She Loves You

Love Me Do


We pulled up to the parking lot. After she turned off the car I got out and started walking towards the trail. I could feel her follow close behind me.

My emotions for her were running through my body. I wanted so much to tell her how much I wanted her, to tell her how much I've always wanted her. I lost my chance though, she was committed to some one else. I lost.

"Hey Patrick?" She asked. I loved her voice. I've never forgotten how she said my name. no one has ever said my name the way she has.

"Yea?" I answered.

"When was the last time you came here?" She asked.

"Before I went on tour this last time." I stepped over the weeds and onto the sandy trail.


"When was the last time you were here?" I asked.

We got to the small creek. It was our secret place. No one knew about this place except for us.

"When you left the first time." She said softly. There was sadness in her voice. Something was wrong, but I didn't know how to ask her.

We found our chairs, and sat down. I sat there and looked up at the full moon. There was the awkward silence. That silence killed us. Pete said it was a sign that I should just let go and tell her how I feel. But I couldn't do that. Jennifer was my best friend, and the only thing that kept me wanting to come back home. I hadn't seen or talked to her in two years. Some how we lost contact. I always tried to call her up when I came back, but I couldn't. I always thought she forgot about me, and moved on. My proof was her fiance.

I turned and looked at her. How her green eyes shined with the moonlight. She looked up and her eyes met mine. She gave that warm kind smile that made my heart melt.

"Tell me Jennifer what have you been doing these past two years?" I asked breaking the awkward silence.

"I'm going to school full time and working at a record store. Nothing new." She shrugged.

"Yea something new, you're engaged." I said sarcastically. That killed me. It was like a bad nightmare.

"I guess." She mumbled.

"So tell me about him." I really didn't want to know about him, but I had to know. I had to know my competition.

"Well my mom set me up on a date." Jen shrugged.

"Your mom was still trying to find the right one, and setting you up on blind dates?" I asked a bit shocked. I mean she's already 20.

"Yea well with this one she did ok. He's name is Will." She said with a heavy sigh.

"Just ok?" I asked a bit shocked.

"Yea, just ok. I don't think he's the one, but then again I don't think I would find the one." She sounded sad. Something was wrong with her, but I couldn't bring myself to ask her what was really going on.

"Maybe you have met the one, and he's right in front of you. Maybe you never noticed." I whispered. I had to hint a little.

She looked at me and smiled. "Maybe you are right. Maybe he is right in front of me."

Something in me told me to go for it. To kiss her, but whatever it was, I did it. I kissed her. I felt her soft lips on mine, and I didn't want it to end. I waited for her reaction, but got none. I pulled away quickly to look at her, but when I did she turned her head. I felt like an idiot. I instantly regretted what I did.

"I'm sorry Jennifer. I didn't mean to." I said quickly.

She turned to look at me. Her eyes were watery with tears waiting to come out.

"No Patrick, don't be sorry. It's-it's just that I can't. I want to-but I can't." She whispered wiping her tears away.

"I understand. It's my fault." I stood up to walk away. I felt so embarrassed but hurt at the same time. I knew she didn't feel the same way.

She grabbed me by my wrist. I turned to look at her. "Patrick, it's not your fault, I've been waiting for that for a while."

Her phone started ringing, and let go of my wrist. I watched as she took out her phone, and answered it.

I decided to sit back down and think. I didn't want to lose her. She was everything. She knew me better than Pete. She was everything I've ever wanted and needed.

"Sorry it was my mom." Jennifer whispered.

"It's ok."

"Patrick?" she asked.


"How long have you wanted to kiss me?" she asked.

"Since we were 15." I answered.


Then that damn silence came again. Why won't it just die? I wonder how long she's been wanting to do that. Or if she even wants to kiss me.



"Me too."

"You too, what?" I asked confused by what she said.

"I know you won't ask me if Ive been wanting to do that and I have been waiting for you to kiss me. So I'm going to answer it for you." She stated simply.

I sat and thought about it for a while. Then it clicked.

"You've been wanting to kiss me since we were 15?"

"Yea I have. I just thought since we were best friends you know it always felt as though you didn't want it."



I sighed and looked away from her. "We should stay friends. I mean you're engaged and I don't want to be the home wrecker." I whispered. It killed me to say it, but it was true."Let's forget this ever happened and move on."

"Ok Pat, let's go home." She said sadly, getting up. I nodded and followed her back to the car.

Jennifer is the only girl I love. I'd do anything to see her happy. I know that she would be happy with me and not him.
♠ ♠ ♠
no qoute...i'm too tired to put one.
