Blood Stained Lips


"Where are you going?", Jesily's friend and roomate, Marie, asked as Jesily walked down the stairs.

"Somwhere", Jesily whispered, "I just need to clear my mind."

"Wait! have blood dripping down your arm", Marie realized and walked over to her.

What did I tell you? Wear long sleeved clothing at all times.

"Marie, what was that?", Jesily asked, her heart beating faster than the speed of light.

"What was what? It doesn't matter, let's get you cleaned up." Jesily shook her head furiously as Marie reached for her arm.

"Just...don't touch me. I have to go change." Scratchy voices, whispers, and screams were all filling Jesily's head. Most were others, some were hers.

What was going on?

As soon as she entered her room, she slammed the door and crouched down. She wanted the voices to stop, they were driving her mad.

You'll get used to them, they become a part of us.

She shook her head and got up to change.

Hurry! The sun's seeping through!

"STOP!", she yelled. Warm tears rapidly began falling down her face. Soon after, Marie came crashing through her bedroom door. Marie's facial expression was blank, but her soul was full of fear.

You're exposed.

"Jesily, you're covered in blood", Marie managed to say.