She Loves You

Life Is Perfect

Four Months Later

I hated being pregnant. I'm serious. It's nothing glamorous. But a part of me is excited and can't wait for this. I'm having a baby with Patrick, what girl wouldn't be happy, right?

"I feel like a beach ball. Air just keeps entering my tummy everyday." I groaned to Rose sitting on the couch.

"Shut up. That 'air' in your tummy is your baby." She retorted.

I just rolled my eyes. "So the boys come home today." I said trying to make conversation.

Rose turned to me with a huge smile on my face. I looked at her confused. "What?" I asked.

"Pete comes home." She sighed dreamily.

I laughed at her. She looked up at me questionably.

"What?" she asked innocently.

I just shook my head. "You and Pete are so weird, that's all."

She just shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes. "What about you and Patrick?"

"We're doing good. He's getting a bit annoying. I mean I know it's both our first kid, but he needs to lighten up. The calls get tiring." I sighed rubbing my head.

This time she laughed at me. "You're just pregnant and moody."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to go to the doctor's for my checkup."

I got up, hugged her and headed towards my car. I started to look inside my purse to look for my keys.

"Hey, beautiful." I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked up to see Patrick standing next to my car. I dropped my purse and ran to him. He caught me in his arms, and kissed my neck lightly.

"I missed you!" I cried.

"Aww, baby, you don't have to cry. I missed you too." He said pulling away to look at me. A big smile swept across his face.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You're pregnant." He grinned. I had seen him a week after MCR and that was four, almost five months ago.

"I'm fat." I groaned rubbing my belly. I was starting to show more and more.

Patrick frowned and shook his head. "No you're pregnant, and look gorgeous."

This time I frowned. "So I wasn't gorgeous before?"

"No, no baby that's not what I meant. You are always gorgeous." He said trying to explain to me.

I rolled my eyes and went to pick up my purse. I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door.

"Are you mad?" He asked before getting in the car.

I opened my door and glared at him. If looks could kill, they would have already killed Patrick. He just shook his head mumbling something about pregnant women and got in. He knew I had a doctor's appointment and I was headed there.

We drove in silence. Even when we got to the doctor's we were in silence. I wasn't even mad anymore, but I didn't want him to know that just yet. When my name was called out, I got up and motioned for Patrick to come with me. The nurse showed us to a room and told us the doctor would soon be here.

"Are you nervous?" Patrick asked as the nurse left us.

I was sitting on the examining table. I nodded a little bit. "Yea. I want a girl."

Patrick smiled. "I want a healthy baby."

I kissed his cheek and he blushed slightly.

Doctor Troy walked in. He turned and smiled at me. "Hello Jennifer. How are you?"

I smiled back. "Good thank you."

"And who is this?" He asked looking at Patrick.

"My boyfriend and father of the baby, Patrick." I answered.

"Good to meet you. I'm Dr. Troy."

They both shook hands. Patrick looked at me a bit confused. My Dr. Troy was a bit young. I would say he was in his mid-30s. Not to mention he was good looking, but not my type.

"Ok I want you to lie back, and lift your shirt." Dr. Troy advised. I did what was told, and lift up My Chemical Romance shirt over my belly.

I looked at Patrick while the Dr. did my measurements, poke at my stomach, and did my blood pressure, and temperature. Patrick looked uncomfortable.

"There's a slight problem." Dr. Troy said after taking my blood pressure.

My heart stopped. This can't be happening.

"You're blood pressure is very high. That's not good for you or the baby." He explained.

"What should she do?" Patrick asked a bit worried.

"Rest and try to avoid stressful situations." He simply answered. He grabbed some Jelly and rubbed it on my stomach. "Now, ready to see what it is?"

Patrick and I eyes widened with excitement. We both nodded and waited for the doctor to find the body part.

"Everything is looking very good. Although the baby is a bit underweight, and I am going to need to gain another 5 pounds."

"Ok." I nodded.

"There it is." Dr. Troy whispered to himself. "Congratulations. You two kids are having a baby girl." He turned the sonogram machine to face me and Patrick.

Patrick smiled in excitement. "She's just as beautiful as her mother."

I reached up to kiss him lightly on his lips. "Wow." I gasped.

"Alright Jennifer, I am going to need you to eat more, and gain some weight. At the front desk the nurse will give you your vitamins, a copy of the sonogram, and get you a time for your next appointment. She will also tell you how to keep your blood pressure down. That's the only thing I am worried about." Dr. Troy said standing up.

"You have good day, Patrick." He said shaking his hand.

I fixed myself up, and walked out of the room. We got what we needed and headed towards the car. Patrick grabbed my hands, and twirled me around to face him.

"I love you so much. I can't believe we're having a girl." He whispered in my ear. We hugged and kissed each other before heading in the car and driving away.

We were having a baby girl, and happy about it. I just got worried about my blood pressure. The nurse gave a sheet explaining how to keep it down, and what to do if it gets to high.

Life is as perfect as gets at this point.
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