She Loves You

Remember The First Time

I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was still blurry. I couldn't see the ceiling very well. The light was hurting my eyes.

I closed my eyes tight and opened slowly again. This time I was able to gain my perfect vision. I heard beeping monitor, and I my head hurt.

I turned to right to see Joe sitting down with his head in his hands. I turned to my left to see Rose chipping the paint of her nails.

"You know you guys are pretty boring when there's no one around." I said softly. I laughed a little causing my throat to hurt. My voice was a little raspy.

"Oh God JEN! You gave us a fucking scare! Thank god you're ok!" Joe yelled in relief and hugging me tight.

"Ow." I Mumbled.


"It's ok Joe. Where am I?" I asked looking around at my surroundings. The monitor I heard beeping was the one attached to a needle stuck in my hand.

"You don't remember?" Rose asked a little shock.

I shook my head at her. Rose looked to Joe than to me, both were wondering if they should tell me. "Guys just tell me."

"Well you and Patrick had an argument at the hotel. You took the bottles of liquor that we had and locked yourself in the restroom." Joe paused and looked down. I think he was on the verge of tears.

"I knocked a thousand times trying to get you to open. When you stopped responding to my yelling, I got worried. Then I heard a bottle break." Rose stopped and wiped away some tears. "Dirty broke down the door. You were lying on the floor. At first we thought you passed out. But you started having a seizure. I freaked out because you're breathing became slow and less." Rose was in tears crying into my hand holding it tight.

"Jen, you got severe alcohol poisoning. The doctors had to pump your stomach. They didn't know how long you were going to be out. They even warned us that you might never wake up. What the fuck were you thinking!?" Joe said through small tears.

I sat there in silent. I was shocked at what I did. I remember that night now. I told Patrick about Andy. Patrick yelled at me calling so many names, and yelling at Andy. I couldn't take him hating me. I wanted the world to stop. I wanted the pain to stop. I wanted to stop hurting everyone around me.

"I'm sorry guys. I wasn't thinking. I promise I will never do that again." I whispered crying myself.

They both smiled and hugged me tight. We cried together for a while. After we stopped crying they pulled away.

"We're just so glad you woke up." Joe said with a weak smiled. "Rose, see if the guys made up and tell them the good news."

Rose wiped away her tears and nodded. She smiled at me and ran out of the room.

Joe hugged me one last time and smiled. "I got the boys to talk. They all need explanations." Joe said proudly.

"Sometimes you make me so happy, Joe."

"I know. I'm special like that!" Joe gave me a cheesy smile and I couldn't help but laugh.

The door opened slowly. We both looked at it with caution. Andy and Pete stumbled in.

"Hey Jen, good to see you up!" Pete said walking over to me. He pulled into a hug. "Glad we didn't lose you." He whispered in my ear.

"It's good to be up." I whispered back. We pulled away and smiled.

Andy didn't say anything. He came up to me and smiled. Then he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I had to tell him I couldn't breathe. He mumbled a sorry. For the first time in a long time, I could see how much my best friends really cared. I felt the pain they were feeling. I felt stupid for what I did.

"Come on guys, let's leave them alone." Rose said to everyone referring to Patrick and me.

They left the room. Rose smiled at me encouraging one last time before shutting the door. There was a thick silence that filled the air. We both were waiting for one of us to break the ice. I knew in my mind that I wasn't going to be the one to do that.

I watched as Patrick sat down in the chair at the end of my bed.

"Jen there's something I want to say." Patrick said softly. He looked up at me. His eyes were so sincere, so caring.

"Go ahead, I'm listening." I responded.

"I'm sorry. I talked with the guys and we made up. I never meant those things I said. I was just so upset that you kept it from me. I'm your best friend, and boyfriend I want you to be able to tell me anything. I overreacted and pushed you over the edge." Patrick was in tears. I was crying silently along with him. He got up from his seat and walked over to me.

"Patrick, I'm sorry for what happened. I was just so hurt. I didn't want you to hate me." I cried.

"I was so scared when the doctor told me you might never wake up. I can't lose you, and I won't. You're everything to me Jen. You always have and always will be." Patrick hugged me and kissed my neck softly. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you Patrick." I whispered back.

"Aww. Seeing my friends' cry tears of happiness causes me to cry along with them." Rose said smiling and crying on Pete's shoulder.

Patrick and I looked at the door and chuckled at Rose. Then there was someone at the door that caught my eye. She was being held by Joe. She looked at me and smiled big. My eyes widen at the shock.

"Liz?" I asked. She nodded and walked over to me.

"Good to see you're awake. You really freaked out Joe." she said as she hugged me.

I pulled away and smiled at her. Liz looked the same as in high school. She was as tall as Joe, with black hair and blue streaks. She still had those bright green eyes that Joe always talks about. I couldn't believe her and Joe are still together after all these years.

"Joe you didn't tell me you and Liz were still together!" I yelled at Joe.

"Hey, dont yell! You never asked!" Joe defended himself.

Back when the guys were starting the band, I met Liz. It had turned out that we went to the same school. Patrick and I had some friends, but none that we were close like him and I. She was the only one who actually knew how I felt about him. She was my best girl friend through those years of high school. When the guys left I stopped answering her calls, and refused to talk to her. I couldn't deal with Patrick leaving, and never talking to me. I didn't want to hear about him through her.

"Excuse me, but the doctor needs to see Ms. Anderson. You can wait in the hallway. He will let you know when you can come back in." The nurse said walking into the room. She seemed nice.

"We'll see you in a bit." Patrick kissed my lips softly and smiled.

"See you!" Everyone said waving and walking out of the room.

I sat on the bed waiting for the doctor to come in. He came in and smiled at me. It was a fake smilethen again aren't they all? I watched as he checked the monitors, my IV, my blood pressure, and my breathing. I was getting a bit nervous about what he was going to say.

"Ok Ms. Anderson. My charts say everything is back to normal. You are able to go home tonight if you would like." The doctor said looking at me through the end of his glasses.

"Really?" I asked excitedly. He nodded and I smiled.

"You just need to get take some medication for any side affects you might have." The doctor scribbled something down and tore off the paper. He handed it to me. "I wish you the best. I hope you have learned your lesson. I will let your friends back in."

I read the medication he prescribed. Everyone than came rushing in.

"So what did he say?" Pete said jumping up and down like a little kid.

"Well..." I started off. I looked down at my hand. Everyone groaned. "I get to go home today!!" I yelled happily.

Everyone cheered.

"Ok/ well let me change and I'll be out." I said sitting up. Patrick stood up and handed me a bag. "You can stay." I whispered.

He nodded silently. Everyone walked out of the room. Patrick locked the door and closed the blinds.

"I need some help because I'm still a bit sore." I informed him. He nodded and walked over to the bed. He helped me up. I stood up holding his hands trying to regain my balance. When I could stand on my own he let go of me. I took off my hospital gown. I saw Patrick blush a little.

"Aww you shouldn't blush. It's not like you haven't seen a naked girl before." I said laughing a little.

"I haven't seen a beautiful naked girl before." Patrick said shyly breathing down my neck a bit. I shivered slightly and blushed.

"Hand me my bra and panties." I said holding out my right hand and covering up with my left. I felt him put something in my hand.

"You don't have to cover up. I've already seen it once before." Patrick whispered again.

"Ric that was years ago." I said laughing again.

"But I still remember it like it was yesterday." Patrick smiled. I put on my pants and shirt and sat on the bed.

"You do?" I asked shocked. He just nodded.

Patrick is referring to the time we decided to lose our virginities to one another. Weird I know. We didn't want it to happen with someone who didn't care about us, or happen out of heat of the moment. We were both 16. We never talked about it since it had happen until now.

"I remember after you fell asleep. I watched you sleep, and told you I loved you for the first time." Patrick blushed and pulled his hat down more.

"I know I heard you. I just thought it was a dream." I said blushing too and turning my head.

"You heard and you never said anything??" Patrick asked shocked.

"What was I suppose to say? 'Oh Patrick when you told me I love you I heard you. By the way I love you too.'" I asked looking at him like he was crazy.

"Well yea."

"Shut up." I snapped at him.

"So you ready to go? I already signed your discharged papers. We can go with everyone else or do something alone." Patrick asked picking up my things and head for the door.

"I want to be alone." I said following him.


"You guys ready to go?!" Liz asked a little annoyed.

"We're going to be alone." I spoke for Patrick and me.

"Fine!! I know when we're not needed." Pete pouted.

"Stop being such a baby!" Rose whined pushing Pete.

"But I'm you're baby!" Pete pouted again.

"Thank god for that!" Joe laughed.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Pete asked.

"It means you're getting on our nerves!" Andy answered.

"Nobody wants me!" Pete pouted.

"I want you." Patrick said pulling away from me.

I pretended to be hurt and shocked. I looked at Rose and she had the same face as me.

"Fine. You can be with Patrick. I'll be Jen!" Rose pouted. She walked over to me and kissed my cheek. We both smiled and held hands looking at the boys.

"Damn can we watch?" Pete asked drooling.

"Peter!! You better come over here and give me a kiss!!" Rose yelled. Pete ran to her side and kissed her in front of everyone.

We all laughed. Patrick grabbed my hand. "You better pick me!" I whispered.

"Trust me you're a better kisser than Pete!" Patrick whispered.

I laughed.

"Hey I heard that!" Pete yelled hurt.

Patrick shook his head and laughed. We said bye to everyone and went out to a taxi. Patrick told him which hotel to go to.

"So what happened with the tour?" I asked.

"We had some time off anyways. So it worked out. After tomorrow we're going to catch a flight and meet up with them." Patrick said kissing my neck softly.

I smiled and enjoyed the kisses.



"I'm ready." I said biting my bottom lip and waiting for his reaction.

He looked up at me surprised.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Ok." Patrick pulled me into a kiss.

"But not right now. Wait until we get to the room." I said pulling him away.

We got to the hotel and practically ran to the room. Patrick opened the door and pushed my up against the wall.

We both know what was going to happen next. Only this time we don't have to hide our feelings for each other.
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Wow, two in one day!! Yay!!

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