Status: enjoy.

You're the Air I Breathe

chapter twenty.

Macy’s Point of View
3 Months Later

A lot had changed in 3 months. Stella’s Dad only lived a couple days after we had visited, and he passed away early on a Sunday morning. They buried him a couple days later. The funeral was really hard for Stella, but Joe was her rock through it all.

I’m now 7 months pregnant, at this point. We just had an appointment a couple weeks ago, and the doctor said everything was going great, as usual. We finished decorating our nursery; let’s just say there is a lot of pink.

Joe hasn’t proposed to Stella yet; he says he’s waiting for the perfect moment…and, he hasn’t found a ring yet.


“Stella, did you find the pink streamers?” I yelled to her from across the hall. She was blowing up pink balloons; her face red. I laughed. She pointed to the cardboard box beside her. “In…there.” She said, gasping for air. I picked up the box, pulled out the 5 different shades of streamers and began taping them up. “Wow, Mrs. Lucas sure went all out with this.” Stella said. I laughed. “Well, it is her first grand-daughter.” Stella smiled and continued blowing balloons up.

Stella and I arrived at the hall at around 7 this morning to get ready for my first baby shower. We rented a big hall for the party, Nick’s Mom bought a bunch of decorations, and we had tables of food and drinks, and even a pink frosted cake.

Everything in the room was pink; pink table clothes, pink chair covers, pink chandeliers, pink balloons that said, ‘It’s A Girl!’ , pink flowers on every table, and every guest went home with a pink thank you card.

“It’s looking very pink in here.” A voice said from behind me. I smiled and was greeted face to face with Nick. He kissed me quick and smiled. “Everything looks great. Are you excited?” I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder.

Stella ran over and started hitting Nick in the head with a balloon. “What’re you doing here? I don’t think so, mister. This is a girl’s only baby shower. Macy, escort your husband off the premises, thank you.” She smiled and walked away. I laughed and we headed to the door. “What’re you doing while the baby shower is going on?” I asked.

He smiled. “I invited Joe and Kevin over to play pool, have a couple beers.” I laughed and kissed him softly. “Alright, have fun.” He said, walking away. “Love you!” I called. He smiled and replied, “Love you too!” He got into his car and headed back home.

I walked back over to the hall, noticing the time. “Stella, it’s already 1 o’clock. The guests come at 2:30! We’ve got to get dressed.” She finished taping a couple balloons to the wall, and we got changed in the bathroom.


My Mom, Nick’s Mom, Stella’s Mom, Danielle and her Mom, my cousins, my aunts, my grandma, and some old friends, all started showing up to the party. Everyone brought big gifts or cards, and there was a table filled with pink wrapping paper.

My Mom smiled when she saw me. I hadn’t seen her in awhile. This was the first time she as really seen me fully pregnant. She had tears in her eyes, and she touched my stomach gently. “How many months are you along now?” I laughed. “7; 2 more to go!”

Everyone seemed to be having a great time, chatting and doing what girls do. We handed out some party favours, and opened presents. I got a lot of stuffed animals, blankets, baby supplies, diapers, and my mom got me a baby stroller. Mrs. Lucas got us a car seat, and Stella gave me 2 large gift bags filled with new pink frilly, girly, baby clothes.

We had plenty of finger foods and appetizers to go around; there was a dessert cart also, where the guests could choose from a variety of pastries, baked goods, and cake.

I think everyone was having a great time; it was nice to see old familiar faces that I hadn’t seen in awhile, but before we knew it, the party had come to an end.

Stella, Mrs. Lucas, my Mom and I were cleaning up some of the decorations when Nick came running in; Joe and Kevin behind him. He had a huge smile on his face, and he was out of breath from running. “Hey honey, what’s wrong?” I asked, throwing out some streamers.

“You’re not going to believe this; our record label just called, and they want to talk to us about doing another album!” My jaw dropped open and he ran over to me and kissed me. “Isn’t this great?” He asked. I smiled and nodded. “When are you going to talk to them?” Nick looked down. “Well, he said he’s giving us 5 weeks to record some new material, and then we’d meet up with him in L.A…but, I know that’s a little close to the due date. So, it’s alright if you want me to wait a little bit…” I shook my head and laughed. “No, no, no. That’s a whole…3 weeks before I’m due. I’ll be perfectly fine.”

He smiled happily and hugged me gently, and kissed my cheek. “Thank you so much, babe. I love you!” He said, running back out the door; looking for Joe. I laughed and continued cleaning up with my family.

Nick’s Point of View

Joe, Kevin, and I spent the afternoon discussing our plans for the album at star bucks. “I think we should go for a new sound; country meets pop and soul.” Kevin said smiling. I nodded, jotting down some quick notes in my notebook. “How about a little bit of motown?” Joe nodded smiling. “I like the sound of that.”

Later, I picked up Macy from the hall, and we went back home for a relaxing evening just lying around the house. We put away some of the new baby items she got from her baby shower and we decided to watch a little TV in bed.

She snuggled close to me and rested her head on my shoulders, smiling. I looked down at her; her eyes were closed but she was smiling. “Did you have a good time today?” I said, kissing her forehead. She nodded, still smiling. “Yeah, I’m exhausted. I could use a nice foot rub...” She said innocently looking up at me.

I laughed and crawled down to the end of our bed, lifting the covers up just so her feet were showing. She laughed as I tickled the bottoms of her feet. “I didn’t ask to be tickled; I asked for a foot rub!” I laughed and rubbed her feet. She sighed. “Did I ever tell you that you’re the best husband in the entire world?”

I rolled my eyes smiling, “You’re only saying that because I’m a good foot massager.” She smiled and blew me a kiss. After a few good minutes of massaging her feet, I crawled back into bed with her.

We were flipping through the channels when suddenly Macy said, “Oh!” And she put her hands on her stomach. I looked at her confused. “Are you okay, babe?” I said, sitting up quickly. She smiled, grabbed my hands, and put them on her stomach. And I felt it.

I felt our baby girl kicking hard. I laughed feeling every movement she made. Macy couldn’t stop smiling. “She likes to kick.” She said, holding her back up with her arms. I smiled and looked at her stomach. “Only a couple more months until I get to see my baby girl...”