She Loves You

Love Will Keep Us Together

There I was there, lying on my bed crying. I haven't stopped crying since I was in the hospital. I hadn't talked to Patrick since then either. I shut everyone and everything out of my life. I didn't want to do anything anymore.

For two months now, my life has been in pieces.

I lost the two greatest things in my life. Why did I need to be happy?

The boys had left for tour. Pete called every night to try and talk to me, but I refused. I wasn't ready to face anyone.

Today I was laying down in Patrick's old shirt, and a gallon of ice cream. I sat there ate ice cream and cried. That's what I did everyday. I sat in my room ate ice cream, and cried about Patrick, and the about the baby.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Go away." I yelled childishly.

"No, open up!" I heard Chris yell.

"I said go away!!" I yelled throwing my empty carton of ice cream at the door.

"No!" I heard Oscar yelled.

Next thing I know the door swung open. There stood Chris and Oscar.

"Leave." I groaned. I lie back down and cover my body with the blankets.

"No. we're here to help whether you want it or not. You need to get out of bed." Oscar said sternly.

"I don't want to." I whined like a child. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes again.

"Too bad. Now shower, and get dress. There is somewhere we need to be, and we're late." Chris said taking the blankets off me and held on to them tight so I wouldn't get them back.

"Fine, go." I groaned getting out of bed and heading towards the shower.

I got ready. I pulled my wet hair into a ponytail, and pulled on some jeans, and a shirt. I walked into the living room and saw Oscar, Chris, and Rose whispering. I cleared my throat to let them know I was standing there.

"Ok, I'm going to be put this on. Don't fight." Chris said putting a blind fold over me. "Fight and we'll tie your hands."

I groaned and felt someone throwing me over their shoulder. Then I was in a car.

"If you wanted to kill me, just do it." I sighed.

"Whatever, we don't want to do that. We love you, and you are going to love this." I heard Oscar say next to me.

It felt like we drove forever. I almost felt myself fall asleep.

"Where here." Oscar announced.

I felt myself being carried once again. Only this time I was being carried bridal style.

"We're almost there." Chris whispered.

I sighed out of boredom and nodded. I didn't know where they were going with this. The only thing that I was sure of was that I couldn't fight back. I'm not quite sure I wanted to fight back.

Then I was placed on a something for me to sit on. Then I heard a soft voice.

"Guys, can you untie me now?"

It belonged to Patrick. I undid my blindfold, and attempted to adjust to the light. I heard the door close and I looked up to see Patrick staring out the window.

I panicked. I didn't want to be there. I wasn't ready to face him yet. I needed to get out of there and fast. I ran to the door and banged hard.

"It's no good. I've tried. They won't let us out until we talk." Patrick groaned.

I gave up and sat on the stool I was once sitting on.

We stayed there for a while not talking. I didn't want to go first. I didn't know where to start, or what to say.

So I did what came naturally at the moment:

I cried.

I felt warm arms wrap around me. I pulled myself closer to him and sobbed into his chest.

"Baby, don't cry." Patrick whispered in my ear.

I shook my head and attempted to wipe away my tears with my hands. "You hate me."

Patrick made an angry face. Then he looked at me and shook his head. "I never hated you. Why would you say that?"

My green puffy eyes met his blue ones. "Because I let the baby die inside me." I choked out.

Patrick grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes. "I never, ever blamed you for what happened to the baby. You understand me?"

I nodded my head slowly. I'm not sure I agreed with him, but I knew I still loved him.

Then he embraced me into a tight hug. I took in his scent, and smiled softly to myself.

For that moment, I knew everything was going to be alright.

I knew that no matter what, we could get through anything.
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YAY!!! He still loves her...awww this one is ending soon. That makes me sad!!