She Loves You

Is All Lost?

I sat there on the couch of the apartment I once shared with Patrick. Seems that even though we made love that night and I thought all was well, it wasn't. I hadn't spoken to him since then.

I called.

He never answered.

My faith in him disappeared. He turned into someone I didn't know anymore. Someone I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

I decided to move out. Rose got an apartment and was in need for a room mate. I took up the offer, since I didn't want to out run my welcome at the Wentz's resident. My mother tried to help. I know she was disappointed. She's been talking about becoming a grandmother, forever.

I grabbed my last box of belongings, and looked around one last time. Once last tear fell down my face. I closed the door locked it, and handed to the land lord.

I got into the car and drove. I went to the one place that kept me sane. I wanted to talk to the one person who never let me down, and is always there for me.

I began walking towards his grave. I sat on the bench we placed after the funeral.

"Hi dad. It's been a while. Alot has changed. Patrick and I...well." I began choking on my tears. "I messed up dad. I don't think he's ever going to forgive me. I want to take back my answer. I'm afraid of the commitment. I'm not ready for marriage. I want to live my life. I don't want to hurt him anymore."

I stopped and cried. I cried about everything. For the first time I felt different. It felt good to cry. Once I was able to stop, I took a deep breath. I felt the weight lift off my chest.

"Thanks dad. You always had a way of making me feel better. I love you." I smiled placing the roses I bought in the vase. I took one last look at his grave and smiled to myself.

I walked back to my car when my phone went off. It was my brother Oscar. He just so happened to get a job on the tour with the guys. He just moved back home and Joe hired him for his guitar tech. We haven't been as close as we once were but we were working on improving it.

"Hey lil sis. How goes it?" Oscar said into the phone.

"It goes. How's the tour?" I asked.

"Ok. Look I know things haven't been great with us, but I want you to know that Patrick is a mess."

I stayed silent.

"I know you two love each other alot. I've always known it. You two need to talk."

"No. I'm not ready and neither is he. Thanks for your concern big bro, but I'm good. I got to go. I just got to the new apartment. bye." I said hanging up the phone.

I started to unload all of my belongings. Rose came down to help me. She seemed more than happy to have me live with her.

"I can't believe you came to live with me.!! I'm so excited. this is going to be like having a sister!!"

"I know!! Sometimes I would wish my brother would turn into a girl. I would wish for it every night."

"Wow. It never came true." She asked shocked.

"Nope." I laughed.

"Yea well. You got a call. It was Gerard." She said putting my boxes down in the room

"Really? why did he call here?" I asked surprised.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Here's the number call back." She handed me a piece of paper and walked out of the room.

I looked down at the paper.

Gerard Way called me.

I called the number waiting for him to answer.


"Gerard, it's Jennifer." I said.

"Oh good it's you. I need a huge favor."

After about an hour of talking, everything was settle. My Chem needed a replacement photographer. They had seen some pics I had taken for FOB. I agreed to come on board. I got my suitcase and packed everything I needed for two months.

This was a great opportunity.

My mind can rid of Patrick Stump.

How do get rid of someone who's suppose to be there?
♠ ♠ ♠
"Razor, you're such a fatal attraction"

I wonder what will happen......
