Status: enjoy.

You're the Air I Breathe


Kevin’s Point of View

I looked at my watch as I sat on the chair beside Danielle’s bed; it was 3 in the morning. Danielle had fallen asleep not too long ago. I watched as her eyelids gently fluttered in her sleep. I kissed her forehead and smoothed out her hair. She winced, from the pain I assume, in her sleep. I didn’t know how she could possibly go throughall of this.

Suddenly, the Doctor quietly slipped into the room. He gave me a friendly wave and walked over to me, shaking my hand. “Hello there, how’s she holding up?” He asked, kindly. I shrugged. “She’s having a bit of pain as usual...and she just fell asleep. But she hasn’t really woken up from it or anything.” He nodded.

“When she wakes up, just buzz for a nurse to come in and check her blood pressure. We have to keep a close eye on that; it’s pretty important.” He said looking at her. I nodded. “Okay, thanks.” He smiled and nodded, walking back out of the room.

As soon as he left, I kneeled onto the floor and sighed, placing my hands together. I said a quiet prayer to myself, praying that Danielle and the baby would pull through this situation safely. I kissed Danielle’s head once more, and shut off the lamp, and laid back down onto the chair.


“Kevin, Kevin, call a nurse!” I heard Danielle scream in the middle of the night. I immediatly sprung out of the chair, turned on the lamp, and buzzed for a nurse. She squeezed my hand, her forehead drenched with sweat, and moaned as the pain intensified.

A couple of nurses ran into the room, crowding her bedside. They put the blood pressure pump on her arm and began to pump away. Danielle silently cried and squeezed my hand tightly, as they inserted another IV into her other arm.

I kissed her hand and whispered into her ear, “I’m right here, Dani. I’m not going anywhere, babe.” My own eyes began to fill with tears as I watched the pain she was going through; I felt completely useless and I wished that I could take all of the pain away from her.

About 20 minutes later, the chaos had calmed down. There was only the one nurse left in the room, and Danielle was dozily drifting into a peaceful sleep. I sighed and whispered to the nurse, “It’s just going to get worse, isn’t it?” I asked. The nurse sighed and pulled up a chair next to mine. She took my hand and smiled sympathetically.

“Young man, you need to be strong for her. She’s a fighter. She’snot going to give up, and your not going to leave her side. She needs you the most right now.” Tears blinded my vision. I nodded and she squeezed my hands. “Don’t cry. Everything’s going to be okay. Your going to get through this.” I nodded and thanked her. She smiled and left the room.

Macy’s Point of View

I rolled over under the covers, and rested my head against Nick’s chest. He smiled down at me, kissing my forehead. “How’d you sleep?” He asked. I sighed and looked away. “Not very well...I couldn’t stop thinking about Danielle and Kevin’s situation.”

He pulled me closer to him and sighed. “I’ll call them today, okay? We’ll go visit them if they don’t mind.” I nodded and I hopped out of bed. “Can you make me some breakfast?” He said, teasing. I laughed and winked at him. I ran into the kitchen and he followed behind me. He brewed the coffee and I started making some eggs and bacon.

Suddenly, my phone began to vibrate. It was a text from Stella:

have u heard anything from dani&kevin yet?

I started texting her back:

no, hbu? we mite go 2 visit l8ter 2day.

I hit send and put my phone back down on the kitchen counter. I went over to Nick, and hugged him around his waist from behind. He smiled at me and kissed me softly on my lips. I smiled and he handed me some coffee. I pointed to my stomach. “Caffenine is a no-no for the first trimester.” He sighed. “Sorry babe. I keep forgetting.” He smiled and dumped the coffee into the sink.

I grabbed my phone and saw a reply from Stella:

kk. joe will txt kev to see if hes up 4 it.

I closed my phone and slid it into my pajama pants pocket. Nick looked over at me from the couch. “What’d Stella say?” I took the bacon off the pan and put it on a plate. “They said that they’re going to text Kevin and see if Danielle is up for company today.” He nodded and turned on the TV.

“Kevin and Danielle Jonas into some baby trouble? Danielle was rushed to the hospital last night and an inside report say that Danielle might have to induce labour early. More details coming soon.” He shut the TV off and sighed. “I still can’t believe this is happening...” I nodded in agreement.

Danielle’s Point of View

I woke up to see Kevin sleeping, his face against my bedside. I laughed and smiled at him. He was so sweet; his hand was still entwined with mine. I nudged him softly and he slowly began to stir. When he saw me, he immediatly smiled. “Hey honey, how’re you feeling?” He said, sitting up. I kissed his cheek softly. “I’m alright; thanks for staying by me all night.”

He smiled and kissed me softly. “I love you and I’m going to be with you through this whole thing. No matter how bad it gets.” Suddenly, the Doctor walked into the room with a smile on his face. He walked over to my bedside and checked my blood pressure again, right away.

I looked at his face, he still looked concerned. “Okay, so, there’s no improvement on your blood pressure. It’s elevating more and more.” My heart sunk. I prayed and hoped that something good would’ve happened, but nothing did.

“At the rate your blood pressure is going up, your going to be looking at a delivery in the next couple days. We’re trying to hold off as long as possible, but we’re cutting it close.” I closed my eyes and sighed, Kevin took my hand again, not letting go.

The doctor looked at me with sympathy. “This may be tough for you to endure at a time like this, but you might want to know the risks of a pre-mature birth. One of the greatest risks is Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome, mental and physical disabilites...” He handed me a pamphlet that went into greater detail of all the risks that come with having a pre-mature baby.

Let me just say, there were a lot of risks.

The Doctor explained a bit more to us, thanked us for being so patient, then left us alone to consol with each other. I turned to Kevin, and tears started to fall all over again.

“I’m trying, Kevin. I’m trying to be as strong as I can...” I weeped into his arms. He held me close, not letting me go. “Your doing great, babe. Your going to be alright. Everything will be okay, and you know what?” He said, looking at me. “I’m going to be with you every step of the way.” He said, smiling. He kissed my forehead and sighed.

I rested my head against his chest and sighed. I wish that this would all go away...

Kevin’s Point of View

We sat there together, as I tried to comfort her the best I could. She was so upset, and she had every right to be. But I hated seeing her this way. I wish that everything would’ve just gone as we had hoped.

Suddenly, another wave of pain overcame her, but stronger than usual. She started to scream loudly, tighening her grip on my hand. She started to cry, and sqiurm until the pain finally subsided. She just laid there, crying, as I watched completely useless.

I felt like a horrible husband. Better yet, a horrible father.