All Hail the Dead

Fights and Neighbors

“Heyleigh Simon, why on earth are you yelling at?” My mother screamed at me.

I turned around to see my mother standing there right before my eyes.

“What?” I said.

“Why? Or who are you arguing with…”She said again.

“Oh sorry, Mom I’m just not here today.” I said

“Alright, Heyleigh, well dinners on the table.” She said shaking her head.

“Bitch,” I said under my breath.

I turned around to see him standing there in his glory.

“What!” I said.

“Just watching you act like a fool!” HE said laughing.

“Fucker!” I said walking away.

“What awful language for such a young lady, Heyleigh!” He said fading away.

“Heyleigh Simon!” A voice screamed.

I turned to go inside the house.

Upon walking inside my step-brother Samuel handed me the phone.

“Hello,” I said walking toward the stairs.

“Oh Heyleigh, thank god it’s you.” A voice said.

“Yeah, who is this?” I said with a bit of an attitude.

“It’s Savannah, smart!” She said laughing.

“Oh, fuck you scared me!” I said relaxing.

“Ha, so I have your stuff for school. Would you like me to come over and drop it off?” Savannah asked.

“Yeah sure…..” I said before hearing a dial tone.

“Okay, so I was thinking that maybe we should come up with a plan.” Savannah said walking inside my room.

“What, how? I’m confused?” I said truly amazed.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I do that sometimes. I live right next door to you. Well not really, I kind don’t…my Gran does. I’m just here until my parents get back from Toronto.” Savannah said sitting next to me on the bay window.

“It’s alright.” I said giggling.

She looked at me and laughed along with me.

“Oh, before I forget. I have to give you, your assignments.” She said digging in her big bag of secrets.

She finally located the assignments and jumped for joy. But that’s when I noticed something in the air.

He was here.

I turned toward where my door was and saw him sitting on my bed.


Mental note to have my bedspread burned.

“Heyleigh, Heyleigh, Heyleigh!” Savannah yelled.

I was shaken out of looking at him.

“Oh, sorry,” I said looking back at Savannah.

I heard him laughing at me.

“It’s alright; you just looked so concerned looking at your bed. I though you just zoned out on it.” She said giggling.

She handed me the assignments and I walked toward my desk. I saw his highness get off my bed to see my homework.

“You better get started with your homework, Heyleigh!” He said looking at it.

“I will, alright!” I said still mad at him.

“Are you alright Heyleigh?” Savannah said.

“Oh, no, I think it’s the hit from early today!” I said trying to throw caution off of me.

“Okay, well I’ll see you at school tomorrow. “ She said walking out the door giggling.

I shook my head…and waited until I heard the step at the bottom creak.

“What the hell are you thinking?” I screamed at M. Shadows.

He looked at me and smiled with a smirk.
♠ ♠ ♠

sorry it took so long to update!