She Loves You


I had talked to Pete after that day. He seemed to have things back together. Well at least on their way back together. I never told Patrick about what happened. Pete and I agreed that would be his doing.

Things with Pete got alot better. We talk everyday and hang out everyday. Him and Rose broke it off, although sometimes I still think they have a thing going on. His words it's a "Love/hate relationship." What ever that means.

There was something else that was bothering. I didn't want to tell anyone about it. I missed my last period. I am late by a month. I have an appointment tomorrow for a test, and Rose is going with me. I haven't even told her what it was about.

"Jen it's slow. Go ahead and clock out. I know you have class in the morning." My boss, Sylvia told me.

I nodded and grab my things to head home.

I couldn't focus...if I was..How was I going to tell Patrick?

I just hope I am not.

~The next day~

"Why did I have to come again?" Rose asked for the 100th time.

"Because...Just... don't worry. What are you doing tonight?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Going out to eat with Peter." She smiled.

"Just get back together." I sighed. "It would be easier for me."

"Whatever." She sighed. "Why did I come?"

I sighed. I had to tell her. "I think I might be pregnant. I need support."

"What?? Does Pete or Patrick know?" She asked shocked.

I shook my head in a no manner. "I am not saying anything until I know for sure."

"Damn, I hope I get to be the godmother. I should be. I've earned it."

"We don't even know if I am."

"I am just letting you know now. I am here to support you."

"Jennifer Anderson?" The nurse asked.

I stood up and followed her.

"I need to you give me a urine sample, then go ahead and wait in the this office. We will let you know the results." She said handing me a cup.

I did my business and went to the office. My heart was beating fast. I didn't want to pregnant. Patrick couldn't deal with this. He has a record coming out. I have two more years of school.

"Hello Jennifer. I'm doctor Sara. How are you?" A petite lady with blond hair and red framed glasses said holding her hand out.

"I'm fine thank you." I smiled nervously.

"You were her for a pregnancy test. The results came back negative. Now is there is any reason you have missed your period?" She asked.

"Not that I know of." I shrugged.

"Ok, well, are you on birth control?" She asked concerned.

I shook my head no.

"I think that would be best. To regulate yourself. Are you at least using condoms?"


"Ok, let's discuss your options." She said. I just nodded.

At least I'm not pregnant. That should be the least of my worries.

~30 minutes later~

"So you're not pregnant?" Rose asked disappointed.

i laughed and shook my head. "Afraid not."

We got into the car. I dropped her off, and started my way back home. I got home in 10 minutes, and got off. I walked into the house, and noticed Patrick's stuff in the living room. I smiled at myself, and then frowned. He never told me that he was coming home today.

I walked in the hallway, and heard the shower running. I decided to sit on the bed and wait for him to come out. I was pissed that he didn't tell me anything. But I know he's still mad that I didn't tell him about Pete.

I waited on the bed for him. He came out in a towel, and just looked at me.

"Hi to you too." I huffed.

After he put on boxers and a shirt he turned to look at me. "Nice to see you talking to me again."

"Whatever. I told you Pete would tell you what happened. If you want to be like that fine." I sighed walking towards the kitchen.

It was a while until he came into the kicthen too. "I'm sorry. I know it's not your fault. The tour was tough." Patrick sighed sitting at the table with me.

"I know. Pete talked to you today. He told me earlier."

"Yea he did. Everything seems to getting back to normal. I am only home for two weeks, than we're going on another tour. Then the album comes out, and then warped tour. I want to spend this time together." He said looking up at me.

I nodded. This year was going to be the toughest one. We were going to be apart for more than a month's time.

"Where did you go earlier?" He asked.

"I had to go to the doctor's for birth control." I stated.

I got up and went to sit on his lap. I kissed him lips deeply. "I missed you." I whispered.

"I missed you." Patrick whispered back. He kissed me and smiled. "I have a present."

He pushed me off gently, and went to one of his bags. He pulled out a small velvet box.

"I saw it and thought about you." He blushed.

I smiled and took it from him. I opened to see a diamond ring. It a bit big for my liking, but it looked antique.

"Patrick.." I gasped. I looked at him to see him on one knee.

"Will you marry me, Jennifer?"
♠ ♠ ♠
"Would you marry me? Would you bury me to the end?"

I tricked you on the pregnancy thing didn't I? message/comment. And thanks to those who read and give me feedback.