All Hail the Dead

Pissing off the “Cowboy” or whatever He is.

I reevaluated his look. He obviously wasn’t from this time period. I decided to test the waters between us and see how far I could go with him.

“So when did you kick the bucket?” I said.

“Excuse me what are you saying?” He said.

“When did you bite the dust?” I said again.

He looked at me confused.

“When did you die? And how did you die?” I said.

“Oh. Died” He said.

“Well you obviously know your dead but you have no idea how you died?” I said.

“Well I do. But I think that story is for another time Heyleigh.” He said.

“Whatever, Shouldn’t you be haunting a cemetery or something else?” I said rather impatient.

“No…my job is pretty much bothering you.” He said.

“What’s your purpose to still being here on Earth, shouldn’t you have transferred planes?” I said.

I looked back at him and he blinked at me with those big sexy hazel eyes of his.

I noticed him get up and walk back and forth. I could tell he was some kind of sex god when he was alive. Because he was drop dead gorgeous.

I caught a sight of his chest from his very much open at the throat white shirt. Oh my god do ghost’s have six-packs? I’ve never come across this nor have I ever had the want to explore more of this.

He caught me off guard when he asked me this?

“I don’t really know what you’re talking about?” He asked.

“What do you mean you don’t know what I’m talking about? You’re dead. You shouldn’t be just standing around here.” I said with frustration.

“And what if I like just standing around here? I’ve been doing that for the last hundred of years!” He said.

“Whatever I don’t care. Do whatever you like dude. It’s your choice to wither away your life. Just get out of here.” I said.

“I don’t have to go anywhere Heyleigh. I’m entitled to stay here just as much as you are.” He said.

“Whatever cowboy, this is my new room so get out!” I said.

“I’m not a fucking cowboy Heyleigh. I was a rancher. I did all my skill and hard work with my family.” He said.

I could feel the room start to shake. I knew it wasn’t an earthquake. It was him making everything hectic.

I could see the anger in his eyes. I was in deep trouble.

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So let me know what you think?

Dedicated to Death's Angel. (: Her stories are amazingly awesome. lol. (: