Status: A c t i v e ; ;

The power of love

Twenty five.

The second we were drove outside the stadium, I just wanted to go home. I could see all these thousands of fans, waiting for the boy I messed with. I looked over at Danielle, who sent me a strong smile, boasting my confidence. I waited, tapping my foot against the bottom of the car. As we came to a stop in the parking lot inside the arena, Garbo opened his mouth. “Leave everything here, don’t worry about it.” I nodded my head before we all jumped out of the car. We started to walk through the halls, where everyone was buzzing around.

“Denise?” We all spun around at the voice of Paul Jonas. He made his way over towards us, giving all of us funny looks. I ducked my head down, feeling awkward. “What are you doing here?” I felt 10 eyes on me before I lifted my head. I waved at him, before laughing. “Ah, Madi. How didn’t I know?” I smiled at him as he smiled back. “They are in lockdown, Greg. Go now and don’t tell anyone.” Garbo ran off before we all started walking again. “Go grab your seats, I’ll be there in 10.” He said, before we walked through another corridor. We came to the stage, where plenty of people were setting the things up. Suddenly, the three of them knew where they were going, and I was just following. I heard the hustle and noise of the excited fans that were crowding around us, and the stage.

“Good turn out.” Danielle yelled as we sat down at our seats. I looked at her, before shaking my head.

“Not good, it’s great!” I cheered, making everyone laugh. “How many people are here at such short notice?” I asked, really confused.

“There is about, 50,000 people here, I guess.” I turned to her, my eyes wide open. She chuckled, before grabbing hold of my shoulder. “Wait until you hear 50,000 people scream.” She winked at me, before turning to Lauren. I took a massive breath inwards, taking it all in. I was in the Staples centre, in LA. With people I have known for 3 weeks for a boy. I’ve never done anything like this, ever. And it felt great.

“They will be starting in 5 minutes.” Paul’s voice made me jump, making me stare at him. I smiled at Frankie, who stood beside him, looking rather chilled and relaxed while every girl around him screamed his name. “And get ready for an amazing performance.” I smiled at the both of them, before sitting down.

“The best 2 hours of your life.” Lauren winked at me, before sitting down. I looked over at her, before sighing, not that anyone could hear it over the constant demand for Jonas. I sighed, brushing my hands together, suddenly hearing the sound of a guitar. Screaming went straight through my head, making the rest of the Jonas’s jump up, me following suit. I waited, nervously as the music started to get heavier and louder. I took a massive breath, before realizing that all three boys were already on stage, playing their song. I could see Joe already bouncing around the stage, along with Kevin. I smiled, as Lauren and Danielle sang loudly beside me, along with all the fans around us. I looked over at Nick, a massive smile on his face as he played his guitar with all that he can, without acting too hyper. I knew that they missed being on stage and from the looks that Denise and Paul gave to their 3 sons. And I wish I knew them before all of this.


I don’t know how, but as I watched the three of them, I started to get excited. I bounced around with Danielle and Lauren, not knowing any of the words to the songs but still enjoying it anyway. Until a slower song came on, making me look towards where Nick sat on the piano. I stared at him, watching his eyes dart to where I was standing. I shuffled awkwardly as he stared at me, before pressing down on the keys of the white piano that sat in front of him. I watched him, play his heart out, before my brain clocked on what the chorus was. “If it’s you and me forever, if it’s you and me right now, that’d be alright. That’d be alright. We chase the stairs to lose our shadows, peter pan and Wendy turned out fine. So won’t you fly with me?” I let out this massive grin, before dancing with Frankie, who just seemed as interested as me. Suddenly, the music got slower, and I turned to Nick, who was staring right back at me. “Maybe you were just afraid, knowing you were miles away. From the place where you needed to be, and that’s right here with me.” My bottom lip wobbled, my eyes filling up with tears softly. I nodded my head, before the music got heavier and Nick bounced away from the piano. I looked over at Danielle, who patted my shoulder before smiling at me.

I took a deep breath as I watched the boys walk off stage after they had sung their final song. They performed amazingly and the atmosphere in the stadium couldn’t have been more rewarding for them. Suddenly, everyone started to move, making me follow them like a lost puppy. We walked backstage, getting comments from all the workers, and the people who set this up. We walked into a room, which had couches and a TV in it. “And now we wait.” Denise mumbled, before flicking on the TV. I sat down next to Frankie and stared at the TV, not actually watching it but waiting for Nick. Every time the door would open, my head would swing around, hoping that it was him. I tapped my finger against my leg, egar to see him. As the door swung open this time, I heard the shouting of Joe’s voice.

“What are you lot doing here?” He screamed, hugging us individually, before Kevin walked in, doing exactly the same. I noticed that the both of them looked fresh and clean.

“Someone made our mind up for us.” Lauren flicked her head towards me, making me blush awkwardly. I brushed my hair out of my face, before I heard a soft voice beside me.

“Hey.” He sounded as if he was right next to me, but I turned around to see him right in the doorway, looking in. His hair was wet, suggesting that they had a shower before coming to see us. I gave him a small wave, before he walked in, a smile tugging on his lips. He gave the women in his life a hug, before looking down at me. I smiled at him, expecting nothing less. He smiled back, before Paul clapped his hands.

“Let’s get you out of here before the fans start hunting you down.” We all let out a laugh, before I pushed myself off the couch, walking with Frankie. As we walked towards the car park, Joe, Nick and Kevin bounced around, trying to explain what it was like to be on stage again. As we all slipped into the same car, I was between Nick and Lauren, who seemed very content with herself. I subtly looked over at Nick, who quickly grabbed my hand, before snatching it away. I knew that he had the right to be angry with me and I hoped that he would let me explain. We sat in the car, while Joe chatted away to everyone.

As we walked into the lobby, bags in our hands and tiredness setting in, Nick pulled me aside, making his whole family stare. “Come with me.” He said, sliding his free hand into mine and taking me towards the elevator. We stood inside and waited for the specific floor, neither of us talking but still holding hands tightly. As we hit his floor, we walked out and towards his room. He opened the door, before throwing his bag onto the floor, making me do that same. He crawled onto his bed, patting it next to him. “C’here.” He whispered, making me kick my shoes off and sit next to him. He clenched his hand around mine. “Madi what are you doing here?”

“I--” I started, and then couldn’t find any words to say. “I needed to see you. I needed to say I’m sorry for everything. That wasn’t me today.” I stopped, I had just realized in one day I had jumped onto a plane to fly across California to see a boy. “My mum came into town and was talking about how I wasn’t taking any responsibility for my education and should stop seeing you.”

“And you went along with it?”

“She had been ruling my life since my dad left. So when she had a massive go at me, it was something I accepted.” I said, before looking at him. “Nick, I know.” I whispered. He stared at me for a while, possibly confused about what I had just said. Suddenly, he clocked on.

“Oh.” He said, making me shuffle awkwardly. I knew that he didn’t want to tell me and I didn’t really want to know, before all of this happened.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked, rubbing my thumb across the back of his hand. It made me feel pathetic, asking the question. He shouldn’t tell me everything. “I wouldn’t have ever walked away. I would have stayed there, and worked it out with you. If I knew what you felt, I would have never left you.” I rushed my words together, hoping he would believe me.

“The reason I didn’t tell you was because I didn’t want you to leave me.” I narrowed my eyebrows, before sitting up properly. “In the end, you did.”

“And I never wanted to!” I raised my voice for some strange reason. It was like I wanted him to believe me. “I came back!” I covered my heart with my fist. “This is me, here. And I’ve apologized as much as I could.” I pushed myself off his bed, pulling on my shoes as fast as I could and leaving. I stood outside his door, taking in a massive breath. I let the tears fall, hoping that no one could see me. After everything, I had messed it up with him. He trusted me, and I crumpled it, throwing it in the trash. Suddenly, I felt the door behind me open and I spun around, tears still running down my face.

“Madi.” He whispered, his eyes as red as mine. I shook my head before walking down the corridor.

“I understand Nick.” I said, as I walked away from him, which wasn’t getting me anywhere. “You trusted me. You wanted me to stay and I walked away. I ruined this.” I turned around, more tears pouring out my eyes. “Us.” I waved between us as he stood dead in front of me. “If there was an us.”

“You can’t lose something you never had.” He whispered the words I had said earlier. A flood of emotion rushed over my body, making it hard to breath. “And I don’t want you.” He stopped rubbing his hand against his forehead.

“I understand.” I whispered, making my way further away from him. Suddenly, I felt his hand wrap around my wrist, pulling me into his chest. I let out a shaky breath, remembering the last time that I would ever be in the arms of Nick Jonas. “Don’t make this any harder than it is.”

“I don’t want you.” He whispered again, making my heart shatter again. “I need you.” I looked up at him, as the both of us stood in the middle of a hotel floor, crying. “Don’t walk away again.” He put his hand to my face, pressing his lips against mine. I felt the connection we had as I slid my arm around his neck, pulling him closer to me. As we both pulled away, I let out a soft sigh as he pressed his forehead against mine. “I love you.” I blinked at him, never hearing them words in my life.

“I love you too, Nicholas.”
♠ ♠ ♠
and that concludes this story.
till about a few days when the sequel will be up.

thank you so much for all your support on this story. your supporting comments inspired me to carry on. i hope that you stick with this story until the very end.

i love you guys. i couldn't have any better subbers than you guys.
please please please comment. :D
