All Hail the Dead

California and Old Houses.

“Flight 281 from New York City, New York to Orange County, California now boarding, all passengers must now be boarded!” The intercom said.

I looked at Grandpa and Grandma Simon. They led me toward the gates. My Grandfather had chosen this time to say something to me.

“Listen Heyleigh, I know you’re not looking forward to moving to California. But listen your Mother is finally happy. She’s no longer depressed. Your father would’ve wanted you and your mother and brother to be happy. Not being sorrowful, and depressed like.” He said.

“I know. It’s just hard. I’m really happy for Mom. I’m just nervous.” I said.

“Well try and make the best of it. If it doesn’t work out maybe we can figure out a plan for you to come back here. But you have to try first.” He said

“Okay, well goodbye then.” I said.

I hugged them for one last time before getting on the plane. I walked through the gates and toward the door.

I found my seat towards the front beside a window. I looked out and saw snowy slush and laughed. I remembered when Michael and I were younger dad would take us to Central Park and play in the snow. We had so many slush ball fights, it was so much fun.

All those thoughts helped me forget the plane ride from New York to California.

“Flight 281 from New York City, New York to Orange County, California, will descend on to California. Please fasten your seat belts and thank you for flying with American Airs.” The flight attendant said.

Once we were grown level I gathered my stuff and sat stiffly in my seat. I was nervous to get off the plane. After the pilot gave way to let us off I got my stuff and headed out the door down the hallway.

That’s when I literally lost it.

I saw color; everything was in bright colors unlike New York City. Everything was usually in drapes of graffiti and in solid cold neutral colors.

My own appearance was grotesquely horrifying compared to this. I was dressed in neutral grey skirt and black turtle neck with my leather jacket and knee high boots.

I looked liked something out of Catholic school. It’s quite hilarious if you ask me, because I was raised agnostic. I was born to a non practicing Jewish father and a non practicing Catholic mother. But to make our families happy I was given a Bat mitzvah for my Dad’s Jewish family when I was twelve and a Quinceañera for my Hispanic Catholic family on my mother’s side.

We were one strongly awkward family. But we all loved each other no differently. But unfortunately my brother Michael doesn’t get that chance. Dad died year before a before his thirteenth birthday. It was all so fast, Dad had gone out to go running in central park and next cops were at our home. Dad had a heartattack while running and another runner had found him.

I still have his sweatshirt. I know that sounds a bit morbid but it makes me feel better to have something of his with me.

I was brought out of my sub consciousness when I saw my stepbrothers and my little brother screaming my name and holding a sign.

“Welcome Home, Heyleigh!” It said.

People that were coming off the plane with me saw and it pointed out how cute it was.

“Oh how adorable!” They said.

I made my way toward them and saw my mom and step dad Howard. She looked different in bright colors but she was happy. I could tell and I guess it made me happy.

“So Heyleigh, I hope the flight was all right?” Howard said.

“Yeah, I fell asleep through most of it.” I said.

“Well why don’t we all go and get your bags and go home.” Howard said.

I nodded and looked at mom and Michael. I hugged them both. I had missed them a lot.

We all go outside into the parking lot. Once inside the car, mom talked about the new house they had moved into. It was right along the water.

My room was supposed to be overlooking it and an added plus I didn’t have to share my room with anyone. Unlike my brothers who all shared rooms.

“Heyleigh?” Andrew said.

“Yes Andrew?” I said.

“Your body temperature is going to change rapidly due to the change in climate you’re moving to. Your body heat has to relax and get use to it. But you might want to be careful and drink some liquids when we get home.” He said.

I loved that little guy for eight years old he was super smart. As we got closer I was starting to feel different. My air started to get goose bumps.

“Um mom? Where are we living exactly?” I said nervously

“Oh Heyleigh?” Mom said.

“What’s wrong Heyleigh? Do you not like old house?” Howard said.

“Oh Heyleigh has a fear of old houses.” Mom said.

I looked outside and saw the house. I was really nervous about going inside. But then again I haven’t been truthfully honest with you.
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sry it took so long to put out but it's super long. X)