All Hail the Dead

New School and Uh Ohs

“Heyleigh, its custom in our house to do chores and stuff since you just moved in you don’t have to take on full responsibility yet. I just wanted you to know this first hand.” Howard said gathering up the plates.

I looked at Michael. He in turned looked back and nodded. I couldn’t believe I had chores for the first time in my life. Michael and I didn’t have chores back in New York.

So this was a bit weird.

I got up from the table and followed Andrew to the living room.

“Heyleigh?” Andrew said.

“Yes, Andy?” I said sitting next to Michael on the couch.

“Are you excited to attend Marymount Mission Academy?” He said.

“Excuse me?” I said as Mom and Howard walked in the room.

“Heyleigh?” She said.

“Is it true, I’m going to Marymount?” I said.

“Yes, Howard and I pulled some major strings to get you a place in there so late in the semester.” She said.

“Okay, but it would’ve been nice for you to tell me first hand.” I said sitting back on the couch.

Andrew and I decided to watch “Night of the Living Dead” the old school one in black and white.

We both fell asleep during the movie. It was jet lag for me and just the excitement of having me here was Andrew’s sleepiness.

Around 1 we both got up and when to our rooms. Once inside my room, I glanced around and saw nothing inside but my stuff.

I smirked so ghost guy hat listened to me after all. I jumped in to my bed and fell asleep instantly. It felt weird not hearing the sounds of car alarms or people shouting. But of ocean and silence of the air was enough to kind of scare me.

I woke up Sunday morning, not really remembering the day…at all.

It was in a blur that it passed. My mother yelling at me because my uniform wasn’t ready but I had a waver saying I could use my old uniform for the time being.

[Monday Morning.]

I awoke early for some strange reason. I could hear soft singing but I didn’t have anything on my ipod deck.

So it wasn’t my ipod playing….the only other thing would be…………na.

No. That’s just…beyond.

No it wasn’t

Was it?

I awoke again by the shaking of my bed. It was my mom.

“Heyleigh you’re going to be late. Hurry up. Trevor and Samuel are waiting with Michael downstairs.” She said fussing.

“Aren’t you taking me because it’s my first day?” I said getting out of bed.

“No, you’re a big girl; you can go to the office like the rest.” She said leaving me room.

“Bitch…” I said

I got dressed in a hurry. I chose my uniform from Second Night School. I nearly tripped going down the stairs. I had my messenger and stuff inside but thankfully something caught hold me before I plummeted down the stairs.

I didn’t look behind me to see what helped save me from ruining my face. But I had a feeling that it was a certain ‘person’.

I jumped into the truck that belonged to Samuel.

“God you take forever. You better be glad I drive fast.” Samuel said.

“Bite me.” I said.

The drive was way shorter then I thought. One minute we were parked in the driveway the next we were at the school parking lot.

I looked up and saw the school. You could tell it was once a flourished mission turned into a school.

“Hey guys where’s the office?” I said.

They ignored me. Fine, be dicks I don’t care.

I walked around the campus until I found a sign saying office. I walked inside and say a boy sitting on the couch.

“Hey Sexy.” He said laying there.

I looked at him and giggled. The nun sitting at the desk freaked out.

“Who are you?” She asked.

“Heyleigh Simon.” I said.

”Oh yes, Father Regan will see you now.” She said.

I walked inside.

“Hello Ms. Simon.” He said.

“Um..hi.” I said.

“Welcome to Marymount Mission Academy. I trust you read on the guidelines of the school and stuff.” He said.

“Yes, if you say so.” I said.

“Well let’s go for a walk now to show you the school.” He said.

We walked around the building, he talked of random things and once we got toward a certain place. I jumped out of my skin.

“Who the hell is this slut?” They said.

I jumped back and nearly fell before Father Regan caught me.

“So you’re one of us, I though so.” He said placing me back on my feet.

I looked at him and freaked out.
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Hit or Miss? Comments?

Dedicated to Death's Angel...cuz she rocks like that.
