She Loves You


The flight went ok, even though I hate flying. Thank god Andy was there holding my hand and comforting me. I think I would have gotten a heart attack and died.

Ok so I'm over exaggerating, but no really I hate planes.

Pete picked us up from the airport and took us to the hotel.

"I don't see why you two can't stay with me!" Pete whined for the 100th time.

I was watching something random on the TV and Andy was taking a shower.

"Pete shut up already! We already got a room, and paid. You're getting annoying!" I whined throwing a pillow at him.

"OW MY EYE!" Pete screamed.

I laughed at how girly he sounded.

"So you think it was cute." Pete asked rubbing his eye.

I shook my head. "No I KNOW it's cute!" I smiled innocently. I turned the T.V. off and walked over to my suitcase.

I felt something collide with the back of my head, and almost knocking me down. I turned my head and saw Pete grinning and trying to hide the pillow behind his back.


"No I didn't!" Pete smirked. I watched as he lay on the bed and put the pillow underneath his head.

I grabbed another pillow and hit him hard in the stomach.

"I know you didn't just do that!" Pete said shocked and standing up.

"I did. What are you going to do about it?" I asked folding my arms in front of my chest.

Pete stood up and smiled.

"This." He hit in the face with the pillow and I fell backwards. I got up and hit him in the chest.

He swung the pillow aiming for my head.

I ducked.

I swung for his head.

He ducked.

He swung for my legs.

He hit.

I went for privates!

Haha...and hit!

He went for my chest and hit!

It went on like this until Andy came out of the bathroom. By this time we both were on the floor laughing and hitting each other. Pete ended up straddling me by my hips and hitting constantly with the pillow.

"You know if you needed time alone, you could've asked." Andy smirked.

We both stopped and saw him standing with one eyebrow cocked up.

Pete got up and dusted himself off. "Dude ew no! She's so not my type! Besides she's in love with Patrick!" Pete squealed.

"Panda you better help me up!" I yelled still on the floor. Pete reached out his hand and I took it.

Andy and Pete busted out laughing at me when I looked up at them. I looked at them confused and looked in the mirror. My hair was all over the place. I mean it looked like I stuck a fork in the plug!

"Very funny boys!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed a brush. I tried to get out all the knots. That took about 20 minutes.

After I was done, I decided to see what was on for tonight.

"Ok boys, what are we going to do?" I asked looking at them.

"Go see Ric." Pete said with a shrugged.

"I'm not going!" I pouted. I crossed my arms across my chest. "I already told you that."

"Yea you are!" Andy chimed in. "Stop being stubborn!"

"I am not stubborn." I pouted again.

"Yea you are!" Pete added.

Then we all heard someone knocking on the door. I turned to look at the boys. I knew it was Patrick. They didn't even need to tell me this. I always knew when he was around. It's as though he has this energy that only I can sense. They had this all planned out and I knew it.

I turned and stomped towards the bathroom without saying one word to them. I shut the door and locked it. I walked over to the toilet, but the cover down and sat there waiting for them to go away.

I was determined to stay here all night if I had to. I wasn't ready to face him. Not yet. But Pete still didn't listen. My heart had hurt enough. I heard them talking quietly, trying not to say anything too loud. Then I heard the door being shut. I sighed in relief believing that they had left.

Then I heard it. It was faint, but I heard it.

"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though theyre here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday"

Was I hearing right? I pressed my ear to the door to hear it more clearly.

"Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be,
Theres a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly."

I opened the door slowly and saw Patrick sitting at the end of the bed. He didn't break eye contact from the floor.

"Why? She had to go I dont know she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday."

I sat down next to him and listened to the rest of the song. I hated how he knew I loved The Beatles. I hated how he remembered that every time we had a fight when growing up, I would play them to make me feel better.

Most of all I hated how I was falling in love with him all over again.

"Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday."

When the song ended Patrick grabbed my hand. I looked his face over. His nose seemed a little bruised, but no permanent damage done.

"I'm sorry. I can't be without you." Patrick said softly while playing with my hand.

I pulled my hand away and hugged him tight. I started crying in his shoulder.

"I should have left him-" I sobbed. Patrick stroked my hair and held on to me tighter.

"You were scared-"

"You were looking out for me-"

"I didn't mean to yell-"

"I didn't mean to say those things-"

"I didn't save you-"

"I should have told you about Will in the first place-"

"I can't lose you-"

"I need you-"

"I love you so much-"

"I want this-"

"I want you-"

"I'm sorry." We both said in unison. We pulled away and kissed softly on the lips. It was a simple yet meaningful kiss.

We hugged again. I took in his scent. I loved his scent.

"I told you they would get back together on the first day!" Pete laughed.

"Shit! You two cost me 10 bucks!" Andy pouted pulling out his wallet.

Patrick and I turned and looked at them in shock.

"Wow good to know my best friends are making bets on me!" Patrick said sarcastically.

"I know. I think we need to find some new best friends!" I pouted along with Patrick.

"Pshhh whatever. You will never do better than us and you know it!" Pete laughed.

"That's what you think!" Patrick and I said in unison.

"You guys need to stop doing thatit's getting freaky!" Andy said shivering.

It got quiet. Something else was up. I looked over at Andy and Pete. They looked at Patrick holding their breath, waiting for him to say something.

"So we're going to go." Patrick said getting up. he fixed his hat and shirt.

I looked up at him confused.

"We have a date." Patrick smiled. I smiled back and took his hand.

"Finally!" Andy and Pete sighed with relief.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked.

"Nothing we're happy for you!" Andy said pushing us out the door. I laughed at how weird they were being.

"Where are we going?" I asked Patrick.

"You'll see." Patrick said getting into his car. I got in after, and smiled to myself.

I'm actually dating him, and it isn't a dream.

Dreams really do come true.
♠ ♠ ♠ worked out in the in. Thanks for reading. Comment/message!