
Hannah Montana Reveled

"We got the party with us." Hannah sang ending the last line in the song at the Malibu show in California with the boys. "Now I hope ya'll continue to...." Just then a masked person ran on stage and ripped off Miley's wig causing her curly brown hair to fall down to her shoulders. "Oh sweet nibblets!" Miley said before turning back to the audience. "OK so I had a secret life apart from my Hannah life. I didn't want the paparazzi around all the time so instead of being Miley Stewart the superstar I made up Hannah so that I could still be a normal girl."

"We support you!" was all Miley could hear as she walked off the stage.

"I want that person caught!" Miley roared as she slammed her door shut. "Now that I was reveled I'll have no normal life anymore."

"Let me talk to her." Nick said after an hour of Miley crying.

"Good luck." Jackson said as he closed and locked the door after him. Though Jackson and Miley did not get along a lot he was still he big brother and was worried.

"Miles come here." Nick said and he pulled her into a hug. "No matter what we will get through this together and just think now that your reveled we can have more time together."

"Promise me that no matter what happens that you will help me through this?" Miley asked looking up into Nick's big brown eyes.

"I promise that no matter what I will stick by your side Miley. Why else would I have given you my purity ring for?"

"OK then lets go face the music." Miley said and they went out to the front of the arena and were soon surrounded by reporters, flashing photographers, and video camera people.

"I will hold a press conference tomorrow and make a speech." Miley said as she got into her limo with Nick. Everyone else was already in and Lilly and Oliver had also told the press who they really were making them instant stars.

"Just think now Miley you don't have to go to public school." Jackson said tyring to help his sister out of her bad mood.

"Neither will you Jackson." Miley said and it was the wrong thing to say because he made a yes and did a little happy dance making everyone even Miley laugh.

"What you going to say tomorrow?" Nick asked as he walked her to her room.

"Don't know I will probably say what comes from my heart. Will you be there?"

"Yes and my brothers will too. We just cannot desert you. Your like family and now worries my mom said she would love to stand right beside you."

"Thanks Nick. I love you."

"I love you too."

They kissed before Miley went into her room. What she did not know was that Nick spent the entire night in the guest room right beside Miley's to make sure she was OK.
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