Status: On Going

Fire Raven


Byrne P.O.V.

I toasted his brain. I know I did he was just standing there for ten minutes just staring at me with a huge flush against his cheeks. On another bright note he thinks I have great hands! I mean not to brag, but they are pretty great. And I use Burt's bee's lotion every day. Almond scented as well! I love almond it smells really good even more with vanilla. To make me smell that much sweeter if you know what I mean. Well if you know what I mean please tell me. I am interested to know what you think I meant.

"And this is the nursery. Not so great but hey be happy the walls are thick. Ha ha ha! " He was close behind me just looking around with amusement. Cocking a brow up as he looked as if he was fidgeting more then usual.

"Is something wrong Pyro?" His blue eyes meshed with my silver ones he seemed to be speechless. Well I do have that influence on people. I mean come on. I'm fucking hot. Hotter than a pot of Tina's homemade chili. And that in throat bleeding hot baby. That familiar tomato cute blush formed on his cheeks making a smirk quirk on to my lips.

"N-nothing." Closing in our bodies he stepped back a bit and looked away. Rubbing his arm once more.

"Are you sure because your really turning red there. Not that it isn't a 10 on the cute charts. I mean your absolutely adorable and very sexy with that hair. Which reminds me is that natural?" I swear he just keeps impressing me with how red he can get. I just wanna pinch his little flushing cheeks!

"Y-yes it's nat-natural."

"Well god has blessed your soul. I was hoping it was natural. Because that's the hottest red on someones head I've ever seen. Even if it wasn't real I think any color would look good on you. Anyway this is where Tina spends most of her time so if you wanna get far away from her just go on the roof or the other side of the orphanage. But if you wanna go to sleep it's just above this room. Thus reason why were all happy this place has thick walls. Shall we go on to the dining room?" He wiped his lips once more.

I didn't even breathe on him this time. Mh this is really fun! Smiling widely as he already left the room, following close behind having my arms slide around his shoulders.


"Wow that was sure girlie! And like everything else about you. It's very alluring." His hands covered his face completely with the help of his shirt that he pulled up to cover the embarrassed face.

"S-Stop." He whined with a bit of a sob. I chuckled lightly still having my arms around his shoulders lightly. Leaning forward rubbing my nose against the reveling skin on his neck.

"Stop what?"

"Whatever it is that your doing that makes my insides turn!" Wow no lisp in that one! And his insides turn? Oh damn he's that confused about what he feels? Ha ha ha this is going to be great!

"I'll stop if you kiss me." Rubbing my lips up and down his neck slowly in open mouth kisses, feeling goosebumps rise on the smooth skin.


"Hey take it to a room instead of the hall guys." Aj said entering the hall with a dust rag in hand. It's cleaning week. We do it twice a month. Sometimes three times a month but that's if Tina gets really tired.

"With pleasure I was about to show him the sleeping quarters. " Aj rolled his eyes a bit at my affectionate ways before walking off to do his cleaning. Bah cleaning it's should be up to people who actually like cleaning. And by that I mean the OCD kids that we have here. And there's like three . If they weren't here we'd have to clean this place at least five or six times a month. I decline to those people who think obsessive cleaning disorder is a disorder. It's very helpful actually.

"Shall we?" Pulling my arms off and started off ahead of him. Hearing him trot along behind me. Peering over my shoulder seeing him look around with the greatest curiosity. The flush on his cheeks was gone once again.

How disappointing. Oh well.
He was walking behind me closely but not to close, slowing down a bit reaching out having his thin hand curl with mine. His gaze was drawn to the oh so interesting wooden floor that was covered in a long thin beaten up rug that had random swirling patterns on it with the words in french that says Hell on Earth. Fitting for a orphanage with 5 babies right? And 10 kids who are between the ages of 5-10 , 11 others 11 - 17. That's a total of 26 kids that one woman takes care of all by herself. So hell on earth is definitely fitting for this place.

"This is where the dudes sleep. I already showed you where the girls sleep. Bottom, dudes on top. Like it's suppose to be." Winking a bit he just looked confused at that line.

"Was that sexist?"

"A bit...depends on the woman I guess. And done with the tours. I showed you all the bathrooms and where we eat, and so on. Now to show you my personal get away. Off tour."

"Off tour means he's going to eat you." A girl said pushing me aside to get in the room to sweep it.

"Please if anyone is going to eat anyone here it's you eating out Emily." She shot me a death glare, she's a bisexual. But more into girls. Emily is her close friend.

"Go fuck off you prick."

"Just being honest babe. Come on Pyro before she does eat you." He seemed more than frightened of her. He looked terrified. He didn't know what eating out meant? Wow he's not only innocent but clueless as well. Well idiot you should of figured that out when he looked confused on every move I made on him. Jeez. Doing a brisk walk had him jogging next to me holding my arm fully. Getting to the top of the stairs taking out a key that I took from Tina and unlocked it. No one gets up here but me anyway. And sure Tina asked and tried to pry the key from me many times and I didn't give it up. No one gotten up here even before that. So I don't see why the key is so important to her.

" Ta da my personal hide away. Free of screaming kids, and if you just want to get some fresh air and the most quite you can get in the middle of California. Night time is always quieter though, but I suggest you bring a blanket. Gets chilly, but then again if you ask me to come along I'm a great heater." He nodded before just walking off on the roof.

Talk about blow off... or he really is that clueless to being hit on majorly.

"W-wow this place i-is amazing!" Watching him twirl around while looking up at the sky. A smile sketched on his tender looking lips. Man he was absolutely gorgeous. And so mine. Dibs should be acknowledged. And the fury of my fist if someone tries to take my prey away. Walking over slowly, he looked at me and laughed brightly.

"No w-wonder you come out here, it's s-so cool." Smirking having my hands stuff into my pockets.

"Glad your enjoying it." No one else seems to. He stared at me as I walked over.

"So what k-kind of n-name is Burn?" Pulling my lips in for a moment stopping in my step. Sighing slightly having a hand slip out of my pocket and through my hair.

"It's B-y-r-n-e. It just sounds like B-u-r-n. And I don't know I was just given that name and I know it means Raven so you can call me Raven if you want. " He smiled looking away. Inching closer with each small step.

"O-okay." His head lifted, he jumped slightly to how close I had finally gotten.

"Chill I wont really eat you. It's illegal. Besides it's almost the end of the day and I know your dying to kiss me." Blowing hot air on his lips, he grunted softly and leaned further back. His eyes finally pull them selves back up to mine. Making mine half lidded and deep looking it always seems to work. Well 85 percent of the time the other 15 percent was all the truely straight guys I hit on.
His body was relaxing coming forward, feeling his heated breath on my lips making a strange like flutter in my chest which confused me a bit. Our lips brushed together softly, pushing forward a bit cupping his lips with mine fully. A slam came.

"Dinner!!" Both of us jerked away in shock. Looking over Aj stood there noticeably fighting a smile. Looking back at Pyro he didn't even look at me. He went off of the roof, I followed passing Aj but not before punching him in the arm.

"Cock blocker."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!!"
Jerk off. Besides that, what was that fluttery thing I felt up there? Staring at the back of Pyro's head probably just as confused, but pushed it away.

I got him to kiss me before the sun fully set though. Hah I am so good!

But what was that fluttering thing?
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W O R D S : 1 6 0 2

Adorable neh? Yay Byrne got his kiss! Not a very good one and it was very quick but he got it! Isn't Aj an asshole? Oh well not everything is supposed to be easy.

Anyway thaks for your loving comments that keep me going!

flutterby13 I hope the font is easier to read, thank you for your comment

Tigers and Sharks. A bit to confident don't cha think ? Ha ha and yeah Pyro is a bit to innocent for his own good. And thank you! Ah my loyal slash reader ha ha. Love you lots and thanks for your comment. *hugs* I'm sorry that the chapter on will you love me is a filler. =( Feels bad about it.