
"My pet unicorn, mom what do you think?"


I swung the monacle on it's metal chain, back and forth as I watched it catch the light. I had an... obsession, with keeping things I find. If you're fullish enough to leave it outside, and forget it- hey that's just my gain. So this, Mr. IggnorantDoucheBag's monacle- was now mine, and mine forever.


I through the whole room into a jumbled mess- and I still couldn't find it. Everything was knocked over, and on the floor- the whole house was a mess and mother would kill me for it. But she would kill me even more when she found out I lost the fucking thing- yes, I am aloud to say fuck.

I ran a hand through my hair, looking around furiously-pissed at myself. I punched the wall really hard-putting my hand right through the plaster.

"JEREMY WHY THE FUCK IS MY HOUSE IN SHREADS!" Mom shriek from the kitchen.

In seconds I was standing infront of her- looking straight into her angry eyes.

"Their better be a good reason."

"I can't find it." I said, sighing with defeat.

"Find what?"

"My pet unicorn, mom what do you think?"

I could litterally HEAR the peices click together in her mind, as she realize just what i lost.

"YOU LOST THE MONACLE!" she shrieked, causing the houses foundation to rock

"Yes." i whispered- ashamed of myself.

"Jeremy Kenn Polsha, you better find that monacle- TONIGHT!" she yelled, causing me to flinch when she used my fell name.

"I'll do what I can."
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Thanks Giving everyone!