All Hail the Dead

New Adventures and New Friends?

Heyleigh's POV:

“What the hell did you say to me?” I said freaking out.

“There’s no need for language, Heyleigh.” Father Regan said.

“Sorry, what did you say to me?” I said politely but still wigging out.

He sighed. “Heyleigh, you’re a mediator also?” He said.

“Yes I am, I found out once with my best friend. We went to this cheesy festival at Central Park. This medium we went to told me I was a mediator ‘one who converses with the dead’ and stuff. But how do you know…” I said.

“Like that shit matters, I’m standing here and that slut thinks she’s going to try and take my place here yeah, right!” They screamed.

“No see here Emily, she’s done nothing wrong! She’s just a new student that’s coming here to learn,” Father Regan said.

“Fuck that shit, she’s here to take my place and be me. I won’t have that slut in my fucking place!” Emily said.

“Call me slut one more time, and I’ll…..” I said before getting cut off by Father Regan.

“Slut,” She said.

She was standing there one minute. She didn’t even see it coming. I hit her hard sending her back into a line of locker and a body dent.

She landed on the cold stone cement floor. But it didn’t take her long to get back up.

Emily just looked at me and whimpered and ran down the hall.

“Chicken shit!” I screamed.

I turned back to Father Regan. He looked totally aghast by what I had done.

“Heyleigh, don’t you ever solve your problems with fighting. It’s a horrid sport.” He said.

“But that’s how I do it.” I said.

“Well, you and I are going to have to talk about your mediation techniques then.” He said looking crossed with me.

He was about to say something else to me when we were interrupted by a teacher.

“Is everything alright Regan?” The teacher asked.

“Everything’s alright Spence, I happen to find this, your newest student Heyleigh Simon. Heyleigh met your homeroom teacher Spence Reverend. “Father Regan said.

I placed my hand out for him to shake.

“Hello, Mr. Reverend, how are you on this day?” I said politely.

He was slightly taken aback by my formal greeting.

“Grand, Miss Simon, just grand and dandy.” He said.

He led me inside the classroom. He said his goodbyes to Father Regan.

Before I could be free from him, he left me with his last word.

“Oh, Heyleigh I expect to see you after school at three to finish filling your papers.” He said walking away.

“Okay, buh-bye.” I said to Father Regan.

I noticed once I walked inside the classroom students were looking at me strangely.

I guess it was the norm to say buh-bye to your principal. I could see their faces opened mouthed and jazz.

Or maybe it was because I wasn’t in the same uniform they were in.

Unfortunately Mr. Reverend didn’t notice my extreme discontent. He introduced me to the class and then made me tell them about myself.

I took my seat in the back next to the window behind the albino.

I heard everyone talking about it.

I didn’t care much.

She looked at me with her purple eyes.

“I can’t believe she chose the freak to sit next to?” A girl said.

“She’s not one compared to you! But if you need reassurance I’ll be happy to help.” I said through my teeth.

I saw the girl look back at me with her mouth open.

A little after class, I was stopped by the albino girl.

“Look, I don’t need your help. I can fight my own fights. Thank you very much.” She said looking crossed.

“Okay….”I said getting cut off.

“I’m Savannah Clearwater, by the way.” She said walking with me.

“Heyleigh Simon.” I said walking down the corridor.
♠ ♠ ♠

should I keep going????