Status: Finished

The Silence

The Ending

I wept, and i clawed.

Pixie was howling, and barking with all her tiny might but their was nothing she could do.

The night was filled with pain, so much that it masked most of things from the first thrust to
the last.

If you asked me details, i would tell you how i heard my screams echo.

How i felt my like i was being torn apart by horses. Limb by Limb.

How i could tell you every detail of this mans face.

But i couldnt tell you so much more.

I couldn't tell you what he said.

Or what his tattoo looked like.

I couldnt tell you how long it went on, or how many times.

I couldnt tell you why.


Or if i was tied up.

All i could decribe was the complete silence i damned myself to, the fate i sealed for myself. I could tell you how it felt, but why waste a year of your time? And i could write things with trillions or exclamation points, with graphic detail.

But some times, lips just need to be sealed.

And things are better left vague.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey, i decided to wrap it up instead of making it really crappier and longer. This is most likly the end, i may come back a rewrite it later on.

Hope you like it.

Dont hold it in, post a comment!