Status: enjoy.

You're the Air I Breathe


One Month Later
Danielle’s Point of View

“Well, Mrs. Lucas; I finally have some good news for you today.” The nurse said as she made her way over to us. I looked up at her, as I held Nathan in my arms. A week ago, they let me hold Nathan for the first time; the first time he wasn’t inside of an incubator, where I was unable to hold him. Let’s just say, it was the best feeling in the world.

The baby had reached a weight of almost 7 lbs, and almost all of the tubes had been removed. The nurse smiled at me. “Dr. Mackenzie has given me permission to let you take Nathan home today.” My heart skipped a beat, and I smiled at Kevin who was also smiling.

“Oh my gosh, thank you so much!” I said, hugging her carefully. I handed Nathan over to Kevin and I looked back at the nurse. “So, does he need to be on any medication or breathing tubes or...?” She shook her head and smiled reassurringly. “Nope, he’s perfectly fine; he’s in stable condition to go back home. But, if you notice anything is wrong, bring him back in. Even if it’s something minor.” I nodded and smiled at Nathan who was smiling up at Kevin.

“Thank you, thank you so much.” I said again, tears in my eyes. She smiled and walked out of the NICU. I walked back over to Kevin and he kissed me softly. He looked down at Nathan and laughed. Nathan had his finger wrapped around Kevin’s. “Are you excited to see your house, Nathan?” He said. I smiled. “I can’t wait until he sees the nursery.”

Kevin looked at me, deep into my eyes and smiled. “I love, much.” I smiled and kissed him passionatly. “I love you more.” He smiled and we put Nathan in his stroller, and we headed downstairs, gathering our things, making a move towards home.

Nick’s Point of View

Macy and I had just finished getting ready that morning; we had planned a shopping day to get some stuff for the baby. Macy was already four months along now, and her baby bump was showing more.

I think I was more excited than she was about this shopping trip; although, I had to go easy on her. The pregnancy was wearing her out. She looked exhausted 24/7, and still had little bouts of morning sickness. I hated to see her in discomfort, but I knew that she was strong enough to pull through.

“Ugh, uh, I’m so fat!” I heard coming from the bedroom. Confused, I put my coffee down and headed into our bedroom. Macy was standing there; her shirt half on half off. I couldn’t help but laugh, and she gave me a puppy dog frown and sighed. “None of my clothes fit anymore; I’m getting fatter and fatter...”

I smiled, “You mean your getting more and more beautiful...?” She smiled and I helped her get untangled from her shirt. She slipped on a baggy hoodie and kissed me quick. “I need some maternity clothes.” I smiled. “We’ll get some today, hun.” She smiled again, and I kissed her quick.

I looked at my watch. “Are you almost ready?” She nodded and put her hair up in a messy bun. She laughed. “Don’t judge; this is my pregnancy look.” I smiled. “You look beautiful.” I grabbed the car keys and we headed to the outlet mall.


I pulled into the parking lot, got out, and helped Macy out of the car. She slipped her sunglasses on and I held her hand, as we barrelled through a sea of paperazzi.




I rolled my eyes and pushed past them, making sure Macy didn’t let go of my hand. Suddenly, she shrieked, and I looked at her. One of the paperazzi people had grabbed her stomach and tried to touch it. I grabbed his hand, and took it off her stomach. “Don’t touch her.” I warned. The guy laughed and tried to get past me again, but I pushed him away. “I said, don’t come near here.”

The guy wouldn’t stop, so I gave him a good, hard shove, and he fell to the ground. I grabbed Macy’s hand and we entered the nearest store. Macy was shaken up. I hugged her and smiled at her. “It’s alright, I’m right here.” I kissed her forehead and she smiled. “I’m sorry, I was just scared...” I nodded. “It’s okay; the last thing I need is some creepo trying to take you.” She laughed.

We looked around inside of the store; coincidentally, it turns out it was a baby store. I had never seen so many pink and blue things in my entire life. Like, their were aisles upon aisles of just baby clothes!

Macy ran over to the clothes and I laughed. “Remember, you don’t know the gender yet...” She frowned. “I better find out soon. I hate not being able to buy clothes and decorate the room.” I laughed and kissed her cheek.

We looked at some cribs, because that was something we could buy without needing to know the sex of the baby.