She Loves You

Prince Charming(Part B)

Life without her was wrong. I regretted what I said. I regretted walking away from her when she needed me the most. How could I be so stupid? She's all I've ever needed, and wanted.

I was falling apart. I couldn't focus. All I wanted to do was lie in bed all day and think about her.

"Patrick, you smell. Take a shower, and come into the living room. I have good news." Pete yelled coming into my room.

"Pete, go away. I don't want to hear the good news." I moaned putting the pillow over my head.

"Oh really? Even if it has to do with Jen coming home?" Pete asked. I could hear the smile in his voice.

I sat up and looked at him. "She's coming home?" Pete nodded smiling like an idiot. "Well are you going to tell me?" I yelled.

"Nope. Not until you take a shower. Oh and if you don't there will be consequences." Pete threatens in a joking manner. Dirty, and hey Chris walked into my room.

"Fine, then you have to tell me." I groaned getting up and walking into the shower.

I stepped into the hot shower. Thoughts of Jen were clouding my mind. The image of her smile entered my mind. I closed my eyes, and I could see it right there in front of me. The way her violet eyes twinkled when I told her she was beautiful. I wanted her here and I needed her to forgive me for being such an ass.

I finished my shower and put some clothes on. I walked into the living room and saw Rose sitting on the couch. She was flipping through the channels. I cleared my throat and she turned to and smiled.

"Hey Patrick. The guys are in the kitchen waiting for you." She pointed to the kitchen with the remote.

"Thanks Rose." I mumbled. She nodded and focused back on flipping channels.

I walked into the kitchen. Dirty and Chris were digging through my fridge. Pete was sitting at the table.

"So what's the good news?" I asked Pete.

"Andy and I are getting Jen to come home, and you are going to get her back!" Pete grinned.

I sighed and sat crossed from Pete. "Pete she won't talk to me. I was an asshole. I should have talked to her, not walk out when she needed me."

"Dude, I swear. You love her, and she loves you. You have been in love with her since you met her. I would know, I mean even when we dated for a couple of months, I could tell she felt the same. I will tell you now what I told you then. You two will be together. I will make it happen." Pete reassured me.

"So what's your plan?" I asked. If I know Pete he has a plan. He always has a plan.

"Andy will convince her to come home. We get to the hotel. I'll text you letting you know where we're at. You come, and steal back her heart." Pete smiled proudly.

"How exactly am I suppose to be prince charming?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Remember how when you two would argue, she would lock herself in her room?" Pete asked hinting at something.

I nodded silently. I thought for a while. Then it hit me.

"The Beatles?" I asked Pete.

He nodded grinning. "Yup. Find the right song, and go for it. Trust me it will work." He patted my shoulder and stood up.

"Alright I'm going to call her, and see what's up." Pete took out his cell and walked out of the room.

I sat in the chair and thought about the things that have happened between me and Jen. We had been through so much. My parents divorcing, her father passing away, and relationships to name a few. Well she had relationship problems, and she always came to me about them. I hated to see her crying over some asshole who did something to hurt her. Now I'm the asshole she's crying over. I always knew that I could treat her so much better, but I wasn't showing any of it right now.

"SHE'S COMING!!" Pete squealed running into the room.

"Great." I mumbled.

"Cheer up buddy; they fly in tonight at 7:30." Pete was grinning. I know he felt proud of himself. I couldn't help but smile. He always went out of his to make his friends happy.

"Pete, what are you screaming about?" Rose whined coming into the kitchen where we were.

"We got Jen to come home. Patrick is going to win her heart back!" Pete said proudly.

"Jen who?" Rose asked confused.

"The girl Patrick has been in love with since he was 15. AND the girl he PUNCHED ME in the FACE for dating her, and breaking her heart." Pete said pointing to himself and pouting.

"I said I was sorry." I mumbled.

"I know, but I will tell you this. Jennifer never looked at me the way she looked at you. Besides she's one of my closet best friends, and so are you. I want you two happy."

"Wow Patrick, you punched Pete?" Rose asked in shock.

"Yea, why is that a shock?" I asked a bit hurt.

"Because well-you're Patrick." Rose tried explaining.


"So? You're like a teddy bear; you don't harm anything or anyone. It gets really annoying." Rose laughed. Pete wrapped his waist around her and smiled.

"Whatever. Get out of my house and let me figure out how to get Jen back." I said shooing them out.

"Pete come here I almost set Dirty on fire!" Hey Chris said happily as I opened the door and he ran in.

Pete grinned and kissed Rose on the cheek. She rolled her eyes at him knowing that he was going to go and do some damage. Then Pete went with Chris to go see Dirty catch on fire.

"Pete you better not doing anything stupid today. For once I'll like to have a day where we can stay hospital free!" Rose yelled at him slightly annoyed.

"I'll see you later." I said to rose as we walked over the door.

"Patrick, I think that if you just tell her how you feel everything will be ok." Rose said hugging me.

"Thanks." I smiled weakly at her.

"No problem. Now I have to go and make sure my puppies don't get lost or do something stupid." She walked away yelling at the guys for whatever they were doing. I laughed and closed the door.

I walked over to my CD collection and took out some Beatles CDs I had. I popped them into the stereo and listened to them. Jennifer was in love with them. I could never figure out why. She once told me that the lyrics speak what's in heart about the one person she truly loved. Now I know that person was me.

Then the song played. I walked over the stereo and turned it up. I smiled at myself as I thought of how Jen would react.

Mission accomplished. Now all I have to do is tell her that I'm sorry and beg for her forgiveness.
♠ ♠ ♠
"She loves you yea yea yea."

I wonder what's going to happen....hahha i know!!