Status: enjoy.

You're the Air I Breathe

chapter twenty-one.

Nick’s Point of View
1 Month Later

My cell phone rang early one morning; I heard the vibrate hit the bedside table. I leaned over sleepily, and answered it. It was Joe. “Hey man, just wondering if you’d mind doing me a favour today?” I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking over at the clock on the wall. It was 8:30 AM on a Sunday morning. “Yeah, yeah, what’s up man?” I said, looking over at Macy.

She had her hands on her belly, smiling in her sleep. I pulled the covers back over her and quietly slipped out of the room. “I wanted to go shopping for Stella’s engagement ring today; thought you might want to come with me?” I smiled and thought for a moment. “Of course, bro. I’d love to. When’d you decide to do this?” Joe sighed. “I was thinking about it last night, and I just decided that I should step it up. She’s sleeping right now; so I was going to leave her a note saying I went out shopping for groceries or something.”

I laughed. “Okay man; I’ll go get ready. I’ll stop by your house in...20 minutes?” I poured a glass of OJ and drank it quickly. “Alright man, sounds good. I’ll see you in 20 minutes.” I hung up and walked back into our bedroom. I sat beside Macy’s bedside and kissed her forehead gently. Her eyelashes fluttered for a second, and then she smiled at me. “Hey babe, what’re you doing up?” She asked, closing her eyes again.

“Joe called me; I’m going ring shopping with him soon.” Her eyes widened and she sat up quickly. “HE’S BUYING STELLA’S ENGAGEMENT RING?!” She said, gasping. I laughed and nodded. “Don’t you dare tell Stella though; she doesn’t know obviously, and I have no idea when he’s going to propose. So, just keep it on the down low.”

She smiled and nodded. “This is so exciting. He better get her a nice ring; she likes the blingbling.” She said winking. I laughed and kissed her quick. I got off the bed, walked over to the closet, changed my shirt, and grabbed my cell phone. “Call me if you need anything, okay?” She gave me the thumbs up and I blew her a kiss. I headed outside, hopped into the car and made my way over to Joe’s.


I knocked on the door quietly, remembering that Stella was still sleeping. Joe opened it quietly, and closed it gently. I smiled and gave him a hug. “You must be excited.” He nodded, looking downwards smiling. “Yeah, kind of nervous though. I’m afraid there isn’t going to be a good enough ring for her out there.” We hopped into the car. I looked at him funny. “What’re you talking about, man? There’s a gazillion types of rings to choose from...” He shook his head. “No man; she’s perfect. I have to literally find the perfect ring for her.”

Joe’s Point of View

As we were on our way to the ring shop, my heart beat fast. I was trying to picture in my head the kind of ring I should get her, but nothing came to mind. Nick obviously noticed it, and he nudged me, starting to laugh. “You need to calm down, man. She’s not going to change her mind about you just because the ring isn’t the one she wanted. The ring isn’t as important as you think.” I sighed and scratched the back of my neck. “Yeah, I guess.”

We pulled into the parking lot and hopped out. I sighed as I opened the door, walking in. The man behind the counter smiled. “Hello, how may I be of service...oh my gosh, your Joe and Nick Lucas from JONAS!” I smiled and nodded, shaking his hand. “Yeah, that’s us, and I do actually need some assistance today. I’m looking for an engagement ring.”

He smiled, and unlocked the glass door for us, pulling out a few examples. “This is our most popular choice of engagement; square shaped diamond with a gold band and smaller diamonds around the band.” I scratched my head, looking at the ring closely. It was beautiful, no doubt, but I was still looking for some more. Nick patted me on the back and smiled. “Take your time, bro.” I nodded and the man handed me another.

“This is a more extravagant ring. It has one large circular cut diamond in the middle with small diamonds around the circle; with a silver band and more diamonds around the band.” I looked at it closely. Stella did like a lot of glitz and glam. Maybe this was the one...

But what if it was too much? Maybe she liked glitz and glam when it came to fashion, but with rings? Maybe it was a totally different story! I sighed and closed my eyes, rubbing them. The man handed me another ring. “This one is elegant but simple. It’s a simple gold band, with a nice size diamond in the middle.” I looked at it. I liked it a lot, but I didn’t think it was right for Stella.

I walked away from the counter, and back outside, trying to think for a bit. Nick followed me out and looked at me. “I can’t believe how stressed out you are over a ring! Joe, I don’t get it.” I shoved him aside. “No, you don’t get it, Nick. You never will. Her Dad left this earth knowing that I’d be the one to make her happy for the rest of her life. I asked him if I could take her hand in marriage, and he accepted it. He accepted it! I need this ring to be perfect, because...Stella is the perfect girl. She’s the best thing that’s ever been in my life, and I don’t want anything to change.” I sat down on the cement and sighed, my head in my hands.

He sat beside me. “Well, do you know what kind of ring her Dad gave her Mom?” I looked at him. “Nick, you’re a genius!” I ran back into the store and started looking through the cases again. Then, something caught my eye.

I’ve seen Mrs. Malone’s ring once, and this one looked almost identical to it. It was a silver banded ring with a square diamond in the middle. The diamonds began going down the side of the band, and stopped about halfway. It was perfect because it was simple, yet extremely elegant. I smiled and tapped on the glass window, where it was below me. “That’s it. That’s the one.” I told him.

He pulled it out and smiled, handing it to me for a closer look. “It’s a beautiful ring,” he said smiling. “Is this the one you’re looking for?” I nodded and smiled, handing it back to him. “It’s exactly what I’m looking for.”

He put it in a fancy box, and into a bag. He handed it to me after I paid. “Thank you for your purchase, Mr. Lucas. I hope everything goes well!” He said, waving to Nick and I as we walked out. We hopped back into Nick’s car and he dropped me back off at my house. “Make sure she doesn’t see it!” He yelled to me as he pulled out of the driveway. I laughed and opened the door; she was standing right there.

“Grocery shopping, huh?” She said, giggling. She hugged me tight and kissed my cheek. I smiled, blushing. “Oh yeah; about them...I ate them on the way here. I was hungry.” She started laughing and I kissed her quick. “I love you Joe.” I smiled and held her close to me. “I love you too.”

Macy’s Point of View

I heard Nick come thru the back door. “Hey babe, coffee’s still brewing if you want some!” I called from the bedroom. I finished putting my makeup on and walked out. My stomach was almost full size now; it was getting harder and harder on my back. Nick came over and pulled a chair out for me. I sat down and kissed his lips quick. “Thanks hun.”

“So, did you guys pick out a good ring?” I said, anxious for the answer. He nodded and showed me his phone. He had taken a picture of it. I gasped. “Oh my god, it’s beautiful!” Nick nodded and smiled. “He bought it purposely because it looked just like the ring Stella’s Dad gave her Mom.” A tear escaped my eye. “That is so sweet.” I whispered. Nick smiled and gave me a small hug.

“Joe was pretty nervous about the whole thing; didn’t know which one to get her.” I nodded. “But I think she’ll like it.” He continued. I smiled, nodding with agreement. “I know she will.” I said.

“So, just so I’m clear, when are you guys leaving for this trip?” He looked at his phone calendar and back at me. “Exactly a week from today.” I nodded. “Are all of you going?” Nick shook his head. “No, Joe talked to me today; he’s planning to propose sometime that weekend, so we decided that he should stay back.” I nodded. “Okay and you’re back when?” He smiled and kissed my cheek. “The following Wednesday. If you’re considering that I shouldn’t go, I can cancel, babe. It’s no big deal.” I shook my head. “No way, I’ll be totally fine. I’m just going to miss you.” I said, smiling. He kissed me passionately.

“I’ll miss you too, Macy.” He whispered in my ear.