feet free and stood up. I covered my mouth shut from crying out in pain. I had to get Crystal out of here. I walked over to the door and listened for movement. There was none so I opened it and walked out. I heard running and I jumped up and grabbed hold of the ceiling board.
I didn’t even dare to breathe until the five men ran into the room I was just in. I jumped down and locked the door. I couldn’t really run because of the hole in my stomach but I managed a fast walk. I came to a room at the end of the hallway and opened it. There was a small figure sitting in a corner shaking and crying.
“Crystal?” I asked unsure. She looked up and ran into my opened arms. She gasped when she pulled away and found herself covered in blood. I must have reopened the wound when I was jumping down from the ceiling. “I’m ok. Don’t worry I’m going to get you out of here.” I told her but I was unsure on what I said.
I was already getting weaker and light headed. Crystal lead me over to her bed and covered me with many blankets. Then I realized that I was shivering. Damn I don’t know if I am going to live long enough to get her out. She grabbed a towel from the bathroom and began cleaning up the blood on the floor.
We heard footsteps running past our room and outside. Then we heard grunting and panting. Someone opened the door and looked around the room. When the golden eyes came to a stop on Crystal and I he hurried to the bed. “Alex…” I sighed and closed my eyes. I was so glad he came. “I brought help just as you told me to”. He hugged Crystal. “Oh my god. I am so sorry Crystal. I hope you can forgive me.” I said tears forming in his eyes.
She nodded and smiled. “Can you save her?” She asked him with her big green eyes. Alex looked confused and looked at my pale face. “What happened?” He grabbed my hand. Crystal pulled the blanket away to reveal the pool of blood I was laying in.
He shook his head. “I don’t know.” He whispered and Crystal began to cry. There were two wolves who walked into the room and padded over to me. “Mom…Dad…” I whispered because I didn’t have enough energy to say anything else.
Tears ran down my face and theirs as well. They changed back and knelt toward me. I almost thought my mother was going to hit me and I flinched. She sighed and laid a hand on my cheek. She leaned forward and kissed my forehead. Her lips were warm enough to calm me down. My mother is a healer but she had never healed me of the wounds she inflicted.
She smiled and said, “I know I have never been there for you…I hope you can forgive me.” The tears wouldn’t stop as she placed both of her hands on the hole on my stomach. “Mom…Please don’t. It’s ok. Let me die keep your life.” I told her choking out a cry. She shook her head kissed my cheek.
I closed my eyes hoping that I will be dead soon so she wouldn’t have to die. I loved her even though she hasn’t given me a reason too. I started fading out and all I could fell was the warmth of my mother’s hands. “Chris? Are you awake.” I opened my eyes and looked up at Alex’s tear streaked face.
“Mom?” I asked and he shook his head. I started crying and he pulled me to his chest. I was completely healed and wasn’t even sore. The only thing I could think of is that my abusive mother gave her life for me.
He stroked my hair and whispered calming things to me. When I finally could pull away he brought my chin up and kissed me and I kissed him back. I pulled away and looked around. I was up in my old bedroom at my parent’s house. I was in a tang top and shorts with I cute blue jacket on.
“Crystal thought that you wouldn’t want to be in bloods clothes so she changed you.” He explained. I nod and sit up. “Where’s my dad?” I ask him. He looks away, not meeting my eyes and doesn’t say anything.
“No…” I whisper softly. He kisses my cheek and I can’t even cry. I already too much and I’m all out of tears. He takes my hand and stands me up. He lead me over to the closet and picked out a knee high black dress with white high heels.
I was unable to move or say anything and he slowly undresses me then slips the dress over my head. Ties the back and helps me into my high heels. Then he leads me to the bathroom and starts brushing my hair to get all the knots out. I looked in the mirror and saw a broken face in front of me. Wow I look like crap. When he was done I picked up my makeup bag and began applying the stuff on.
Well at least I didn’t look dead anymore. I sighed and stood up. He took my hand and pulled me down stairs where Crystal, Riley, and Alex’s parents stood waiting for us. They were all wearing funeral clothes like me.
The funeral was in front of my house, which really sucked. I set flowers on my parent’s graves. “I hate you.” I told them crying and running into the forest. “Chrissy!” I heard Alex calling from behind me. He tackled me to the ground, pinning my shoulders to the ground so I couldn’t move.
“I can’t believe you would tell them that out of all the things that you could have said.” I told me and I glared at him. “They are dead Alex! It’s not my fault. I told them to fucking let me die.” I yelled at him tears running down my face. “I wish they would have listened. It would have been easier.” I finish.
Alex slapped me across the face. “Don’t ever say that again. I don’t want to ever hear you say that. They died for your sake you know?” I said and I nodded. “But it doesn’t make it any easier.” I whisper and push him off me. I burry my face in my hands and start rocking back and forth.
He gave me a hug before standing me up again. “Let’s go back.” He says and I shake my head. “I rub my eyes and look up at him. “I never want to go back. I’m leaving.” I tell him.
“And no your not coming with.” I said and before he can say anything I’m already running away. But he grabs my hand pulls me to him again. “You know I could never leave you. I love you Chris and I’m coming with you.” He said. “I love you too.” I stand on my toes and kiss him. He kissed back and we kissed pationatly for a while. We heard people calling out our names and we pulled back. He grabbed my hand, changed into our wolf forms and ran into the darkness together. Never looking back, never planning on coming back. Not caring who we had to leave behind.
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This is the end of book 1. Hope you liked it!!!