She Loves You

Who Is He?

"Gosh I hate that they always do this!" Rose groaned upset.

"It's their job, they'll be back tomorrow night." I sighed and threw my stuff on the floor.

It's the last month of warped tour. Rose and I are in a hotel in New Jersey. The boys flew to New York for some press, leaving Rose and I in New Jersey. Rose was a bit upset considering that they did it with just leaving us a note. I was a bit upset, but then again they were doing their job.

"So what are you going to do tonight?" Rose asked sitting on the bed.

"Oh Zacky invited me to go and get some food." I said taking some clothes out of my suitcase.

"Uh oh. I don't that's a good idea." Rose said with raised eyebrows.

"Matt and his girlfriend are going."

"See it's like a double date!" Rose pointed out.

"No it's not because I'm bringing Mikey with me. Do you honestly think I wouldn't be smart enough to bring someone else!?" I asked changing clothes.

"No, but I just don't want Zack to think he has a chance with you. I'm just looking out for you!" Rose said pointing to me. Sometimes she could be so motherly.

"Whatever. I got to meet Mikey downstairs." I said grabbing my keys, wallet, and cell. "See you." I closed the door and went down the elevator.

The elevator door opened and I saw Mikey standing next to Frank and Gerard. I smiled and walked over to them. I jumped on Frankie's back and covered his eyes.

"What the hell!" Frank yelled.

"Don't look now, but you have a monkey on your back!" Gerard teased.

I got down and rolled my eyes. "You know you draw better than you tell jokes Mr. Way."

"I beg to differ." Gerard retorted.

"Whatever. I'm kidnapping your little bro, we will be back soon." I said pulling Mikey.

"Have him back by midnight!" I heard Frank yelled.

I rolled my eyes and walked down the street.

"Mikey, not going home today?" I asked.

"No, but tomorrow we are. Just for a little while." Mikey said fixing his glasses.

"When are you going to ask Alicia out?"

"Tonight." Mikey smiled proudly.

"Awesome. Here we are." I said turning the corner and opening the door to the diner.

We entered and I looked around. I saw Matt waving us down, and Zack frowning.

"He didn't know I was coming?" Mikey asked softly in my ear. I shook my head.

"No, but I don't care. You're one of my best friends. Come on." I said pulling him to the table.

I sat next to Zack and Mikey sat next to me. I smiled at everyone and pulled my hair in a ponytail.

"Hello loves, how are we?" I asked in a British accent.

"Just dandy." Matt's girlfriend Val said in the same accent. We both laughed.

"So Zack how are you?" I asked turning to Zack.

"Ok, just missed seeing your beautiful face." He smiled.

I'll admit it. Zack can make every girl melt in his hands, but I'm not every girl. I'm different and I know how he is. He wants a trophy girlfriend and I'm not like that. Too bad he's too stupid to see that.

"Aww.....stop bullshitting me Zacky. I'm not like that." I said sarcastically in a sweet voice.

"That's why he likes you so much because you don't take his shit." Matt said. He paused and took a drink of his water. "That and he knows for a fact that he could never fuck you."

"Shut the fuck up!" Zack hissed. Matt just smiled back.

Me and Mikey started giggling. Zack turned his head to me and smiled warmly.

The waitress soon came and took our order. Mikey and I ate in silence listening to the crazy party the guys had the night before. Afterwards we walked out of the diner and to the street.

"We're going to movie want to come?" Zack asked as I hugged him.

"No thank you. I need to get to Rose. She might go crazy." I linked arms with Mikey and we ran back to hotel room in laughter.

We were both out of breath when we reached the hotel lobby. At the same time we took out our inhalers and took two puffs.

"You would think that with asthma, you two would not run." Gerard laughed.

"Fuck (catches air) you." I breathed out taking another puff of my inhaler.

"Thanks for bringing him home early. How was the date?" Frank teased.

"It wasn't a date." Mikey breathed out. After a couple of minutes we both returned to breathing normally.

"'Whatever. OHH you have to do a goodnight kiss!" Frank squealed and clapping his hands in excitement.

"Frankie." I whined and rolling my eyes.

"Do it or I won't let you talk to him ever!" Frank pouted crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Sad part was I knew he could make that happen.

"Fineeeeee" I whined. I kissed Mikey on the cheek. Gerard and Frank clapped happily. "Whatever I'm going up to my room now! Bye!" I hugged Mikey and got in the elevator.

I got to my floor and walked to my room. I slid my key in the slot and waited for the green light to turn on. It turned green and I opened the door in a rushing manner.

"Hey Ro-" I turned around fast at the sight I just saw. "You would think you would put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign." I yelled blushing at the sight.

"Whatever. Take Pete's key and go to his room for the night." Rose said throwing Pete's pants in my direction.

I sighed and picked up the pants. I reached the back pocket and grabbed the key. I took it out and walked out of the room. I shook my head and laughed. I can't believe I just saw that.

I looked down at the key and saw the numbers 427. I smiled and walked down the hall. I turned the corner and then another finding the room.

I slid in the key and the light turned green. I turned the knob and opened the door. I saw Patrick sitting at the desk with his laptop open, headphones on, and guitar in hand. I closed the door quietly, and sat behind him. He starting singing softly.

"Kiss her, kiss her. I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late." he stopped and turned around. He smiled and put down the guitar and headphones. He closed his laptop. He looked a bit frustrated. He came over to me and kissed me deeply.

"I thought you weren't going to be back until tomorrow."

"We came back early. Pete missed Rose and I missed you." Patrick mumbled.

"I know I caught them." I scrunched up my nose.

Patrick laughed. "Better you than me. Come on let's lie down."

We got on one of the beds and laid facing each other.

"Where did you go?" Patrick asked stroking my hair softly.

"I went to eat with Zacky, Mikey, Matt and Carla." I shrugged my shoulders.


"Ric don' be like that. Nothing happened. Just went to eat, then I brought Mikey back." I said stroking his arm.

"I know, it's just that I know he is and has a way with getting into a girl's pants. I don't want to lose you." Patrick mumbled. I smiled at how cute he sounded.

"So you honestly think that? Because I know I don't want that kind of guy. You are a better boyfriend than he will ever be. Do you want to know why?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Why?" he asked looking into my eyes.

"Because you love and care about ME. Not about getting into my pants." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

Patrick smiled and kissed me hard the lips. I smiled into the kiss and lay down pulling him on top of me. I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance. He allowed and opened his mouth slowly.

He moved his lips down to my neck and back up to my lips. I moaned softly. His hands wonder all over my body. I shivered at the touch of his rough yet soft hands.

"Shit! I always do this. Can you guys come downstairs really quick?" We heard Jim asked.

Patrick sighed and sat up. "What for?" poor guy's been stressing out with this new record. Pete hasn't been helping much.

"I don't know. Bob says he has something to tell you." Jim shrugged his shoulders and closed the door.

"What's wrong?" I asked Patrick rubbing his back.

"It's this new record. It's this touring. I need a break. I don't know. I'm just stressing too much." Patrick rubbed his eyes, and face.

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked taking off his hat.

"Kiss me and tell me you love me!" Patrick pouted. I hate when he pouts. I can never resist that face!

I kissed him deeply. I pulled away and grinned. "I love you. Everything will be ok." I said happily.

"Thank you, love." Patrick got up from the bed and took his hat. "Come on, we have to see what Bob wants."

We went down to the lobby and saw all the FOB crew. Everyone was there but Rose and Pete. We didn't even need to ask where they were at. We all knew they couldn't be bothered.

I don't know what the meeting was about because I was too busy teasing Patrick. I was having fun watching squirm in his seat.

"Alright guys that's all I have to say. Someone let Pete know." bob said dismissing us.

"Hey guys we're going to have some fun you should come." Hey Chris said.

We agreed.

This was a chance for me to score some booze. Joe drank and smoked a lot. Andy no longer drank, and claimed straightedge. Patrick was straight edge all the way. Patrick didn't like the fact that I drank but that never really bothered me.

We all arrived in Hey Chris and Dirty's hotel room. Right away they took out all the liquor and announced a game to be played.

"Ok this is the Truth drinking game. Each of us will say something that we've never done and the ones who have done it take a shot." Dirty announced.


**A couple of shots later**

Pete and Rose joined us after I took five shots. I've lost count by now. Pete was playing taking shots of Red Bull. Rose decided to do the same. Everything was going ok-until it was Jim's turn again.

"Ok I got one. I've never fucked any one from Fall Out Boy." Jim laughed.

Rose sighed and took a shot. I took a shot of tequila without thinking. Everyone but Pete and Andy didn't think the same thing as everyone else. They knew Patrick and I hadn't even gone there. Heck Patrick had the most confused face I had ever seen.

Patrick pulled me aside and whispered to me. "Why did you take a shot?"

"because it's true." I shrugged and not thinking about what I just said.

"We haven't done it yet. who did you fuck?" Patrick asked raising his voice a little.

"None of your fucking business, Patrick!" I yelled. I was getting irritated. He was killing my buzz.

"Tell me who, because I know it wasn't me!" Patrick yelled back. "Was it Pete? Are you already cheating on me?" He yelled louder pointing to Pete.

By this time everyone was looking at us. Pete had a shocked and hurt look on his face. Rose was confused of why Patrick would say something like that.

I was hurt all over again. how could he think that about me?

"No. I'm not cheating on you. I would never do that." I whispered. I didn't even realize there were tears streaming down my face.

"Then who?" Patrick asked a little more calmly. His eyes were filled of anger, and hurt. I was never really one to keep secrets from him. I needed to tell him. He had the right to know. He pulled my arm a little and I remembered Will.

I stood up straight, pulled my arm away from him, and looked in him straight in the eye.

I let one word escape my mouth


♠ ♠ ♠
"Who I am hates who I've been."

message/comment. Thanks to my readers. I need a girl for andy...any takers?