Status: enjoy.

You're the Air I Breathe


Macy's Point of View
Home at last; but this time? It wasn't just Nick and I. We were a family. I watched as Nick took the key out of the door. He grabbed some bags, and opened the door, putting them on the kitchen counter. I followed in behind him, carrying Kaylee in her carseat.

I gently placed her carseat on the floor, and Nick came over and hugged me, kissing my forehead softly. "Home sweet home." He said, smiling. I laughed and kissed him softly. "Home sweet home."

Nick carefully unbuckled Kaylee's seatbelt and held her in his arms. He kissed her little nose gently and smiled. "She's so beautiful..." He said, cradling her close to his chest. Her finger was curled around his thumb. I smiled at them. He was going to be an amazing Dad. I could already tell.

"Oh, I've gotta set up the playpen..." He said, carefully handing her to me. I nodded and he ran back into her room, grabbed the box, and began assembling. When he was finished, I placed down a blanket, and lay her down on her back. She was looking up at us, her big brown eyes opened wide.

Nick set the playpen up beside the couch, where Nick and I were sitting on. We kept a close eye on her. Suddenly, the phone began to rang. I reached over and grabbed the portable on the coffee table. "Hello?" I said. It was Stella. "Hey Mace, do you mind if Joe and I come over? We wanna talk to you guys about something..." I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. "Uh, sure. Come on over." I smiled at Nick who looked just as confused as I sounded.

I put the phone down and turned to Nick. "Was that Stella?" I nodded. "Yeah, they wanna come over and talk to us about something." He nodded. I looked over at Kaylee, who was still awake. I reached down gently and lifted her out of the playpen, and sat back down on the couch. Nick touched Kaylee's cheek softly and smiled. "I can't get over how much she looks like you..."

I shook my head. "I think she looks more like you, if you ask me." He smiled. Suddenly, Kaylee began to whimper, which turned into a cry. "I think she's hungry..." I said, starting to unbutton my shirt, and lay a blanket over my chest. Just then, the doorbell rang, and Nick ran over to get it.

Nick's Point of View
I opened the door and in came Joe and Stella. They were smiling and I gave Joe a man-to-man hug, and hugged Stella. I took them into the living room, where Macy was feeding Kaylee.

"Aw, Macy, your such a beautiful mother!" Stella squealed, sitting down beside her. Macy laughed and they began to talk away. Joe looked at Macy, confused. "Uh, Macy? What exactly are you doing?" I sighed, and shook my head. Macy laughed and blushed a bit. "I'm feeding Kaylee...?"

Joe walked over closer. Stella was sighing, shaking her head with me. He got right up next to Macy. "Where's the bottle?" He asked, about to lift up the blanket. I ran over and moved him away. "Don't worry about it Joe..." He seemed to be okay with that answer.

We all sat down and I made some drinks. "So, what's up? What'd you guys want to talk about?" Macy said, buttoning her shirt back up. "Nick, can you burp her?" I nodded, taking Kaylee out of her arms. I rested her head on my shoulder, and held her bottom and began to pat her back gently.

"Well..." Stella said, patting Joe's knee, "we wanted to talk to you guys about our wedding plans." Everyone was silent, and all of a sudden, Kaylee let out a loud burp. I took her off my shoulder and laughed. "That was a big one!" I announced, laughing.

Macy looked at Stella. "Uhm, excuse me? I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU WERE ENGAGED?!" Stella laughed. "Well, I tried to tell you? But you were kind of in I didn't think you really cared at that moment..." She chuckled. Macy covered her mouth and gasped. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I...Stella! I'm so happy for you!" She squealed, grabbing Stella and hugging her.

She smiled and showed us the ring. I patted Joe on the back. "Nice work, man. I told you she'd like it." Macy turned to me. "What?! You knew about this?!" She gasped. I smiled.

Macy's Point of View
We hungout for a good part of the afternoon, taking turns holding Kaylee, and talking about their wedding plans. It started to get dark out, and Stella and Joe left. It was just Nick, Kaylee, and I enjoying our first night home as a family.

I had just finished feeding her, and Nick and I were getting ready for bed. I slipped into my pajamas, and Nick crawled into bed. I burped her gently, then placed her in her basinet beside my bedside.

Nick fell asleep pretty quickly, but I just couldn't bring myself to sleep. I watched Kaylee slowly begin to drift into a peaceful slumber; her little eyelids flickering a bit. I smiled. She finally fell asleep that night, as did I.
About 6 months had passed and Kaylee had been growing like crazy. She was a happy baby, always making funny sounds and becoming stronger in her legs and arms. She was beginning to get the basics of crawling, but Nick and I still carried her around a lot.

Stella and I were getting together today to organize some of her wedding details and plans. Nick was taking Kaylee on a walk. I kissed him goodbye and he rolled out the door with Kaylee in the stroller.

Not much longer, the doorbell rang. I ran over and answered it; it was Stella and she had her wedding dress in her hands, with a big smile on her face. I hugged her and squealed. "I can't wait to see it on you again; you looked amazing when we picked it out a few months ago!" She smiled. "I know."

She brought her big notebook, full of her wedding plans. "Ok," she said, "I'm planning on getting pink carnations with white lillies mixed in. How's that sound?" I gave her a thumbs up. "Pink and white are gorgeous together." She smiled.

We worked on the wedding for awhile, but then I finally couldn't take it any longer. I pulled her up off the chair. "Okay, we're trying the dress on now. I can't wait anymore." She laughed and we headed to the bathroom, where I waited for her to get changed.

I was watching tv in our room when she walked through the door. I gasped, "It looks amazing, Stella!" I walked up over to her. She shook her head, tears in her eyes, "No it doesn't. I have to take it back." I looked at her strangely. "What, why?" She spun around, her back facing me.

I looked down and realized that the zipper wasn't going up. I shook my head. "Did they give you the wrong size?" She shook her head. "No! It's the exact dress." I shook my head. "Maybe the zipper's just stuck..." I went to go adjust it, but she sat down on my bed, her head in her hands.

"Macy, it's not the's me." I looked at her strangely. "What're you talking about, Stella?" She looked up at me. "Macy, ....I'm pregnant."