Status: enjoy.

You're the Air I Breathe


Macy’s Point of View

We basically kissed and cuddled the whole ride to the reception hall. We couldn’t stop giggling and smiling; we were completely in love. “You…look….amazing.” He would tell me between every kiss. I smiled and closed my eyes as we kissed. “So…do…you.” I replied.

Suddenly, the limo slowed down and we pulled up in front of the reception hall. Everyone was already there, walking inside. The limo driver pulled the car around to the side entrance, so we could get in without anyone seeing us. Nick helped me out of the car, and we ran up the stairs hand in hand.

We snuck inside without anyone seeing, and we waited behind the big doors. Suddenly, I heard my Dad’s voice come over the speakers, and the upbeat music began to play. “Ladies and Gentlemen, the bride and groom have arrived! Give it up for Macy and Nick Lucas!” The doors opened and Nick and I ran in with big smiles on our faces.

We did a little dance as we passed the dance floor. Everyone was filming and taking pictures, laughing and having a good time. We took a seat at our table with Stella, Danielle, Kevin, Joe, Frankie, and both our parents. It was the main table at the party.

The waiters and waitresses brought out all the food, and there was an open bar for people to get drinks whenever they pleased. Today was going perfect. I looked over at Nick and he smiled, kissing my cheek. I smiled back.

During dinner, Nick’s Dad walked up to the podium. “Hello everyone. I’d just like to take this moment to thank everyone for attending this important and beautiful sacrament for my son, Nicholas. I’m ecstatic to say how happy I am for Nick and Macy.” Everyone began to clap. “At this time, I’d like to have my two eldest sons come up and speak for a little. Joe and Kevin, come on up boys.” Everyone began to clap and Kevin made his way to the microphone.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, my name is Kevin; I'm the best man and Nick’s big brother. Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for coming here tonight and hope you have a good time. I'd also like to thank Nick and Macy for giving me this honour. I’d like to start off with a toast to the bride and groom; let’s hope that they stay safe and they have a great marriage and life together in the future.” Everyone raised their classes, and said ‘Cheers.’

Kevin continued on. “Nick and I have always been close. I’ll never forget all the childhood memories we had as kids, as brothers. I’ll never forget the day Joe tried to shove crayons downs his ears and Nick and I tried to figure out what to do. Turns out, crayon weren’t the only thing he’d put down there.” Everyone started to laugh, including myself.

“I remember the day Nick and Macy told us they were going out. Being such the romancer he is, he wrote her a song and played it to her in front of everyone.” Nick blushed and looked over at me. I smiled, and squeezed his hand under the table. “They’ve been head over heels in love ever since that summer back in 2010.”

“Nick, as my brother, I’ll never forget all the memories that I have of all the things we did together’ they’ll be the same stories I tell from my rocking chair to my grandson. I'm proud to call you my brother. May you be as happy 50 years from now as you are today, Cheers." He took a swig of his drink and walked away from the podium.

Joe walked up now, and I was nervous for what was going to come out of his mouth. He walked up, took a long swig of beer and sighed. “Sorry about that. I’m a little nervous…” Everyone started laughing. “Well, as some of you may not know, I’m Joe, brother of the groom. For those who do know me, I’m sorry.” Everyone laughed again.

“Nick’s been my brother for as long as I can remember, and he’s been a good brother. He’s a lot more mature than I am, and he’s helped me through sticky situations I couldn’t figure out how to fix.” Nick smiled at Joe. Then, Joe looked at me and smiled. “Nick may not have any taste when it comes to good beer, but he does have good taste in women. Macy is probably one of the most beautiful, kind, smart, and funny girls I’ve ever known…besides my girlfriend Stella of course.” I laughed and looked over at Stella who was laughing too. “But seriously, Nick; you two are perfect for each other and I’m so happy for you. I wish you nothing but pure happiness in your life journey together. Make me some nephews, okay?” He said, finishing. Everyone began to laugh as Joe sat back down.

Nick’s Point of View

After everyone had finished eating, we walked over to cut the cake. The cake was 6 tiers tall, and was made of butter cream frosting. It had sugar flowers on it and it looked great. “Ready?” I sat, putting my hand on the handle of the cake-cutter. Macy smiled and nodded, placing her hand on top of mine. We cut the cake together. Then, we both grabbed a piece and put it into each other’s mouths. She laughed and I kissed her, even though our faces were both covered in icing.

After we cleaned up, we headed out onto the dance floor. A familiar song began to play as Macy and I made our way out onto the floor. Everyone surrounded the dance floor as we began to slow dance.

Would you dance if I asked you to dance?
Would you run and never look back
Would you cry if you saw me crying
Would you save my soul tonight?

Macy rested her head on my shoulder and I saw a tear trickle from her eye. I wiped it away. “Why are you crying, babe?” I asked, looking into her eyes. She looked into mine and smiled. “I’m so blessed, Nick. I love you so much.” She said, smiling big. I kissed her softly and smiled. “I love you too.”

All the other couples joined in and danced with us. It was like a fairytale moment. We saw Danielle and Kevin dancing, Stella and Joe dancing, our parents dancing. It was nice.

After the song was over, it was time for the father daughter dance. I let go of Macy and she went off and danced with her Dad. I watched from afar, smiling. I knew that meant a lot to her.

“Hey man.” Frankie said, walking over to me. I slapped his hand and gave him a hug, “Hey Frank, long time no see, brother. How’s life?” He smiled and nodded his head. “Life is good; Madison and I have been dating for 2 years now.” My eyes widened. “Wow, you two are pretty serious huh?” He smiled and looked at her from afar. “Yeah, she’s pretty great.” I laughed and sat back down at the table.
♠ ♠ ♠
song is hero by enrique inglesias.
(: <3
kind of short, sorry. :$