She Loves You

We Are Perfect

~Three Months Later~

"OHHHH My god!! Jen Wake UP!!!" I heard Andy yell.

I rolled over pulling the blankets over both me and Patrick's head.

"Please. I really need your help!!!" Andy yelled. We felt him jump on the bed.

"GET UP!!" Andy screamed jumping up and down. I kicked him down with my foot.


"Just talk to him. I'll be in the shower. Join me later." Patrick whispered getting up from the bed.

I sighed and sat up.

"Ok. I'm at a lost for words. I met this girl Ryan and she's really great. I really like her. I mean really like her." Andy said sitting on the bed.

"So what's the problem?" I asked bored and not understanding what he was getting at.

"I don't know how to ask her out. She has this beautiful long brown curly hair with purple highlights, and green eyes." Andy sighed and put his head in his hands. "She's gorgeous."

We had been in California for two months now. The boys are recording the second album. Rose is back in Chicago.

"Now how did you get into this one?" I asked Andy smirking a bit.

"I met Ryan about a year ago here in Cali at a tattoo parlor. She got an A7X tat on his pelvis. Hands down she has the ones I've seen."

"Seems like you screwed yourself over, by not asking her out." I laughed.

"But I need you to help me!" he whined.

I rolled my eyes at how childish he was being. "How about we have game night, and invite her. I'll met and talk to her." I suggested

His eyes widen and he nodded his head. "Yea, that would be awesome! When?"

"How about after I shower I tell you? There's someone waiting for me." I whispered motioning my head towards the restroom.

"EWW. I'll see you in a bit." Andy got up and ran out the door shutting it closed.

I smiled and walked over to the door. Patrick was humming softly. I smiled. I stripped down and stepped into the shower.

Patrick turned around and smiled. For the first time I scanned his body. He noticed and blushed.

"Why are you blushing?" I asked standing underneath the water.

"You act like you've never seen me before."

"I haven't you always cover up." I pouted. Patrick laughed and kissed me softly.

"You know how self conscious I am." Patrick said softly.

"I know but I'm the only one who gets to see you." I grabbed the shampoo and put some in the palm of my hand.

"No I want to wash your hair!" Patrick pouted. I laughed. I gave him whatever was in my hand and he washed my hair.

We washed each other and got out of the shower.

"So what are you doing today?" I asked Patrick walking out of the bathroom and into the room.

"Lying down, and cuddling with you all day long." Patrick said walking over to the bed.

I smiled wide. I put on clothes and walked over to the bed. I got underneath the covers and cuddled up to him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled.

"So what did Andy want?" Patrick asked.

"He doesnt' know how to talk to a girl." I laughed.

"Really? Wow..."

I nodded.

"Patrick, can you come out really quick?" We heard Pete yell over through the door.

Patrick sighed. He got up to open the door.

"What's up Pete?" Patrick asked as he let Pete in.

"Are you umm busy?" Pete asked looking around. He seemed a little jumpy. His eyes were bloodshot and had bags underneath them. He seemed paler too.

"Kind of.......why?" Patrick asked worry.

"No reason. Um I'm going to go and take a walk around." Pete said walking out the door and pulling up his hoodie.


Before Patrick could close the door, Pete left the apartment.

"That was weird." I said in a small state of shock.

"I guess." Patrick shrugged and closed the door.

"When are you going to see that something is not right with him?" I asked getting a little upset.

"Nothing's wrong with him. It's just the stress." Patrick tried avoiding the subject.

It wasn't working.

"No it's not. Come on Patrick, that's not the Pete we know. Something is wrong with him, and you are acting like everything is ok! It's more than just stress and you know it!" I yelled pointing at the door.

"Why are you yelling at me?? I mean honestly, Jen, I don't know what's going on with him ok? Is that what you want me to say? I'm doing this record alone, and I'm under enough stress as it is. I can't deal with him right now. He'll talk to me when he's ready." Patrick yelled angrily. He grabbed a hoodie. "I need to get out of here."

I was a little shock. Patrick had never yelled at me like that. Never

"No. Please. I'm sorry." I pleaded.

He grabbed a hat.

"Patrick, don't leave." I pleaded again.

Just like that he was gone. He walked out that door pretending he didn't hear me. He reminded me of Will.

I sat on the bed and began crying. I climbed underneath the covers and cried in my pillow.

Then I heard a second cry. It wasn't mine. I got up from the bed and followed the cry. It led me all way to the front door. I pressed my ear up against the door.

"I promised her I would never walk out. Now look what I just did." I heard Patrick say.

"I'm sure she just understands that you were mad and needed to cool down." I heard Andy say.

"I love her so fucking much it hurts. All those times I saw her get her heartbroken killed me. Shit I even punched my best friend for breaking her heart. I'd do anything for her. I can't even go on without fighting with her and being an ass. I want to be perfect for her. I want us to be perfect." Patrick said again.

"But we are perfect." I said opening the door slowly.

Patrick looked at me startled. He was sitting on the floor in the hallway with his hat down. Andy smiled at me warmly and walked away.

"Whatever. Look at how perfect we are right now. We're mad at each other." Patrick said wiping away his tears. I went over and sat down next to him.

"Patrick, we are what everybody wants. We have everything everyone searches for in a relationship. We're faithful, loyal, caring, loving, and best friends. We talk to each other and attend to one another's need. We have our disagreements, but that's normal. If we never had a fight, I would start to think something was wrong." I said softly.

Patrick wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. "We are the envy of most people huh?" he asked with a small smile playing on his lips. I nodded. "I guess we are perfect."

"Of course you are." Joe said walking out into the hallway. "Are you going to have makeup sex now?"

"Joseph!!" I gasped.

"What?" Joe asked lost.

"What we do is our business!" I said nuzzling my face in Patrick's neck.

"Not when the rest of us hear it! 'Oh Patrick.'-'Oh Jen.'" Joe mocked us.

Patrick scrunched up his nose. "We don't sound like that."

"Whatever dude. I'm telling you that you do. Next time I'll record it!" Joe turned around and walked back into his apartment.

"Let's go inside and watch some movies." I suggested. Patrick nodded.

We walked into the living area. Patrick went to make some popcorn while I took out say anything to watch. Before Patrick came back to join me, my sidekick went off.

I went over and picked it up.

"Yello?" I asked into the phone.

"Hey Jen."

"Oh. Hey Rose."

"What are you doing right now?" She asked.

"Going to watch a movie with Patrick. Why?"

"No reason. I'm bored here." She sighed.

"Then why not come out here for a couple of days?" I asked.

"Pete doesn't think it's a good idea." Something was wrong. I could tell by the tone in her voice.

"Rose? What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"I don't know. Pete hasn't been Pete. I don't know if you've noticed. Something's wrong. I think it's the medication he's taking." Rose said quietly.

"I know what you mean. Let's just give it some time. He'll come around."

"Yea you're right. I gotta go to work. I'll talk to you later." Rose said. She hung up before I could say bye.

I put my phone down. Rose was right. Something was definitely wrong.

"Who was that?" Patrick asked coming to sit next to me on the couch.

"Rose." I stated softly.

"Oh ok. Well start the movie."

I pressed play and cuddled up with Patrick.

Little did we know everything was about to change.

Little did we know that things with Pete would never be the same.

Little did we know things with us would never be the same.
♠ ♠ ♠
"They tried to make me go to rehab"
