Status: enjoy.

You're the Air I Breathe


The Next Day…
Nick’s Point of View

I woke up the next morning feeling kind of anxious. I looked at my watch. 7:30 am. I brewed some coffee and poured myself a cup. Sitting down at my own kitchen table, I realized how empty the place was when she wasn’t around. Everything was quiet and still, so I turned the TV on and to my surprise the same reporter was talking again.

“Macy Misa and Nick Lucas make it official today! The adorable couple have been spotted repeatedly at bridal boutiques and décor shopping, and all that shopping has led up to this very important day! But Big Brother Joe on the other hand has been getting into some trouble. The JONAS band member was spotted downtown last night at a nearby club, with a few female friends. None of which were girlfriend, Stella Malone.”

I shut off the TV angrily. Great way to start the day of my wedding. Suddenly, I felt my cell-phone begin to vibrate. I pulled it out and answered it. “Hello?”

“She saw the news.” It was Joe, and he didn’t sound too good. “Who, Stella?” I asked him. “No shit Sherlock. She was watching the interview that was just on TMZ. What am I going to do?” I rolled my eyes. “Well, you messed up in a big way, so I think you should make it right in a big way.” He groaned. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Figure it out on your own, Joe. I’m a little pre-occupied considering I’m getting MARRIED today.” I hung up and sighed, running my fingers through my hair. Wasn’t this day supposed to be about us?

Joe’s Point of View

Great, I thought to myself. My brother just hung up on me, my girlfriend hates me, and now I have to face a truckload of paparazzi at my BROTHERS wedding. I don’t know if he’s going to forgive me for this one…

I sat down at my desk and took out a piece of paper. I started to write a letter, saying sorry to Stella. But, then I thought that she deserved more than a letter. I looked around my room for some sort of inspiration, until my wandering eyes lay upon my guitar. I smiled to myself knowing that I had the perfect idea. I grabbed my guitar, my notebook, and my keys and headed out the door.

I loaded my stuff into the back of my car, and hopped in. Starting the key into the ignition, I realized what Nick had meant to make it right in a big way. So, I took out my notepad and began to write.

Make It Right

They say you know when you really find the one.
But it hard to tell with the damage that’s been done.
And I liked to say that it your fault but I know better.
Cause I’m a fool to think you’d wait around forever.
Maybe I could have loved you.
Maybe I could have shown.
That I still do care about you more then you could know.
Don’t say it’s too late to try,
To make it right.

It was perfect, she was perfect. As I pulled into her drive way I started to get nervous . Then I thought, I’m Joe Lucas. I sing in front of thousands of girls all the time but I can’t sing in front of one. Breath in, breath out. I rang her door bell with my guitar in hand. I heard the sound of someone walking to the door in high heels. I knew right away that it was Stella.

She opened the door, and I wasted no time and began to sing.

"They say you know when you really find the one.
But it hard to tell with the damage that’s been done.
And I liked to say that it your fault but I know better.
Cause I’m a fool to think you’d wait around forever.
Maybe I could have loved you.
Maybe I could have shown.
That I still do care about you more then you could know.
Don’t say it’s too late to try,
To make it right."

We stared at each other for what seemed like forever, and then suddenly she began to speak. “Joe,” she said, “that’s really sweet but…” I ignored her and I grabbed her face gently and kissed her with passion. I didn’t care that Macy and Danielle were watching, I didn’t care if she didn’t want me to. I wanted to.

I gently pulled away, and looked at her. She opened her eyes slowly, and looked down at the floor; trying to hide a smile. “Look, Stell. I know what I did was 100% wrong, and I know I can be an ass sometimes, but…” I stopped and held her hands, “I love you. I always have and I want you to forgive me because I don’t want to lose what we have.” She stared at me for a little while.

She smiled and hugged me tightly, wrapping her arms around my neck. She whispered into my ear, “I forgive you.” She kissed my cheek and I smiled.

“Well, yaknow, this is sweet and all…but I’m getting married in 5 hours and my hair isn’t done. STELLA!” Macy frantically called from behind. Stella let go of my hand slowly, smiling the whole time. “I’ll see you tonight…” She said, closing the door. I smiled and nodded. “Yeah, tonight.” She closed the door and I got into my car, heading to Nick’s house.

Macy’s Point of View

Stella began to set the curlers in my hair as I nervously tried to calm myself down. My heart was pounding. “I’m never going to make it in time…” I said, worrying. Stella rolled her eyes. “You’re going to make it there in time, WITH time to spare.” She finished putting the curlers in my hair and we waited for awhile in silence.

Suddenly, I burst into a fit of tears. “Honey, what’s wrong?” Danielle exclaimed. Stella ran over and began to blot my eyes. “Don’t cry! Don’t cry! Your makeup’s going to run!” I sniffled a little bit, and tried to calm myself down. “I’m sorry, I’m just…emotional.” Danielle hugged me and laughed. “You should have seen me on my wedding day; I was a mess.” Stella and I began to laugh.

Then, I stopped. “What if…he changes his mind at the altar?” I started crying all over again. Danielle hugged me. “Honey, do you really think the boy that came home early from his BACHELOR party to see you is going to change his mind at the altar?” I smiled and thought about last night. “Well, do you?” Stella said, blotting my eyes. I shook my head. “No…”

Danielle smiled. “Nick loves you, and you two are going to be together forever. He chose you. And you chose him.” I smiled and hugged them both. “Thanks so much, you guys are my sisters. Go get ready, I’m okay.” They smiled and got changed into their bridesmaid’s dresses.

Nick’s Point of View

I looked into my reflection and smiled. “Looking spiffy, there brother. Hey, why’d you leave so early last night?” Kevin asked. I tightened my tie a little bit, and then fixed my hair a bit in the mirror. “Long story…” He nodded, giving me a funny look. But he changed the subject. “So, man. Are you nervous?” I gave him a ‘look.’ “No, I wasn’t until you brought it up 5 seconds ago.” He laughed and smiled at me. “Don’t worry man. You’ll be fine. Did you write down your vows?” I nodded. “Let’s here them!” He said, sitting down and looking at me.

I pulled out a piece of paper, cleared my throat, and began to read.

“As God unites us in the presence of our family and friends, I give you my firm commitment to be faithful and loyal to you, in sickness and in health, good times or bad, in sadness and in joy. I do promise to love you unconditionally, to help you make your dreams come true and to respect and honour you. I cherish you, my dear Macy for as long as we both shall live.”

Kevin stared to clap. “Damn little brother. That’s good!” He patted me on the back. “I’m impressed.” I felt my face feel hot. “Ha-ha, thanks.” Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Kevin answered it. “You’re late, man. Where the hell were you?” Joe had a big ass smile on his face. He set his jacket down and began to get ready. “The birds are singing, the sun is shining. It’s a glorious day today, isn’t it gentlemen? “He said. I rolled my eyes. “He and Stella are back together…again.” Kevin rolled his eyes with me. “You guys are ridiculous.”

Joe laughed and zipped up his fly, tucked in his shirt, and fixed his tie. “How do I look, boys?” He said, adding some gel to his hair. I gave him the thumbs up and looked at my own reflection again. “I feel like I’m going to throw up…” I admitted, sitting down. Joe gave me a weird look and started to back away. “Gross, go to the bathroom or something.” I rolled my eyes and rubbed my hands together, sighing. Kevin sat down beside me. “Been there, done that,” he said, smiling, “I know the feeling little brother. It’s not as bad as you think. Your vows are amazing; you have nothing to worry about.” I smiled and hugged him. “Thanks man.”

He looked at his watch. “It’s already 12:30. We should head over to the church; make sure everything’s all set. Let’s grab a bite to eat first. The limo’s coming for you at…1?” I nodded and we headed into the kitchen.

Today was the day.
♠ ♠ ♠
part two of the big day out tonight. [no promises, but most likely]