She Loves You

Name It Dracula

"Why is everyone here?" Alicia asked me.

I smiled. "You'll see." I said teasingly.

Patrick stood up trying to get everyone to calm down. "Alright guys. I think all of you want to know what the deal is. Today we are celebrating a great moment in Jen and I's life. We decided to get back together."

"Aww." everyone sang.

"I know, I know, but here comes the best part...WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!" He grinned.

Everyone started to cheer and yell congragulations.

I smiled as Patrick bent down to kiss me. Pete ran up tp us and hugged me, and kissed Patrick. Patrick of course freaked out and pushed him away.

One by one everyone came around to congragulate us. Frank stopped and smiled. He hugged me tight. "I told you it would work out."

I just nodded and smiled. The rest of the night I didn't eat. Lately food has become my enemy. so, I just listened to the conversation around.

"Peter is a good name. I'm telling you the truth." Pete told Patrick.

He wants us to name our kid after him. Right now he is trying to convince Patrick that his name is the best one to the give the baby.

"Why don't you have a kid and name him that." Patrick argued.

Pete shook his head. " No because he would have to be the IV. That name's too long." Pete argued back.

"Whatever, name the fucking kid Dracula." Gerard intervened.

I started to giggle. Patrick and Pete gave Gee an odd look. Silence over took them as they both stared at him agape.

"I agree." Pete finally said. "It's original."

"I don't." Patrick said putting his hand up and shaking in a no matter.

"It's two to one." Gerard pointed out.

"What if it's a girl?" I asked finally giving my two cents.

"Wendy." Pete answered wearing a proud smile. He knew it was going to piss off Patrick.

"Nooo!!! This is me and Jen's baby. We will name it what we want." Patrick finally said standing his ground.

"You're so selfish." Pete huffed crossing his arms and turning his back on us.

I just rolled my eyes. I laid my head gently on Patrick's head. I closed my eyes.

"tired?" Patrick whispered in my ears.

I nodded tiredly.

We announced our retirement for the night, and went up to my room. Patrick decided to sleep with me.

We got comfortable and laid down on the bed.

"I'm glad we're back together." He said softly.

"Me too." I said closing my eyes.

Patrick began to sing "My girl" into my ear.

I smiled and pulled myself closer to him.

"I am going to take care of you and the baby. Promise." He said right before I fell into a deep sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Aww....." I know isn't that cute??
