Status: On Going

Fire Raven

Cant wait to Kiss you

"So this guy comes in the restaurant and says or well yells out of no where and I quote, 'Yes I have a small penis so what?! It may not be the biggest but I still get pleasure out of it! So what's the big deal about how big it is?!' And I was just like, 'Dude, if it's to small your the only one who will ever get pleasure out of it. And that's not cool.' And so then he just attacked me! Can you believe the nerve of that guy!? " Hissed loudly to my friend who sat next to me on the tattered bed that needed to be replaced soon. Other kids walked in and out of the room ignoring us for the most part. As it seems my life is was more dramatic than theirs.

"Yeah I know. So what did you do to him?" My best friend Aj asked having a high almost off of my chattering. Well at least one person will listen, right? Meh no need to worry about it much at all.

"I broke his dick." He gaped at me a bewildered look crossed his face and stayed there. You know that one painting that looks like he's always screaming with his hands on the face? Yeah that's what Aj's face looked like aside from the hands.

"How the hell did you do that?"

"I kicked his nuts so hard he had to go to the ER to get them back down." Seeing his face scrunch up slightly to the thought of being kicked that hard. And let me tell you it took allot to pop balls back up where they had dropped many years ago.

"Ow why so hostile man?" Throwing my legs off the side of the bed soon followed my body. Stretching with a loud groan, he waited patiently for my answer. Looking back at him with a smile.

"Because everyone these days are pussies. Now lets go already or were going to get in to trouble with Tina." He nodded with a huge tired sigh. Tina our den mother really, who took care of us since birth or some time after that. Always looking out for us and so forth. Never growing soft no matter how many puppy pouts are at a professional level. Strict, and way in to labor for youths.

Joy right?

Skipping some steps as we both walked down a flight of stairs. Some were at the bottom chatting away while cleaning some windows.

"Hiya ladies." Aj stopped to them as I just continued on.

"Byrne!" Ears twitching in a literal sense. I grabbed a mop from some little kid who joined about four months ago and started on the floor. The very noticeable giggles and eye rolls were ignored.

"Byrne! God dang it Byrne!" Looking over my shoulder as the 45 year old woman stomped her way towards mew with red going a deeper color in her face. Watching her rolls in the dress that was way to tight and a gross brown color at that with lighter brown dots all over it. Her feet in sneakers. A weird combination. But hey whatever works right?

"Yes Tina?"

"Don't you yes Tina me and pretend you were moping this whole time. I know what you did to that poor man!"

"Aw come on he started it." Letting the mop fall out of my grasp to cross my arms.

"Yeah and you ended it with him going to the emergency room!!" I pointed at her and smiled teasingly.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bear. Grr." Growling slightly, it wasn't a secret that she has a passion for bears.

"I did not! It was going fine till I got a call from the hospital with them explaining what you did."

"But he called me a gay fag! And then attacked me out of no where, he so deserved to be kicked in the nuts." Most of the others left the room, the ones that were still there cleaned in silence. She sighed heavily as if I just took away five years of her life. With the way she's wrinkling up I believe it.

"We have a new-"

"No I don't want to show a new kid around. I did it last time!" Complained it was always such a chore to show them around. I'd rather clean toilets. Watching the pulsing vein on her forehead amused. Wondering if it poke it if it will just like, you know. Explode. Pow. Or more like Kaboom! Wait no to much of a dramatic effect.

"Fine I'll have Anabella show him around." She turned on her heels and headed towards her office. Aka the torture chamber. Sliding my gaze to the mop on the floor then where she left. I hate cleaning all together. Guh..

Walking out from the room turning the corner and a few more. I then saw a vivid red color. My jaw dropping to the floor with a flood of drool to follow. As a fair tanned boy stood there around my age but short as hell. Seeing those dazzling blue eyes look at Tina and Anabella nervously.
His hair went below his shoulder blades. Watching his hand slid up and down his arm. That vivid red color was his hair, and god bless his soul it looks natural. Picking up my jaw and sprinting over there having a arm go around him and pull back.

"Your having her show this stud around? Hah, no way Jose! She'll rape him alive! Or dead, which I think she prefers. So I'll just show him around." He had nearly jumped out of his skin when I grabbed him. But when his bright blue eyes landed on me he seemed to freeze in it.

"And you wont?" She asked teasing, winking slightly turning the hottest piece of ass I ever seen a round.

"Oh ho ho well I can guarantee it wont be rape." Winking slightly making her eyes roll big time. Tina just muttered something about her life withering away with me around and me absorbing it. Pushing the kid forward who was frozen almost but moved.

"Hey kid I'm Byrne, who are you?" He turned his head to me and was a deep crimson color. Almost like his hair!


"Fire huh? That's so fitting! Hey is that lisp I detect or are you nervous being this close to me?" Inching closer to his mouth he shoved me away and started to wipe at his lips that I didn't even touch yet.

"N-no! It's l-lisp!" Watching his cheeks flush darker. My heart clinched and started to bang hard against my rib cage. Am I going to throw up or something? What's this jittery feeling? I feel uneasy. Nervous? No, why would I be? I never get nervous. What?
Leaning further towards him once more, he just leaned back but I felt his shirt brushing against mine. The other teenagers with raging hormones just kept walking as this was almost a daily routine. You know violating someone and shit like that.

"Really? I find lisp adorable." Lowering my tune in a rumbling way watching him back up more.


"Okay lets get one thing straight. This is hell and your my prisoner. And I'm going to have you kissing me by the end of this day. Got it?" I think his jaw went further down then mine when I first saw him. It snapped back shut he moved further away with his arms waving crazily around his head.

"W-w-w-w-what!?!?" Walking forward, he continued walking back till pressed against the back of the sofa. Pressing my body against his with a innocent smile playing on to my lips.

"I'm going to have you kissing me by the end of the day, pyro. I'm going to snatch you up like a bird would do it's prey." Watching his throat bob slightly amused by it for a moment. Leaning closer in, almost as close as we could become. His hot breath tickling my neck and part of my chin.
Tilting my head down, having my forehead press against his.

"After all Byrne means Raven. I cant wait to get ta kiss you." Chuckling slightly amused at his face. If I thought no human could get any redder. I was proved wrong.

Oh today will be fun!
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W O R D S : 1 4 0 0

I did re-do this chapter. I wasn't happy with the first time I written it, so here' s the re-written. And it's almost 3 a.m. and everythings getting all blury and stuff since I woke up around eight after getting five hours or less of sleep.


Anyway I hope this one is better. I thought it was great, but hey I'm tired. I think my computer screan flashing is awesome.

Anyway later!

Wait important thing: I wont update anything from the 11 to the 22th. Going out of state on a trip.