Status: enjoy.

You're the Air I Breathe


1 Month Later…
Night Before The Wedding
Macy’s Point of View

“How about this shade?” Stella said, holding up a nice bottle of sunshiny yellow nail polish. I gave her the thumbs up. “It matches the dresses perfectly. And then, you can get a white calla lily painted on it to match your flowers.” I said with a satifisfied smile.

Danielle, Stella, and I had decided to treat ourselves for a nice evening at the spa the night before the wedding. I looked down at my own nails, which had been painted as a French manicure. I smiled to myself, thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow, I was officially no longer Macy Misa. I was Macy Lucas.

“Hello, Macy? Did you hear me?” Stella said, nudging my arm. “Wha,-what? Sorry.” I said, my face turning red. “Say again?” Danielle laughed. “She’s in ‘wedding’ mode. Don’t worry hun. I was the same way.” Stella just rolled her eyes and smiled as she watched the nail artist finish up her nails.

Nick’s Point of View

“Dude, this party is going to rock. Are you almost ready?” I heard Joe call from outside of the bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I loosened my tie. Then tightened it. Then loosened it again. “Joe, tie or no tie?” I called to him. “Are you insane? Dude, this is your last night as free man. No tie, brother.” I chuckled and took of my tie.

I fixed my hair in the mirror and sprayed a bit of cologne before walking out of the bathroom. Joe took a large whiff of me. “Damn brother; give me some of your Calvin Klein.” I rolled my eyes and handed him the bottle of cologne. He sprayed some on, and Kevin walked into the room. “Ready for your last night, brother?” He said with a devious smile. I laughed nervously, because I wasn’t sure what they had planned…


I heard the loud music as we drove down the street, parking our car across from the club. We walked up to the door-guard and he smiled. “Hey Nick, I heard tomorrow’s the big day?” I smiled and nodded. “Congrats man; c’mon in.” He opened the door for my brothers and I and we headed inside.

The room was crowded with an open bar to the side. There were lot of lights; a disco ball at that and very loud upbeat techno music. “This, is, AWESOME.” Joe exclaimed, blending into the crowd. I shook my head and headed over to the bar for a drink.

I sat down on a bar stool and ordered a margarita on the rocks. The bar tender looked at me strangely. I didn’t realize it as much, until he stopped and stared at me intently for a few seconds. “Nick Lucas, right?” I was shocked. “Um, yes. I’m sorry, do I know you?” He laughed cockily and suddenly I knew who it was. “Stone Stevens, professional surfer, right?” I said. He looked up at the ceiling. “Actually, I stopped surfing 5 years ago….but yeah, it’s Stone. How’re you doing, bro?” I faked a smile. “I’m good, I guess. I’m getting married tomorrow.” His expression looked surprised. “Nice bro, who’s the lucky lady?”

“Macy Misa, remember her?” I asked, seeing if he was smart enough to remember her. “Hmm, doesn’t ring a bell…oh wait! That’s the hot girl who saved you after your fail at surfing, right?” He laughed. “She’s marrying, YOU?” He slapped my back jokingly. “Just kidding, man. You’re a lucky dude. I wonder if she’s still as hot as she was 7 years ago.” He handed me my drink, and I paid him. “I’ll talk to you later. Thanks for the drink.” I said, getting up from the chair. “No problem, good luck tomorrow! Tell Macy I said hi.” I rolled my eyes after I had turned around. Yeah right, will do...jerk. I thought to myself.

I took a long sip of my drink and watched everyone in the room. People were dancing, drinking, laughing. It was a big party in itself. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and faced a blonde girl. “Hey there, handsome.” I awkwardly stood there. “Uh, hi. Do I know you?”

She batted her eye-lashes at me, flirtatiously. “No, but you could. Do you want to dance?” She said, unbuttoning a button from her blouse. I watched her. “Um, I would, but I’m not much of a dancer and I’m married…” I showed her my ring. “OH! You’re the bachelor here tonight. You’re getting married tomorrow, huh?” I’m glad she understood. I nodded, smiling. She laughed. “Is your fiancée here?” I shook my head, and as soon as I did, she grabbed my hands and placed them on her hips. “Then c’mon, handsome; get your freak on.

I followed her out on to the dance floor; a little dancing wouldn’t hurt anyone right? She began to dance and she laughed, throwing her arms onto my neck. She got closer to my face to the point where it was uncomfortable. I looked for Joe out of the corner of my eye, but I couldn’t see him or Kevin anywhere.

“Your fiancée is a very, very, lucky woman…” she said seductively into my ear. I gulped and pulled away a bit, but she came closer. “Don’t back away, just go with the floe.” Suddenly, she grabbed my face and began to kiss me passionately, trying to slip her tongue into my mouth. I pushed her off angrily and walked away. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” I shouted, trying to find Kevin and Joe.

I finally found Joe in the back of the room, making out with some girl I’ve never seen before. “JOE?!” I yelled. He stopped and pulled away from the girl, his face red with embarrassment. “Joe, do you really think your girlfriend would approve of this?” I said, folding my arms over my chest. He got up and walked over to me. “Dude, what’re you doing? This is our night as ‘free’ men, remember?” I shook my head. “No, it’s a night to have fun. Not get laid when you already have a girlfriend.” I said to his face. “I’m going home.” I headed towards the door, my head down.

“Yo, Nick! Man, where are you going? You’re not hammered already, are you?” I heard the door-guard call to me laughing. I ignored him and jumped into the car, driving home.

Macy’s Point of View

After we had finished our manicures and matching pedicures, we decided to treat ourselves with In and Out Burger. After all, I had been on a strict diet to make sure I would fit into my dress. As I took a bite into my burger, Stella sighed. I looked over at her and she was smiling at me with tears in her eyes. “I can’t believe you’re getting married.” I smiled at her. Danielle turned to me, and patted my leg, “You are going to look SO good tomorrow.” Stella smiled, and gave a little hair-flip. “All because of my pro dress designing.” We all started to laugh.

Suddenly, there was a knock on Stella’s front door. She got up from the table, and answered it. “Nick, aren’t you supposed to be at a party?" Nick? I thought to myself; why would he be here now?

I followed Stella to the door and saw Nick standing there. Once he saw me, his face lit up into a smile. He walked past Stella and came over to me. He gave me a big hug and smiled. “I know your staying over here tonight, since it’s the night before our big day and all, but since I won’t see you until you come down the aisle, I just wanted to come say goodnight.” He kissed my cheek softly.

“Awwww.” Danielle and Stella said in chorus. I looked over at them and began to blush. Nick laughed and kissed me quick, gently touching my face. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” He said, starting to head towards the door. I blew him a kiss and he left smiling.

I looked at Stella and Danielle, who were still watching me from the kitchen doorway. They were smiling like idiots, pretending as if I couldn’t see them. “You guys are pathetic,” I said, laughing as we made our way back to the table.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it took awhile..