Hopeful Wishing.



“Boom” I heard the sound loud, I looked around to see where it came from but everyone was running and screaming by then. I was confused I didn’t know what to do, everyone passing by me seemed to be a blur. “Boom.” Someone fired again. This time I didn’t see where it came from, but id seen the person it hit, the person that meant the most to me.

“Molly, let’s go, time to get up.” My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

I groaned as I rolled out of bed, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand. I yawned and shielded my face as the bright Australian sun poured in my room through my open blinds.
I slipped on a pair of jeans that were at the end of my bed and a tank top that was laying on the floor next to my closet. I found an elastic sitting on my night stand and tied my mess of blonde curls into a pony tail.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face off before slipping down stairs.
“Morning.” I said as I took a sip of my moms coffee that was sitting on the kitchen counter.

“Morning dear.” She replied. “You still look sleepy.”

“Bad dream.” I told.

A sad look swept across her face for a split as she realized what dream I was talking about. But just as fast as it came it went away. She gathered up her papers, slipped sunglasses over her eyes, picked up her coffee, and headed towards the door.

“Grab you books and let’s roll.”

I grabbed my school books and followed her out the door. The sun was already hot for it being eight in the morning. The brown sand surrounding our house glistened as the sun hit it. I hopped in the truck and propped my feet up on the dashboard
As soon as mom started the car I let my window and turned the music up. I sang along to ‘Teenage Dream’ as we rode through town. Everything we passes seemed so familiar though we just moved here about two weeks ago. People waved and smiled as we passed, almost every kid I seen had an ice cream cone in there hand, teenage girls had shopping bags dangling from there wrists, and boys on skateboards were everywhere.

My mom turned the music and look at me with a smile on her face. “What?” I asked.

“You don’t have that much more school work left, then you can be walking around with your friends, shopping and eating ice cream.”

“You know mom, that sounds like a lot of fun but all my friends are back in Colorado, so it’s going to be a little hard to do so.

“Oh, Molly, you’ll make friends.

“Not like my old ones.”

“Molly-” She started to say but I turned the music back up so we wouldn’t have to finish the discussion.

We pulled up to a hospital fifteen minutes later. My mom was a doctor and had gotten a job at one the biggest hospitals in Australia. I jumped out the car and headed over to the picnic table right under the big oak tree ive been sitting at for the last week.

“See you later.” Mom said as she walked in the building.

I sat my school books down, grabbing my history textbook, I flipped open to the next chapter and began reading.


I had finished all my homework except for math. I pulled out my worksheet that I needed to complete. I made it to about the tenth problem when I got sidetracked by my thoughts.
I thought about Colorado, this time during the day I would have been lounging by the pool with my three best friends laughing about something that had happened last week.

Why did we have to come to Australia? Here I had to start over. I had no friends, I spent my days at a hospital doing school work and my evenings home doing nothing. I missed my friends, my school, my home, and most of all my dad.
Tears prickled at the corners of my eyes but I forced them back. I shook the thoughts out of my head and started to finish math when I heard someone sit down across the picnic table.

I looked up to find a boy sitting across from me. He had blonde hair that was in a faux hawk, he had bright green eyes, and lips an unnatural red.

“Hello.” He said with a bright smile on his face and his eyes seemed to twinkle.

“Hey” I smiled back.

“Your new around here aren’t you?”

“Yeah actually I am, moved here about two weeks ago. How’d you know?”

“Well I’m here, at the hospital a lot and I never seen you. Oh, and I’d remember if I seen you around here before.”
A small smile crept across my face as he ran his hand over his hair. His accent made my stomach have butterflies and the little dimple in his left cheek seemed to complete his whole look.

“What are you doing around here?” I said motioning towards the hospital campus with my hands.

“Oh you know, I just like hanging around hospitals.” We laughed at that. “No, actually my mom spends a lot of time in the hospital. What about you?”

“Oh my, I hope she gets better. I’m here because my moms a doctor.”

“That’s amazing. We’ve needed an American doctor here.”

I smiled, “I hope she’s a big help.” And as I said that my mom walked out the hospital doors

I glance at my watch on wrist thinking how quickly those four hours had passed. “Well, that’s my mom. I have to go.” I said as I stared gathering up my stuff.

“Will you be here tomorrow?” HE asked.

“Sure you will.”

“See you then.”

I tucked my book under my arm and waved goodbye. My mom had a smile on her face when I got over there.

“I never got your name!” The boy shouted from the picnic table.

“Molly.” I smiled.

“Rylan” He said in his deep Australian accent.