She Loves You

The Truth About Will

"So what are you going to do about the wedding?" Patrick asked.

We had been lying in his bed all day. We had been talking for hours. We talked about what seemed everything. It felt like everything was in place, except for Will. That was something I really didn't want to talk about. I didn't love Will, he knew that, and I knew that. We weren't in love. I can't even remember why I agreed to marry him.

"I don't know. I mean I love you and want to see where this goes, but there's Will." Truth being that I hated will. I was sort of forced into being engaged with him. There were things that I couldn't even admit to myself about Will.

"How long have you and will been together?"

"About a month after you left."

Patrick held on to me tighter.

"I can I tell you something?" Patrick whispered.

"Anything." I whispered back.

"I think if I would have told how I felt before I left; we would have been getting married right now."

I was taken back by what he said. It was unlike Patrick to say something like that. He was always so shy.

"Wow, I would never thought you would say that." I smiled.

"I know. I told you I've changed."

I giggled. "Yea Patrick you have."

"So what do you want to do?" he asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Let's go to dinner. I want to take you somewhere." Patrick got up from the bed, and grabbed a hat.

I sat up and smiled. Patrick leaned on the bed and whispered in my ear, "You're smile is beautiful."

I turned a light shade of pink and kissed his cheek.

"Come on let's go!" I said in excitement, and running out his room. I ran down the stairs and out to his car.

After 5 minutes later Patrick came out.

"Sorry, my mom called. Do you mind if afterwards we go over to her house and visit?" Patrick asked.

"No. I haven't seen your mom in a long time." I said getting in the car. We took off and 15 minutes later arrived at our destination.

"Chili's?" I asked surprised.

"Yea I know how much you love it!" Patrick said stepping out of the car.


"No problem. That's what best friends should do!" Patrick said excitedly.

~After Visiting Patrick's mom~

Dinner went really well. We talked some more and joked around. I hadn't had this much fun with him in forever. We visited his mom and had some good laughs about the old days. I loved Patrick's mom, she always treated me like a daughter.

"Ready to go home?" Patrick asked as we left his mom's.

I shook my head, but knew that I had to. "No, but we'll see each other tomorrow, right?" I asked.

Patrick smiled and enlaced our fingers. "Of course."

"Where do you live now?" he asked leaving the parking lot.

"With Will, in an apartment in Chicago downtown." I answered. I gave the directions. The rest of the night was silent. Only this silence was an appreciated one.

He pulled into the apartment parking lot and turned the car off.

"So this is where I leave you for tonight. I want to kiss you, but Will is up there in that building, and it wouldn't be right." Patrick said looking at the apartment building. He could be such a gentleman sometimes.

I started to get out, and Patrick followed.

"Patrick I don't think it's a good idea for you to come in." I said softly. I tried to conceal my nervous voice. There was a reason I didn't want him to come with me. It was a good one at best.

"I'm just being a gentleman and making sure that you get home safe, that's all." Patrick stated.

I knew I couldn't talk him out of this one. When Patrick had a mission, he went all the way. I was just scared to see Will. He was crazy jealous. I mean CRAZY jealous. I was afraid to see what he would do if he say Patrick. Thank God he wasn't home when Pete picked me up.

I opened the apartment to Will sitting on the couch.

Will stood up and turned around to look at me.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Will yelled at me.

"I was hanging out with some old friends. I told you that." I said quietly.

"Who's this? Someone you're fucking?" Will yelled pointing at Patrick.

"No this is my best friend Patrick." I said shaking my head down and pointing to Patrick.

"I'm Patrick, you must be Will. Nice to meet you." Patrick said holding his hand out.

"I'm not fucking happy about meeting you. Stay away from her. Ok?" Will said pushing Patrick's hand away. Will looked at me and grabbed my arm. I winced from the pain. "I already told you. You're my Fiance that means my wife in practice. You need to get use to telling me where you are and who. If I don't like it you can't go. Got it?" He yelled pulling me to him and shaking me a little.

I didn't answer. Will grabbed my face with one hand to meet his eyes. "I said understand?"

I nodded and pulled away. I wasn't going to let him see me cry. Will pushed me to ground and told me to stay there. Patrick was standing there shocked that I had no reaction to what he did.

"As for you, you can leave. I take it from her." Will said to Patrick opening the door.

Patrick ignored Will and came over to my side.

"Jen are you ok?" Patrick asked rubbing my arm.

"Just leave Patrick." I said quietly through my tears and pushing him away.

"Is that what you really want?" Patrick asked.


Patrick stood up and looked at him. I don't know where this kid got the courage to stand up to someone like Will. Will is 6'4 and 200 pounds of muscle. Patrick is only 5'6 and wait I don't know his weight, but it's sure as hell a lot less than Will's.

"No I want her to look me in the eyes and tell me herself." Patrick stated coldly. Patrick glared straight into Will's eyes. Will looked down at him and laughed at him.

Next thing I know Patrick is laying on the ground bleeding. Patrick stood back up and swung, but Will ducked. Before Will had a chance to swing back, I grabbed Patrick by the arm and ran to the bathroom. We closed the door and put one of our drawers to block the door. Will was banging, and screaming through the door.

I took out my cell and dialed Pete's number.

"Pete. I need you and boys to come to my apartment. Will is going crazy." I said rushing.

"Where's Patrick?" Pete asked worried.

"We're locked in the bathroom. Hurry!" I yelled, and hung up the phone.

Patrick hadn't said a word to me. He had a white towel to his nose. I walked over to his corner and sat down next to him.

"Why didn't you tell me the truth about him?" Patrick asked softly. The white towel was now covered in blood. I could tell that he was trying his best to hide his anger.

"Because I was scared that something bad would happen." I whispered in my tears.

"Look where that got us!" Patrick yelled. "I know you're use to this by now. I mean you didn't react to anything."

"I'm sorry ok? After this we don't have to talk." I yelled back in tears.

"Good because I don't want to talk to you after this!" Patrick curled up in the corner, and turned his body away from me.

All the while Will is still banging and trying to push the door open.

I got up and walked to the tub and got in. I closed the sliding door, and cried. I cried until I heard sirens. I got up and looked out the window. I saw three police cars. I had cried so much that my face hurt. I cried until there was nothing left to cry.

"PATRICK AND JEN COME OUT! IT'S OK NOW!!!" We heard Pete yelled.

Patrick stood up, pushed the drawer out of the way, and opened the door.

"Are you ok?" Pete asked looking Patrick over.

"Yea. I need to go the hospital." Patrick muffled through the towel.

"There's an ambulance." Pete said calmly. "Where's Jen?"

Patrick pointed to the shower and walked out.

"Jen come out." Pete said sliding the door open.

"No. Patrick's hates me." I pouted wiping my tears away.

"He means well. Come on. You can stay with me tonight. Or Andy. You decide. But decide after you talk to the police ok?" Pete said hugging me tight. I nodded and walked out of the bathroom.

"Hello Jennifer. Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?" officer asked.

I nodded still holding Pete's hand. We sat down on the couch. Pete wrapped his arms around me.

This is going to be last time I talk to Patrick. I mean it......... too bad my heart doesn't agree.
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Aww, more drama...will everything be ok?

find out next time!!