Status: On Going

Fire Raven

I'm sorry God

"Cock blocker." Heard I felt my body stiffen even more than it was as I forcefully pulled it forward.

" Ha ha ha ha ha!!" Came from his friend. Embarrassment flooded me, and a bit of shame. I cant believe we kissed. And before the day ended to. Just like he said. Oh man that was my first kiss. I cant believe I did that. What came over me?

Wondered as we entered the kitchen where he took me to on the tour. Saying this was the second most used place by Tina. And first most used place by everyone who eats their feelings all the time. I think I'll be spending allot of time here. There was multiple tables in there, like lunch tables at a school. And food was in the center of them. Plates set up. You can clearly see they are very used plastic plate and forks. But it didn't bother anyone.

"I call to say the blessing!!" A girl chirped loudly having her hand shooting into the air and started to wave around. I paused as groans came. Their upset that they don't get to pray?

"Hey don't take it the wrong way. Everyone here hates praying." Looking up at Byrne and automatically felt the heat crawl back up my neck again. It was just starting to leave to! Turning back wanting to hide it, but guess it went unsuccessful as his chuckle rippled through me like a bolt of lightning.

Did he pinch me or something?

"T-Then why do t-they ?" Fidgeting with my foot position, a sudden push came on my back. It was him. Very nice feeling hands too. I would love to draw them. Mesmerized by the feeling of his hand I didn't notice he pushed me to a empty space at a table. I took a seat before my knee's gave out. Or well it felt like they were going to give out.

"Bunch of suck ups. The one who prays gets to stay up past 10." Furrowing my brows a bit. He gave me a Grammy award winning smile. I sighed and laid my head on the table as the feeling of warmth just melted me to my toes. Wow...

"She's very strict. So if she catches you up past ten she'll beat your ass. She has permission you know. But she gave up on beating my ass. That's why I think they're a bunch of suck ups. If they did what I did they wouldn't have to suck up."

"If we did what he did, we'd be dead. The guy ain't normal." Said a guy across from us eying the food like a man who's been deprived of food for days.

"Not true. You'd just be...sore. Let me tell ya Pyro the woman knows how to spank your butt till. You'll be pooping blood by the time she's done with you." Gulping loudly, a girl sat next to me and put a hand on my shoulder for balance to sit.

"Hey don't listen to him. He's the only one she beat the living day lights out of. For good reason to." She seemed sweet and comforting. I wonder if we could share a bed tonight. I feel a bit uneasy being in the guys room knowing my bed is right next to a kid whom seemed to be mentally unstable. He was talking to his shadow earlier.

"Hey it wasn't that bad!" Byrne exclaimed as more kids came in and sat stuff on the table.

"Yeah right. You blew up the freaking wall. Thus why the living room area is part of the dining area." I wonder who all their names are. Mildly thought before looking and Byrne who crossed his arms a bit having a hand wave around the room.

"Well you got to admit there's more elbow room. I mean before it was all stuffy and stuff."

"That's because you far-" My ears were covered quickly by Byrne which muffled something that sounded like Ted. Drifting my gaze to him, he didn't even bat a eye my way as he looked like he was yelling. What's going on? Mmh his hands are smooth as well.

A urge crawled up inside of my stomach. Some sort of desire that I wasn't familiar with. I mean the only desire I ever had was for a candy bar and that's because it's the best dang candy bar on the world.

Milk chocolate almond toffee bar. Yumm.

But this was completely different. It was something that kept pressing me on to do it. Like that kiss on the roof. Very confusing. But his hands are so smooth. Just makes me wanna -

Rubbing my face against one of his hands. His bickering seemed to stop as I rubbed my face further into his hand.

"What are you doing?" He slowly asked, I saw something pink go across his face. Was he embarrassed ?

"Sorry! Y-your hands are r-really s-smooth." He just blinked stupidly at me as some others did. Looking down at my lap embarrassed once more. I wont be able to make any friends if I keep doing weird things... I hope he doesn't think I'm strange.

"Aww your so adorable!!" The girl next to me squealed and pulled me into a tight hold. Squeaking slightly to being grabbed suddenly and a bit disturbed. Her...her..her boobs are in my face!! Eww. Trying to pull away and asking to let go but she just kept squealing and pulling tighter till a stronger force pulled me back.

"Knock it off Emily. Your going to suffocate him with your abnormally large breasts. Seesh, Pyro are you alright?" Looking up I was in Byrne's arms almost completely. I'm not small I don't think, he was just huge.

"Y-yes." A flutter feeling was in my chest and it dropped to my stomach making it warm and fuzzy and then lower. Which felt strange and slightly harder to move. But did so going back into my seat. As his hands slid across my back the heat pooled some where feeling pleasant and uncomfortable. What's this?!

"Okay everyone time to start the blessing!!" Tina shouted as she came into the room with the last bowl of potato's. Setting them on the table and took her seat at one of the five tables.

"I called praying. " The smaller girl said, Tina smiled and nodded at her.

No it cant be that I have...-

"Dear lord thank you for this food, and the roof over our heads. I pray that you forgive us for all of our sins even though we have allot. And some even more then others-" Seeing the girl peak open her eyes and look over where I sat. Swallowing a dry swallow. Does she know?! But how?

"And bless this food. Amen."

"Amen." Everyone finished and started digging in. Oh no. Standing up and bowing.

"Please e-excuse m-me." Rushing out with my heart beating wildly out of control as I headed to the bathroom for allot of cold water. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to get a boner! I'm sorry!! Apologized to the holy spirit as I tried to get rid of the boner that decided to come from no where.

Great my first time here and I get a boner at dinner time.
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W O R D S : 1 2 2 5

Poor little Pyro.

Thanks for your comments!!!

Tigers and Sharks.