Status: enjoy.

You're the Air I Breathe


Nick’s Point of View:

“Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you the graduating class of 2017.” The room filled with a loud wave of clapping. I looked up on the stage and saw her, smiling like always. Her face glowed in the sunlight, I snapped a few pictures. They through their caps in the air, and headed off the stage.

Macy ran over to me, laughing and smiling. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. “Congratulations,” I said, whispering into her ear, “You look great.” She hugged me tight and smiled. “Thanks, sweetie. I’m glad you came.” She said, taking my hand. We headed over to Joe, Stella, Kevin, and Danielle.

Macy ran over to Danielle and Stella and squealed happily. I smiled, watching how happy she was, when suddenly I felt Joe nudge my arm. “Hey man, you still coming to dinner tonight?” He said, with his hands in his pockets. I nodded not taking my eyes off of her. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Macy’s Point of View:

I ran over to Stella and Danielle who greeted me with hugs. “Hey girl, you did great!” Danielle said smiling. I laughed and thanked her. “You two look nice, did you figure out what you were wearing for dinner tonight?” I asked.

Stella smiled. “You know me; I picked out an outfit last week. How about you?” Danielle nodded, “I picked something cute up at the outlet mall last night. Did you find anything?” I shook my head sadly, biting my bottom lip. “No, I don’t have anything appropriate in my closet for this dinner. I might have to go shopping…” Stella put her arm across my shoulder and shook her head. “No, no, no. Honey, I have the perfect dress for you and you are going to WORK it.”

Back at Home*

As soon as we arrived back to Stella’s house, she took Danielle and I upstairs and pulled out something. She smiled at me. “This is going to look amazing on you, just wait…” She left the dress on her bed and ran back into her walk-in closet. She walked out with a pair of sparkly gold flats.

“Those are adorable,” Danielle gushed. I nodded in agreement. “Well, Macy’s going to have to squeeze into my size six because these shoes are going to match this,” she said, whipping out a beautiful gold dress, “…perfectly.” My jaw dropped open when I laid my eyes on it. “It’s, it’s beautiful.” Stella placed it in my hands and sent me into the bathroom. “I’m plugging in the curler, you get dressed.”

This was going to be a night I’ll never forget.

Nick’s Point of View:

After Kevin, Joe, and I had dropped off the girls, we decided we’d head back to Kevin’s condo to get ready. “So, it’s been 5 years already for you and Macy, huh?” Kevin said, keeping his eyes on the road. I nodded. “Yeah, I know. It flies by fast.” I said, thinking about it.

Joe turned his head and looked at me. “Do you think she’s the one?” I looked at him. “The one?” He nodded. “Yeah, do you think she’s someone you’d see yourself spending the rest your life with?” I just smiled at him because I already knew the answer.

“Well, we’re here.” Kevin said, parking the car into the garage. I ran inside and grabbed my satchel, and ran into the bathroom; locking the door behind me. I started searching through my bag until I found ‘it’ at the bottom of the bag.

I pulled it out and smiled. I’d spent a long time picking it out, because I knew it had to be perfect. After all, she was perfect, and I knew I needed to impress her. I held the ring up to the light and watched it gleam beautifully.

Suddenly, there was a pounding on the bathroom door. Startled, I closed the ring box shut and shoved it back into the bottom of my bag. “Yeah?” I asked, my voice still a little un-even. “DUDE, I need to pee. That graduation ceremony was 3and a half hours of sitting. Do you have any idea how long that is to hold in?” Joe said. I laughed and unlocked the door.

Macy’s Point of View:

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I looked different. I looked grown up, something I wasn’t used to feeling. I smiled. I’m officially a graduate. I’m done school.

A knock on the bathroom door interrupted my thoughts. “Yeah?” I asked, putting on the matching necklace Stella had gave me. “Are you almost done? We’d like to see my amazing styling skills.” Stella boasted. I shook my head and laughed. “Hang on, I’m coming.” I looked one last time in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction. I unlocked the door and strutted outside.

“Woah.” Was all that came out of Danielle’s mouth. I smiled and turned to Stella for her reaction. Her arms were folded and she just smiled. “Damn, I’m good.” We laughed for a good minute until Stella made me sit down so she could curl my hair.

“So, you and Nick huh?” Danielle started to say. Nick. His name made me smile. Stella looked at me. “You guys are getting pretty serious, huh? Maybe it’s time to start thinking about the future…?” I laughed and smiled at the thought of Nick and I having a future. I liked the sound of it. I wanted him to be in my life for a very, very long time.

“I think I’m ready to take that next step in my life,” I admitted bravely. I laughed. Stella sighed. “I wish I could say the same thing about Joe…”

Joe and Stella had been on and off for the past year and a half. At one point, Joe had been talking about an engagement, but they broke up before he ever had the chance. “I mean, he’s a sweetheart sometimes, but the other half he’s just confusing.” She said, putting a few bobby pins in my hair. I smiled, reassuring her. “Don’t worry, Stella. I’m sure things will work out.” Danielle nodded. “Yeah, Joe’s a great guy and we know how much he likes you. So, don’t give up on the relationship.” Stella nodded and began to spray hairspray all over me.

“And…done.” She said, adding a tiny gold clip in. My jaw dropped at my reflection. “Stella Malone, did I ever tell you how amazing you are?!” She smiled. “I think you’ve mentioned it a few times…” We laughed and continued on getting ready.

At The Resteraunt
Nick’s Point of View:

We arrived to the restaurant, Kevin, Joe, and I, and we sat down at our table we had reserved. I sighed and looked around. I was nervous, and I hadn’t been until I realized what I would be doing tonight. My life would change forever…

Kevin began to wave his hands in front of my face. “Hello? Did you even hear what I said?” He asked. I shook my head, and scratched the back of my neck nervously. “Uh, no. Sorry. Say it again?” I said, trying to get my mind of the previous topic.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw her. She had that beautiful smile I’d grown attached to on her face as usual. She blushed when we locked eyes. I got up from my seat and walked over to her. She looked amazing.

“Hi honey,” she said, pecking my lips quickly, “your looking handsome in that suit and tie.” I laughed and kissed her cheek quick. “You look beautiful.” She smiled and I pulled out a chair for her. She sat down and I sat down beside her.

We had all been sitting down and talking, conversing over Macy’s big day and our futures, when all of a sudden I felt someone playing footsie with me. Not giving it a second thought, I figured it was Macy, so I played along.

“Joe, why’re you looking at me like that?” Stella suddenly blurted out. Joe winked at her. “Don’t act like you don’t know.” Stella shook her head slowly. “Uh, I would? But I literally have no idea what your talking about?” Suddenly, I realized that ‘Macy’ had stopped playing footsie with me.

“Stella, we’ve been playing footsie for the past 5 minutes, hello?” Joe said, acting all cool. Stella gave him a weird look. “Joe, my feet haven’t moved since I’ve sat down…” Joe’s eyes widened and he took a peek under the table. “Uh, hey, Nick?” He said, his face turning red. I closed my eyes and sighed. “I thought you were Stella!” He said loudly. “Yeah, well I thought you were Macy, so I’m no better.” We all had a good laugh over that one.

Macy’s Point of View:

We all ordered our food. I ordered the fettuccini alfredo casserole, Nick had steak and a side of mashed potatoes, Joe got caviar, Stella got shrimp cocktail, and Kevin and Danielle shared a large platter of ribs.

I looked over at Nick, who was cutting up his steak. I smiled at him. He looked so handsome and grown up. I was so happy to call him mine. But, then I started to think about what Stella, Danielle, and I had been discussing about earlier; our futures.

Did Nick see me as someone he could spend his life with forever? Has he ever thought about our future as much as I have been? My smile must’ve been beginning to fade, because Nick asked me what was wrong. “Are you okay, hun?” He asked before taking a sip of water. I snapped out of it and faked a smile. “Of course,” I said grabbing the napkin off the table and handing it to him. He smiled and latched onto my hand under the table. He kissed it gently and let go, continuing to eat.

All of a sudden, there was a loud burp from across the table. Everyone looked up from their plates. “Sorry…” Joe said smiling. Stella hit him. “Joe! God, you’re a pig sometimes. Can’t I go anywhere without you embarrassing me?” She huffed angrily. Joe frowned. “I said I’m sorry…” Stella sighed, “Have a little more common courtesy next time, maybe.” She said, getting up from the table. “I’ll be back; I’m just going to the bathroom.” She left the table and headed to the girl’s room. I looked at Danielle, who was next to me. With both got up and followed her in.

We opened the girl’s washroom door and saw Stella applying more mascara in the bathroom vanity. She sighed. “You guys, I know you want me to give him a chance, but it’s hard when he’s acting like such a pig.” She sighed and sat down on a chair. We took a seat beside her. “Aw, honey. Don’t get upset over nothing. He’s trying his best…” Danielle said, patting her back.

Stella nodded slowly. “It’ hard to tell. I don’t get how burping and ‘attempting’ to play footsie is doing any good for him to win me over…” I let out a little chuckle, even though I knew it wasn’t exactly an appropriate time. Stella looked at me. “Why’re you laughing? You’re lucky. At least Nick knows how to put on a suit and tie. Apparently Kevin had to do his tie for him.” I began to laugh more, which made Danielle laugh. Stella smiled.

“I have to admit, he does make me laugh most of the time…” She said, smiling. “Well, then for now work on what you like about him , and worry about flaws later. Because I’m sure he’s having a tough time wondering what he has to do to get you to accept him back.” Danielle said. I nodded in agreement. “I mean, c’mon Stel. Even thought he was playing footsie with Nick…at least he ‘tried’ to play footsie with you.” She laughed. “Thanks girls. Let’s go back out. I want dessert.” We headed back to the table, arm in arm.

Nick’s Point of View:

While the three girls were in the bathroom, Kevin and I attempted to lift Joe’s spirits. “She hates me. She hates me, and she thinks I’m a footsie playing burping loser.” He said, playing with the ice-cubes in his glass of water. Kevin sighed. “She doesn’t hate you, Joe.” He looked at us. “How do you know?! She could be planning on leaving me again any day. I’m trying here, people. I’m just failing…”

I sighed. “Joe, you’re my brother. I’ve known you all my life, and I know that you’re a good guy. You need to stop ‘trying’ and you need to start showing Stella the real Joe Lucas. Okay?” He nodded. “I think I get it. I just want her to realize how much she really means to me…” Suddenly the girls came back and sat down. I looked at Macy and whispered into her ear, “Is everything ok?” She nodded and smiled. “Who’s ready for dessert?” We all raised our hands.


Macy and I shared a chocolate malt fudge cake, Joe and Stella had some apple pie, and Kevin and Danielle shared some white chocolate cake. I have to admit, it was pretty delicious, but not even cake could get my mind off of what would happen next.

Before I had made reservations here I came and checked out the place. I realized that they had an outdoor garden connected to the restaurant that was draped in beautiful twinkly lights and lush flowers. There was a gazebo in the back with a cover; a perfect area to share a romantic dance. I knew that this would be the perfect place for me to propose.

I wiped my face with my napkin, took a deep breath, and got up from the table. “Macy, do you wanna come outside for a walk? There’s something I wanna show you.” She smiled and nodded, taking my hand. I reached into my bag and slipped the ring out of the box and into my back pocket.

We headed out back to the garden, and rather then looking at the garden, I watched her face in complete awe. “It’s so beautiful…” She said, looking around. “So are you.” She looked up at me and smiled. We headed towards the gazebo and I walked her up the stairs. A soft instrumental tune quietly played in the background. Macy smiled at me, and laughed.

“May I have this dance?” I said, in an English accent. “Why yes, kind sir, you may.” She replied. I laughed and I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me. We had danced for a couple of minutes, when suddenly she rested her head against my chest and sighed. “I love you so much Nick. I never want to lose you.” I knew that this was the perfect time.

I stopped dancing, and I slowly pulled her away from me. She looked confused, but I had already started and there was no turning back. I took her hand in mine and got down on one knee. “Macy Misa, I’ve known you for awhile and I just wanted you to know how much I truly love you. I have never met someone as kind, sweet, caring, funny, and beautiful as you. I am so happy that I’ve spent 5 years and counting with you, but I think it’s time we took a jump. Together.” I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the ring. She gasped and covered her mouth; her eyes glistened with tears. “Macy Misa, I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” I said, my voice uneven.

She looked at me for a few seconds in complete shock. I hadn’t let go of her hand the whole time. She nodded her head and smiled through her tears. “Yes! Yes, oh my god, Nick. Yes!” I got up and lifted her off her feet, hugging her tiny frame tightly. “I love you so much, Macy.” I whispered to her.

I wiped away her happy tears and I looked into her beautiful brown eyes. “God, you have no idea how nervous I was.” I admitted. She laughed and smiled. “I love you Nick.” I leaned in and we kissed passionately for awhile. After we pulled away, I let her go and held onto her hand. I slipped the ring onto her finger and smiled. “It fits like a glove.” She said, smiling. I kissed her again, and held her hand. “Let’s go back inside…”

“Wait!” She said, “I have an idea…”

Macy’s Point of View:

We walked back into the restaurant, heading towards our table hand in hand. “Damn, Nick. What the hell did you want to show her? The great wall of china?” Joe said, looking at his watch. Stella rolled her eyes. I laughed and sat down beside Nick. “Oh, Nick just took me outside and showed me this beautiful garden area.” I put my hand out and pretended to look at my nails.

Surprisingly, no one had caught on yet. “Oh, is there like a gazebo or something back there?” Danielle said. Nick nodded. “Yeah, it’s very romantic, something you’d see in a movie.” Everyone nodded. I looked over at Nick and smiled. He smiled back.

“Wait, why’re you two smiling so…OHMYGOSH!” Stella exclaimed, pointing to my hand. She began to hit Joe. “OHMYGOSH, OHMYGOSH, SHE’S ENGAGED!” Stella jumped up from her chair and ran over to me squealing in pure happiness. I jumped up and squealed with her. Danielle joined us.

“How’d he do it?”
“What’d he say?”
“How many karats?”
“When’s the wedding?”

I laughed as I was bombarded with questions. “He purposed after we had been dancing outside on the gazebo. It was perfect. He said all the perfect things. We’re getting married!” I squealed. Even I couldn’t believe what I was saying.

This had been a dream come true.
♠ ♠ ♠
first chapter. (:
please enjoy.
i made this for my best friend, who is NACY obsessed.
legit. <3