Status: heartbeat.

Best Kept Secret.

Chapter One.

I cant live without you, can't breathe without you.
I dream about you.
Honestly, tell me that its over.

I sighed as I heard this song play for the seventy-second time since we all crammed into the car.
"Dear?" My mother said.
I took the headphones out of my ears.
"Yeah?" My voice was low and raspy.
"Check your brother for me."
I turned to the left to see my baby brother sleeping peacefully. I wrapped my hand around his tiny wrist. His pulse was normal and I could hear him snoring like usual.
"He's fine," I spoke.
It was quiet for a few minutes.
"Just two more hours and we'll be there," My dad smiled as he talked.
"Audrey, is something bothering you?" My mom asked.
"Nothing, nothing at all." I stared out of the window.
"You know, when you think about it, it's not that bad," My mom stated.
"Yup," I remarked.
"Just try to enjoy it here. I know you'll make a great life here, I can feel it," My mom mesmerized.
I closed my eyes and leaned back as I played Over by Lindsay Lohan again.

My brother, Lijuah, was all smiles when we pulled into our new driveway.
"Beautiful, correct?" My mom asked.
I slowly nodded as I stood outside of the truck, just staring.
The house was magnificent, it was Victorian-style. However, I was determined to not enjoy my time here.
I helped Lijuah out of his carseat, handed him to mom, grabbed my two suitcases and went inside.
I walked up the gorgeous staircase and I walked all the way to the room at the end of the hallway. It was amazing.
A tiny, dark, spiral staircase was in one corner. While I had an amazing view of the pool downstairs. Another window looked to another house.
I dropped my suitcases and plopped down on my floor.
"How do you like it?" My mother asked. I looked up at her and nodded.
"I knew you'd like it, the stairs lead to another room. It's like a tower."
"A tower?"
She nodded. "Mhm."
"Hey, uhm, maybe after you get your room together, you can walk around. Get use to the neighborhood."
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