She Loves You

The Worst Did Happen

About 4 months have passed. Things with Patrick just seemed great. Although I wish I could say the same for Pete. We Have noticed a change in his behavior. I mean even Dirty saw a change.

The boys were getting ready to start a small tour of England. I hadn't talked to Pete since we got home for California, which seemed odd considering we talked all the time before.

But for today I knew something bad would happen.

I mean 'What is the worst that could happen today', right?

I believe I spoke too soon for that one, because I received an odd phone call from Patrick.

"What's up, babe?" I answered the phone.

"Pete's not going to be able to come on tour." Patrick said in a hushed voice.

"What? Why?" I asked shocked. Pete never missed a show. I mean NEVER!! Not even when the band was starting out.

"I don't know, but Bob just said he wasn't going to make it. I think something bad happened, but I'm not sure at all." Patrick sighed.

I felt bad for Patrick. Pete and him were best friends and lately, it didn't seem like it anymore. Pete hasn't been Pete in a long time. So we were all out in the blue with this kind of stuff.

Patrick and the rest of the guys were just so stressed with this record, that for Pete to not come on tour was going to mean that they had to do all the talking on stage. And Neither one of them were good at that.

"Well, that's just too bad. So, what do you want me to do?" I asked trying to comfort him.

"Can you see if you can talk to him, or something? We're all worried and Bob isn't talking." Patrick asked.

I smiled. "Sure thing. I'll do my best."

"Thanks. I gotta get on the plane. I love you, and I'll call you when I land." He said.

"I love you too." I smiled.

We hung up the phone. I sighed loudly getting all my stuff together for school. I really didn't know what he wanted me to do. Pete wasn't even answering my calls. I started to look through my phonebook.

I decided to call Rose.

"Hello?" Rose answered.

"Hey, It's me!" I said in a cheerful tone.

"What's up?" She said softly.

"What's wrong? You sound like you've crying." I said in a more serious tone.

"Pete...had an accident." She whispered into the phone. Her voice was only loud enough for me to hear her.

"Like a car accident?" I asked confused.

She sighed in the phone. I could hear her take a deep breath. "No, like he had an overdose, and is recovering in the hospital kind of accident." She said in one breath.

"WHAT?" I shouted.

I guess the worst did happen.
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You know it's funny because I remember reading on Fall Out Boy's website about Pete getting food poisioning and not going to make the England tour. Crazy,
