Status: On Going

Fire Raven

Byrne: A seventeen year old boy with a smartass, straight forward, obnoxious, out going, whitty personality always getting into trouble without meaning to most of times. Has a snappy tongue, and loves boys with all his hear-

Byrne: DICK!!
Author: Get the fuck out of the description and back in the story prick!

So anyway. He set a goal to get closer to a boy who makes his hear-

Byrne: Dick! Dick, dick!
Author: Get the hell out already!
Byrne: Fine.

Author: Who makes his heart throb and go wildly out of control. Wanting to understand them a tad afraid. But still head strong.

Pyro: Shy, timid everything opposite of Byrne. He hates being stared at unlike someone we know, and has some attention problems. But when Byrne walks or kneels into his life. His personality suddenly goes wacky and he cant control any emotion. Or well to an extent he can.

Both are foster children still in a orphanage. When Pyro moves into the one Byrne is at, things will suddenly start moving. For worst or better? Who knows.

© All characters were made by me, the story line, and so forth.