Status: enjoy.

You're the Air I Breathe


Nick's Point of View
"Come on, come on, come on!" I was attempting to catch my breath after running from the terminal; I was now waiting for my luggage as a bunch of fans began to crowd me. Kevin told them kindly, "I'm really sorry guys, but we have no time for this right now. Macy's in labour and we have to go." Now, that only made them more excited.

I sighed and finally grabbed my luggage. I threw my satchel over my shoulder, and my rolling suitcase rolled along with me. We were running swiftly through the airport, meeting our limo at the front of the building, which was flooded with paperazzi.

The flashes of the cameras blinded me for seconds, but Kevin grabbed my shoulder and pulled me through the crowd. We finally emerged and slid into the backseat. "To the hospital, please!" I shouted to the driver. He nodded and we were on our way.

I looked out my window and sighed; my heart was racing. I was thinking about how today, I'd go home as a Dad. I smiled, ecstatic at the thought. Kevin looked at me and laughed. "You ready, man?" He asked, patting my shoulder.

I smiled and nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be." I looked back out the window and watched the cars passing us by.

Macy's Point of View
Sweat was dripping down my forehead, my heart racing. There were about 3 nurses and Doctor Mackenzie was also in the room. Doctor Mackenzie walked up to me and said, "I'm just going to draw up your epidural now, which should bring down most of your pain. It numbs you from the waist down for the delivery." I nodded, trying to breathe normally.

Stella was beside me, holding my hand; Joe behind her. I nodded. The nurses came over and helped me sit up properly. They placed the cathader on my back and Stella held my hand tight, as Joe took a deep breath, and sat in front of me. Before they put the needle in, Joe took me close to him, and said, "It's okay; rest your head on my shoulder." I looked up at him and smiled, nodding my head. I closed my eyes and leaned against him.

"Okay, on the count of three...1...2...3." I winced; the needle stung a little going in, but I continued my breathing and waited for them to pull the needle out. A 30 seconds later, Doctor Mackenzie gently touched my shoulder. "Okay, it's all done." She said reassuringly. I smiled at Joe. "Thanks Joe, it means a lot." He smiled. "No problem, Mace. Nick gave me a call, and told me to do whatever I could to make you feel comfortable." I smiled, tears in my eyes, thinking of him.

I lied back down and after a few minutes, I began to feel the medication kick in. I smiled and closed my eyes; it felt amazing to not have as much pain. Doctor Mackenzie walked over and smiled at me. "Not much longer," she said while setting up for delivery. I sighed.

Then they wheeled in a small bed to put the baby in. I smiled and realized that everything was finally falling into place; except for the fact that my husband might possibly not see his baby girl being born.

I closed my eyes and quietly said a prayer to myself, praying that Nick would finally get here soon. I felt a little better knowing that Stella and Joe were right there with me.

Nick's Point of View
All of a sudden, the limo came to a slow halt. I looked at the driver, then out the front windshield. There seemed to be at least a hundred cars in front of us; the traffic was insane. I could see the hospital from the limo, it wasn't too far away.

I leaned back into the seat, wondering what to do next. Kevin sighed. "Don't worry man, it's gonna pass quickly." I closed my eyes, shook my head, then looked at him. "No, I can't wait any longer. I need to be there now." I unlocked the limo door and climbed out.

I looked back at Kevin and said, "Meet me there, ok?!" He nodded and smiled, "Go get her, bro!" I smiled and began to run towards the hospital, as fast as I could.

Macy's Point of View
My legs were up on the stirups. Doctor Mackenzie had just checked to see how dialated I was now. She smiled at me. "Alright Mrs. Lucas. Your 10 cm dilated. Are you ready to have this baby?" My bottom lip quivered, and I instantly burst into tears, shaking my head.

"No! I can't do this without Nick; he needs to be here!" I sighed and Stella came over and hugged me. Doctor Mackenzie sighed. "I'm really sorry, but we have no choice. Your little girl needs to come out now!"

I closed my eyes, trying to calm down. Suddenly, it hit me. With or without Nick, this baby was coming soon. I needed to suck it up, and toughen up. I wiped my eyes and nodded, grabbing Stella's hand. I looked at Doctor Mackenzie. "I'm ready."

Joe came over on the other side of my bed and held my other hand. He smiled at me. "Don't give up on Nick, ok Macy?" I sighed and closed my eyes. "I won't; I never will." I watched as Doctor Mackenzie washed her hands and slipped a fresh pair of gloves on and a face mask.

My legs were already hoisted up onto the stirups. I had Stella wiping my forehead with a cold, wet cloth. Doctor Mackenzie took a seat near the end of my bed, and two other nurses came to assist.

"Okay, Mrs. Lucas, we need you to start pushing now. So, I need you to take a deep breath in and push hard for a good 5 seconds. Okay? 1...2...3." I took a long deep breath, and began to push. I had to admit, it was a little painful, but the epidural sure helped.

Nick's Point of View
I finally reached the front desk of the hospital. I ran up to the secretary who was typing away on her computer. "Hi, I need the room number of Macy Lucas! I'm her husband, and I need to get there, NOW."

She nodded and gave me the room number, '113 on the 3rd floor.' I thanked her quickly and ran towards the elevator, but decided that the stairs would be a quicker route, considering the amount of people that had just walked on.

I finally got to the third floor and was scrambling like a mad-man trying to figure out which room Macy was in.

Macy's Point of View
I gave another long, hard push, groaning and moaning as I heard Doctor Mackenzie say, "Good job Mrs. Lucas, I can see the head! Your doing amazing." I nodded. I was suprised Joe was still standing, because he was as white as a ghost. But, still tried to encourage me. I looked over at Stella who was crying a bit, but was smiling. "Your doing great, Mace."

"Mrs. Lucas, we're only going to need a couple more good pushes, so I need you to take another deep breath...1...2...3." I took another deep breath, but before I could push, Nick came flying through the doors.

My head turned instantly to the commotion of the noise I had just heard. I looked up and saw his beautiful face staring down at me. Joe looked at Nick and grabbed his shoulders. "Alleulia! Thank the Lord!" He ran to the bathroom, and closed the door.

Nick kneeled down beside me and took my hand, then kissed my forehead gently. "I told you I'd be here in time." He smiled and moved some hair away from my eyes. I wanted to cry, but I knew I had to keep all my focus on the delivery, even though I was extremely thrilled that he had made it in time.

He looked at Doctor Mackenzie and smiled. "Alright, let's do this." He said. She smiled. "Okay, Macy. One more time...1...2...3." I squeezed Nick's hand and pushed as hard as I could. Nick kissed my forehead again. "You're doing great, babe. You can do this." I nodded.

Doctor Mackenzie looked again, then back at me. "Alright Macy, just one more push, and I think you've got this!" Tears were in my eyes and I almost couldn't believe it. "On the count of three...1...2...3!" I pushed again, closing my eyes, and suddenly I heard the cry of our baby girl.

I opened my eyes, my hands shaking. Nick looked at me and smiled; I could see tears in his eyes. He kissed me softly and whispered. "I love you so much. You did great, Macy." I smiled, crying. "I love you too!" Doctor Mackenzie placed her down on my abdomen and I got my first glimpse of her; she had light brown hair, but lots of it. I saw her eyes open, and they looked just like Nick's; deep brown and beautiful.

"She has your nose." Nick said laughing, wiping his eyes. I looked up at him and smiled. "She has your ears and eyes." He smiled and Doctor Mackenzie looked at Nick. "If you just follow me, you can cut the umbilical cord."

Nick's Point of View
I followed the doctor where she placed our baby girl down in a small bed. She put the scissors in place and told me to cut. I smiled and cut it. Doctor Mackenzie smiled and turned to me. "Congratulations. Let's go weigh her."

We put her on the scale, and she came to a grand total of 7lbs 3 ounces. She was the perfect little thing; she was already smiling up at me as Doctor Mackenzie wheeled the bed beside Macy and I. I laid on Macy's bedside and smiled.

Doctor Mackenzie gently picked her up and placed her in Macy's arms. She had big brown eyes, and a huge grin on her face. I looked at Macy; she was smiling with tears in her eyes. "She's perfect." She said in a whisper.

I kissed her forehead and smiled. "Hi Kaylee Marie." I whispered, touching the palm of her hand with my pinkie. She latched onto it, and squeezed.

Welcome to the world, baby Kaylee. Welcome to the world.