Status: enjoy.

You're the Air I Breathe


5 Months Later
No Point of View

Since that day back at the restaurant, Macy and Nick had been busy. A month or so after the proposal, they bought a beautiful home not to far away from the old firehouse. It was a big house, enough to fit Nick, Macy, and a family of their own someday.

Stella had been busy trying t o help out Macy with the wedding. She helped her with things like decorations, party favours, the reception, flowers, and most importantly; her wedding gown. Macy had bought a nice, simple gown for her wedding. It was a simple sweetheart neckline with a princess-y feel. Macy had bought it plain and simple, because she asked Stella to help her jazz it up with Stella’s magic touch.

Danielle had been a big help too. She was helping Nick and Macy manage the cost of there wedding, the dates, the guest list, and other important details they could trust her with.

Nick and Macy both agreed on a fall wedding. Macy had always adored the beautiful colours; orange, red, yellow. And Nick loved the crisp cool air.

Nick’s Point of View:

I flipped the pancakes over and yawned. It was a nice, quiet Sunday morning at the house. Macy was still in bed, sound asleep. While I let the pancakes brown a bit, I took the orange juice out of the fridge and began to pour 2 glasses full. I flipped the pancakes over again, and took a long sip of OJ.

Suddenly, I heard some footsteps. I looked to my left and saw that Macy was up. Her hair was messy, but she looked no less adorable. I smiled and walked over to her, wrapping her in a bear hug. “Good morning beautiful.” She smiled and I kissed her cheek. “Good morning, handsome. What’s cookin’ good lookin’?” I laughed, and wrapped my arms around her waist, leading her towards the stove.

“I made you some pancakes, and I’ll be making the bacon in a couple of minutes. You hungry?” She smiled. “I’m starved.” I kissed her quick and she walked over to the bathroom. I flipped the pancakes over one last time, and flopped them down onto a plate.

I set them on the table and turned on the TV. It was one of those celebrity gossip channels.

“Nick Lucas, 1 third of JONAS, and Macy Misa, his fiancé, are getting closer and closer to their big day! Sources say that Macy’s been glowing ever since her engagement. More details later.”

I smiled and shut off the TV. Macy walked back into the room and sat down at the table, beginning to eat her pancakes. “So, what’re your plans for today?” I asked her. She shrugged. “Stella and I were going to buy some stuff at the crafts store for some décor. How about you?” I shrugged. “Nothing really. Just hanging out. Do you want any company?” I said smiling.

She smiled. “You know I love company.” I laughed and kissed her cheek. “I’ll be right back; I’m just going to start a shower.” She nodded and I made my way into the bathroom.

Macy’s Point of View:

I opened up the drawer to the kitchen counter, and I pulled out a pen and paper. I sat back down at the table, continuing to eat my pancakes. I stared at the pen and paper. Picking up the pen, I began to write my signature on the paper.

Macy Misa

I scratched it out. Macy Lucas. Not Misa. This would take a while to get used to. I started again…

Macy Lucas

I smiled. “Macy Lucas.” I loved the sound of it. Suddenly, Nick walked out of the bathroom. He blew me a kiss and walked into our bedroom to get dressed. He’s so cute, I thought to myself. I couldn’t believe that in less than a month, he would be mine forever. And we could actually start a life together. Maybe even a family.

After he’d gotten changed, he walked back into the room and cooked some bacon for us. Suddenly, my cell-phone began to ring. “Hello?” I said, answering it. “Hey, what time do you want me to pick you up for the décor shopping?” She said. I looked at my watch. 11:15 am. “Well, Nick has decided that he’d like to join us, so we’ll pick you up. How about 12:30? We’ll make it a lunch date.” I winked at Nick.

“Sounds good to me. I’ll talk to you later, darlin.” She said before hanging up. “Bye,” I replied ending the call. I looked over at Nick and got up, kissing his cheek quick. “Breakfast was yummy, hun. I’m taking a shower and getting ready” I said, heading towards the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me and sighed. All this wedding planning has left me exhausted. I turned the shower on, and let the steam fill up the room. I slowly began to remove my clothes until I jumped into the shower.
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