She Loves You

My Heart Beats For You

"Pete I'm bored!!!!!" I whined to Pete as I watched him make a drink for Dirty. I watched as he reached in his pants and.oh gosh you really don't want to know what he pulled out. But he put in the blender.

"That's freaking grosss!" I said disgusted.

"I know. Dirty's going to drink it!" Pete grinned evilly.

"You are truly a dirty boy." I said pointing to Dirty.

"I know!" He smiled proudly.

I looked around and realized that Patrick and Hey Chris weren't back yet. I walked off the bus trying to avoid whatever disaster Pete and Dirty had cooking.

"Korean Tom Cruise!" I chimed happy.

He turned around and smiled.

"What's up?" he asked as I approached him and Merch Jim.

"Where's my Ric?" I asked batting my lashes, and sticking out my bottom.

He looked at his watch. "I don't know. Call them." He said with a shrug.

I took out my phone and called Patrick's phone. No answer. So I called Hey Chris's phone, and still no answer. I sighed and walked over to My Chemical Romance's bus. We were somewhere in the Midwest. We stopped for the night to rest.

I walked up the steps and saw Ray and Bob playing Donkey Kong Drums.

"Hey boys!" I said happily sitting next to Ray.

"Hey Jen!" they both said quickly.

I watched at how cute they looked playing the game. They were so into it. It was too cute. I got bored and watched Mikey come on the bus.

"Hey Jen!" Mikey said happily.

"Hey Mikey."

"Want to come with me to get some food?" He asked.

"Sure I have nothing better to do."

"What about Patrick?"

"I don't know where he is. But it's ok." I said shrugging and following Mikey to the food tent.

We walked in silence. I was looking around at all the parties and get togethers that were going on. Then I saw a small figure walking towards me and Mikey. She looked really familiar and had a suitcase traveling behind her.

"OH MY GOD!! ROSE BLACK!!!!!" I yelled running to her. She looked up and smiled.

"JEN!!" She yelled back running to me.

We ran into each other and hugged. I liked Rose. She was Pete's girlfriend of one year. She was outgoing, and very pretty. She had killer green eyes brought out with black eyeliner, about 5 feet, and platinum blond hair. She always had random color streaks. She was the only one that seemed to tame Pete a little bit. I met her when I went back to Chicago. She was the first girl friend I had in a long time. Will didn't like me having friends, so I didn't. She becme my best girl friend.

"I didn't know you were coming!" I said pulling away.

"Yea I know. Pete probably forgot to mention it.-wait is he with Dirty?" she asked. I nodded. "Yea he's probably too preoccupied with Dirty's disasters to remind everyone I was coming." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey Rose." Mikey said softly. I forgot that he was standing right behind me.

"Oh Hey Mikey! I didn't even see you there." Rose said giving Mikey a hug.

"Are you saying I'm fat?" I asked pretending to be hurt.

"No, but your head's getting big!" Rose teased. I laughed and lightly pushed her.

"Come on let's take you to see your lover boy! Mikey I'll catch up with you in a bit!" I said walking away and pulling Rose with me. Mikey nodded and waved bye.

"Dirty you're fucking bleeding all over the place!" We heard Pete yell on the other side of the bus.

We turned the corner and saw Dirty spitting out blood. We both looked at each other and scrunched up our noses.

"Rose babe! You're here!" Pete said running to her and picking her up and kissing her.

I smiled at the sight of them. They were really a cute couple. I sighed and wished Patrick was here. I hadn't seen him all day. I let him go and hang with Hey Chris. I wasn't a possessive girl. He had every right to hang out with his friends if he wanted to.

"I'm here now. you don't have to be sad!" Patrick whispered in my ear.

I smiled and turned around. He always seemed to come on cue. I kissed him deeply. Patrick was taken by surprise.

"What was that for?" He asked with his eyes wide open.

"I missed you." I laughed.

"I should get lost more often!" He said pushing his glasses up.

"Dude, take Dirty to the emergency room. He's spitting up too much fucking blood." Hey Chris told Pete.

Pete and Rose were kissing. I saw Pete pull away, and Rose frowned. Poor Dirty was ruining their moment. I don't blame her for getting upset.

"What happened?" Rose asked not really wanting to know what happened. I could tell by the tone in her voice.

"He had a toothache and decided to pull out his tooth." Pete said smiling. Pete was proud of the stupid shit Dirty did. Too bad the rest of us didn't feel the same way. "You want to come with me?" He asked Rose. She smiled weakly and nodded even though I could tell she really didn't want to .

We watched as Pete, Rose and Hey Chris left for the hospital. It was the third time this week. Last week it was 8 times. Things like this happen a lot. We were all use to it by now.

"Well I have to go. I have a dinner date." I said walking from Patrick.

"Wait. What do you mean you have a dinner date?" Patrick asked pulling me back to him.

"yep I have one with Mikey!" I said proudly.

"Not with me?" He pouted.

I giggled at how cute he looked when he pouted. "Sorry you weren't here." I continued walking towards the food tent.

"Jen-wait-I brought us dinner." Patrick yelled trying to prevent me from walking away. It worked though. He got my attention.

"What did you bring me?" I asked turning around waiting for his reply.

"Wendy's." I shook my head and walked back.

I hate that he knows that will get me to stay. "Fine, but I have to call Mikey to let him know."

Patrick nodded and I walked to the bus. I pulled out my cell and called Mikey. After we hung up Patrick poked his head out of the bus. I smiled and turned his trucker hat to the side.

"You ready?" he asked. I kissed his lips and nodded. I followed him in the bus. I smiled as I saw the bag of Wendy's on the table.

I pulled out my chicken nuggets, and fries. "YAY! You got me sweet n sour sauce. You remembered!" I said happily.

"Aren't I the best?" Patrick said proudly.

"Yes you are!" I kissed him lightly on the lips.

"What did mMikey say?" Patrick asked taking a bite of his food.

"He said that tomorrow night is his night. He says you've been hogging me too much and we need to talk." I said smiling.

"Sounds fair. So what did you do while I was gone?"

"I slept. Talked to Pete, well actually annoyed him. Watched Dirty get hit by tomatoes. Helped Jim sort out merch. Then I went to the My Chem bus. Made Joe and Andy give me piggy back rides to the lake. We all took turns throwing each other in it. Talked to Zacky for a little while on A7X's bus. Then I went to talk to Alicia. I need to get Mickey to ask her out." I swallowed my last nugget and smiled. "You know the usual."

Patrick frowned. "I don't like you and Zack alone together."

"Nothing will happen. He knows we're together." I ressured him. To lighten the mood I pulled his hat off.

"I know, but it makes a bit uncomfortable because he likes you." Patrick said softly. I liked the fact that he was jealous. It meant that he cared.

"But I love you." I kissed his cheek and smiled. "You're the one I want, not him."

"Come on let's go and watch a movie." Patirck said getting up, and changing the subject. I sighed and followed him to the back lounge.

He played Gangs Of New York. This was a bit odd because the guys hated Leonardo Dicaprio. I sat on the sofa and Patrick sat next to me. I lay my head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around me. We just watched the movie and enjoyed one another's company.

When the movie was over Rose and Pete walked in the bus.

"Hey what happened with Dirty?" I asked them noticing that Dirty wasn't with them.

"They had to give some stitches. He lost a bit of blood so they are keeping him there over night. Chris is staying with him." Rose sighed sitting next to me.

"Tired?" I asked her. She nodded slowly.

"Come on babe, let's go and lay down." Pete said scooping her up bridal style. He kissed her forehead and smiled down at her. "Please don't bother us for a while." Pete grinned.

Patrick and I looked at each other and walked out of the bus. We both knew what that meant for them two.

"Hey guys!" Jim waved at us. We didn't say anything, and just smiled. Earlier this morning Jim interrupted our 'alone time.' but not that kind of alone time; just kissing and anything other than sex alone time. Patrick and I aren't ready to take that step.

"Come on let's go and sleep in the van." Patrick said pulling me. I followed him to the van. He talked to Korean Tom Cruise, Jim, and Andy for a second, then went for the van.

We opened the door and grabbed some blankets. We laid down on the open floor and closed the doors. I put my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat. It was beating a steady pace. It played like a sweet lullaby

"That's for you." Patrick whispered in my ear.

"What is?" I asked confused.

He kissed the top of my head and held my hand. "My heart beats for you." He whispered.

I smiled. "I love you Patrick."

"I love you Jennifer."

I looked up and kissed him hard. His tongue graced my bottom lip and I slightly opened my mouth for him to enter. He put his hand behind my neck and deppened the kissed.

"Can you two stop making out for like one minute!" Jim smirked.

We both stopped and stared at him upset. I swear that he was always coming at the wrong time.

"Sorry sorry. I need my pillow and I'll leave you two for good." Jim reached in the back and grabbed his pillow. He smiled at us and closed the door.

"Now where were we?" Patrick asked once the door was closed.

"Right here." I said kissing him again. we pulled away and stared into each other's eyes.

"I love that you kiss me. I don't always have to be the one to kiss you." Patrick smiled.

He gave me one more baby kiss.

"will you leave me?" I asked randomly.

"Never. I left you once. I won't do it again. you're an amazing person, and the only one I want. Besides if anything bad ever happened to you, I couldn't live with it."

"Aww you're such a sweetheart." I teased pinching his cheeks.

"Only if I'm yours." Patrick stated proudly.

"Are you mad because I won't have sex with you?" I laced my hands with his and played with his thumb.

"No because I know when it happens it will be because we're both ready to take that step."

I smiled at this. I like the fact that he used the word 'we' and not 'you.' He was completely different from Will. I was never in love Will. I only agreed to marry him because I THOUGHT I was in love, and I THOUGHT he loved me. Even though when I said it to him we both knew I was lying. I knew he was lying to me when he said it to me. I knew he had other girls on the side. I didn't care that when he got mad he and hit me. I didn't care because I thought I lost Patrick.

Patrick was different though. He actually cared about what I had to say, and what I wanted. He showed me affection. He knew me best, and used it to his advantage.

"Come on cuddle with me. I want to sleep." I took off jeans, and wrapped my leg around him.

"Ok." Patrick took off his glasses and hat. He laid on his side facing me. He pulled my body close to him. we both smiled at each other and closed our eyes.

Life couldn't get any better and never go wrong now.

Well that's what I thought......
♠ ♠ ♠
"My heart it beats, it beats for only you. My heart is yours."

message/comment....please. Thanks for reading guys.