Status: enjoy.

You're the Air I Breathe

chapter twenty-two.

Macy’s Point of View
A Week Later

I rolled over and cuddled closer to Nick. He opened his eyes and smiled. “Hello beautiful.” He kissed my forehead gently and smiled. I sighed, remembering that today was the day he was leaving. To be completely honest, I was a bit worried. This would be the first time without him near me, and it was especially more nerve-racking because the baby was due in less than a month.

I sighed. “I’m going to miss you...” I admitted, resting my head on his shoulder. He laughed. “I’ll only be gone for a few days; and you know that I can hop right back on a flight if you need me, right?” I nodded and kissed him softly. “I love you.” He smiled. “I love you more, and I’ll be back before you know it.”


He lugged his bags to the front door, and looked out the window. “It looks chilly out there,” I said, handing him his sweater. He smiled and slipped it on. “Thanks babe.” Suddenly, I watched as Kevin pulled up, hopping out of the limo. I just wish I could’ve spent another hour with him before he left.

Nick opened the door for him and Kevin hugged me. “Hey Macy, you getting excited?” He said, looking at my stomach. I nodded, touching it gently. “The bun’s almost ready to come out of the oven.” We all laughed. Kevin and Nick helped put his things into the limo. Kevin slid in the backseat. “I’ll let you say your goodbyes; I’m just letting you know that we need to be at the airport in 10 minutes, no later.” Nick nodded and turned back to me.

He smiled, put his satchel down and hugged me gently. “I promise I’ll call you every night, ok?” He said, smiling at me. I nodded, tears stinging my eyes. He wiped them away with his thumbs. “Don’t cry,” he said laughing. “Macy, I’ll be back on Wednesday, ok?” I nodded and faked a smile. He touched my stomach. “And if you need me to come back because you don’t feel ok? Don’t be afraid to call me; I promise I’ll have no problem getting back onto a plane.” I smiled and kissed him passionately on the lips.

“I love you, Nick.” I whispered, looking into his brown eyes. He smiled and kissed my forehead gently. “I love you too.” He blew me a kiss before he hopped in the back of the limo. I waved and watched them pull out of the driveway.

Nick’s Point of View

I watched Macy’s sad face slowly began to grow further and further away. I sighed and turned back around, facing Kevin who was sitting across from me in the limo. He patted my knee. “Don’t worry, brother. Everything will be fine.” I faked a smile, and prayed that everything would turn out ok.

We parked the limo, headed inside the airport, got our bags checked, and then boarded the jet. All I could think about on that plane ride was Macy; was she going to be ok? What if she went into an early labour? I sighed, closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

Macy’s Point of View

Later that night, I had begun to cook myself some dinner. I was stirring a pot of noodles, when suddenly I began to feel sharp pains in my lower abdomen. I winced, and grabbed my stomach. I thought to myself, ‘It’s just must be the baby; I couldn’t be contracting this early.’ I picked up the spoon I had dropped and continued to stir the noodles.

But the pain continued through and through the night; I was watching TV on the couch, and the pain began to worsen, so I decided to go to bed early. I lied down in bed and sighed, looking up at the ceiling. I thought about Danielle and how she went into an early labour. I knew this was different though; because I was a lot further along than she had been. I was just worried because Nick wasn’t here to help if something were wrong.

I turned out the lights, and snuggled underneath the covers, trying to ignore the pain.

The Next Morning

I woke up earlier than I usually did, because I woke up to an unusual sensation; the sensation of a flow of water. I sat up quickly and my eyes widened. I looked down and lifted up the covers, realizing that I was pretty sure my water had just broken.

My heart sunk, because I wasn’t prepared for this, especially knowing Nick wasn’t here by my side. Then I started to think, who could I call? What should I do? The first person to come to my mind was Nick, but I didn’t want to worry him, and I wanted to make sure this was actually happening. So, I decided to call Stella.

She answered the phone quickly, and started laughing. “Oh my god, Macy. I was just about to call you! Joe proposed to me last night!” I ignored whatever she had just said to me, and I tried to keep my breathing controlled. “Stella, I need you and Joe pronto. My water broke about 5 minutes ago. I’m freaking out!”

I heard Stella let out a little scream from the other line. “We’ll be there in 5 minutes, okay? Stay on the phone with me. We’re heading out the door now.” I hung up the phone, and paced around the kitchen floor anxiously, waiting for them to arrive.

Stella’s Point of View

Joe literally slid into the car, tripped on the way in, and I ran in after him. He started pulling out of the driveway slowly. I shook my head. “Sorry babe, but when I’m in labour, you better be driving faster than this!” I stepped on his foot, making him hit the gas pedal harder.

We sped down the road, made a left, and pulled in front of Macy’s house. I saw her in the window; she had her hands on her stomach, wincing from pain. “Joe, clear out the back seat, I’m running in to get Macy!” He hopped out of the truck, and began to clear it out.

I ran inside, swung the door open, and found Macy; her back pressed up against the refrigerator door. Her face was sweaty, and she was breathing rapidly. I quickly grabbed a cold compress, placed it on her forehead, and helped her outside into the car.

She lay down in the back. “Okay Macy, let’s try some breathing techniques. In, out, in, out, in...” Macy shook her head. “I need someone to call Nick; but don’t make him worry too much.” She started moaning, tightening her grip on her stomach. I pulled my cell out and dialled Nick’s number, handing it to Macy.

Macy’s Point of View

I waited for him to pick up, which seemed like forever, but when he did, he immediately sounded concerned. “Stella? Is everything ok?” I winced again, trying not to make a noise or a yelp. “Nick, honey, it’s me, Macy.” I said my breathing erratic.

“Mace, is everything okay? You sound different.” I sighed. “Nick, I didn’t want to worry you or anything, but I thought you should know that I’m on my way to the hospital. I’m in an early labour and Stella and Joe are with me.” I could’ve sworn I heard him take a gulp of air.

“I’m coming right home.” He stated, I heard him yell to Kevin. “I need the fastest ticket back to New Jersey!” I sighed. “Nick, I’m sorry.” I said, my eyes watering. “I didn’t plan on this happening, and, and, I know how much your music means to you...” I began to cry. Nick chuckled on the other end of the phone.

“Macy, baby, don’t be silly. Music is a lot to me, but you and this baby mean SO much more than music. I intend to be there as soon as I possibly can, so just hold on a little bit longer for me. Be strong for me, okay?” I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me. “Okay. I love you.” I heard his own voice crack. “I love you too; I’ll be there in 2 hours or so.”

I hung up the phone, and in a couple minutes, we had finally arrived at the hospital. Joe ran inside, grabbed me a wheelchair, and they both helped me into it. Joe pushed me inside, and Stella followed. She ran up to the front desk and approached the nurse behind it. “Ma’am, my friend is going into an early labour; we need some assistance!” She said.

The nurse nodded. “Just follow me.” We followed her back into our own small, simple hospital room. I got out of the wheelchair, and changed into a hospital gown. I climbed into the bed, and let the nurses hook me up with some IV’s.

Shortly after, Doctor Mackenzie walked into the room. She had a big smile on her face. “Hello Mrs. Lucas; we weren’t expecting to see you in here this early...” She looked down at her clip-board and wrote a few notes. I smiled nervously. “I was wondering if that’s going to be a problem; delivering three weeks early.” My heart began to race.

She looked up at me. “Well, you’re only three weeks early, which shouldn’t make that much of a difference; your baby is about 7 and a half pounds which is a great weight for a delivery.” I smiled with relief and nodded. “Okay.” The doctor looked around. “Where’s Mr. Lucas?” She said, confused. I crossed my fingers. “On a plane to New Jersey, I hope.”

She smiled. “Well, we’ll just check how dilated you are...” She looked at Joe who was reading a magazine on a chair in the corner of the room. Stella cleared her breath. “Joe...Joe...JOE!” She said, smacking him with a book. “Joe, leave the room.” He looked up from his magazine. “What...wait, why?”

Stella followed him forcefully, until he’d leave. “I don’t understand, why do I have to leave?!” Stella pointed towards the door, marching behind him. “No questions asked, leave.”