Status: heartbeat.

Best Kept Secret.

Chapter Two.

I tightened my messenger bag.
"What are you doing?" My dad rushed by my side.
"I said she could go wander around, dear," My mom said.
"Oh, be careful."
I nodded and slammed the door behind me.
I didn't know where to go. I didn't know how to be careful around here. I mean for all I know this street could be the most dangerous one in this town.
A noise startled me as I passed the neighbor's house. I put my hand to my heart and exhaled deeply.
This old, pissed off dude leaned down to pick up his wrench.
I was still standing there like a complete idiot.
I blinked and turned back to the sidewalk.
I found myself in a tiny convenient store. The cashier was gorgeous. She looked like she was in high school, like me. She had blonde riglets and dark eyes. She had a freckle underneath her left eye. Adorable.
"Hi, there," She greeted.
I waved.
"You're new, aren't you?" She asked. I just stared down at my feet.
"Obviously," She answered herself.
I awkardly smiled and giggled lightly.
"Nervous?" She asked.
"I'm shy, too."
"Well, I'm Sami."
"Wow, that's an epic name."
Epic? People seriously say that word around here.
"I guess." I shrugged.
"Well, uhm, are you looking for something?"
I shook my head. "Just trying to get familiar with, uhm, this place."
"Where are you from?" She asked.
"South Carolina."
Sami grinned. "Cool, so cool."
I went to talk, but she interruppted me.
"What school are you going to?"
"Uhm, I think it's called McClean High School?"
"No way."
I smiled.
"Me, too. Sophmore."
"Sophmore." I nodded.
"We're definitely going to be friends, I can already tell."
She nodded and spoke,"I bet you have Mrs. Hariel. She's awesome."
"Lucky me."
"Audrey, would you mind, I don't know, coming to my house tonight? For dinner?"
"Uh - "
"I know it's soon, but I don't want you coming to school all awkard, and not knowing anybody."
"I'll ask."
"Oh, here." She wrote her number on a receipt.

"A friend? Already?" My dad questioned.
I nodded. "Her name's Sami. She works at the convenient store by the, uh, corner."
My mom replied, "You can go."
"She can go?" My dad restated.
My mom nodded and remarked, "Yes, she can."
My dad looked at my mom.
"She has a life, dear. Don't take any opportunites from her," My mom defended.
I smiled and kissed Lijuah on the cheek. Lijuah grinned.
"What time will you be home?" My dad asked.
"Uhm, eight?"
"But dinner doesn't - " My dad started.
"Have fun, Audrey," My mom said.
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