
Press Conference

"We will all be right beside you." Denise said just minutes before Miley's press conference.

"Nick I am nervous." Miley said looking at Nick who was holding her hand.

"Don't worry babe you will do fine I promise. If you just don't feel up to it right now you could always pull out." Nick said stroking Miley's hair.

"Yeah no one would blame you." Oliver said looking at her and Miley just gave him a look. "Well we wouldn't blame you."

"I know but I got to make this up to my fans. They mean the world to me so I have to do this." Miley said standing up with Nick and Denise.

"Don't worry Miles if in the middle of this you don't want to continue just look my way and I will announce that the press conference is over." Jackson just before Miley, Nick, Denise, Lilly, Oliver, Kevin, Maddie, Jackson, Robbie Ray, and Paul went out to the little stage with the mikes set up. Frankie ran out a few seconds later and grabbed onto Miley's free hand.

"I am here for you." He whispered in her ear and making Miley feel a whole lot better.

"Thanks bud." Miley whispered back before looking out at the sea of press standing before her. "Before I get started I would just like to say a few things. I am not a government person. I am not someone who just saved someone's life. I am Miley Stewart. A plain old teenage girl and you guys stand here in front of me just because my secret was reveled. You could be off reporting about some foreign killer or something but you stand in front of me like I am the president when I am not. I am just a girl that wants to lead a normal life that I can no longer do anymore." Miley pauses and squeezes Denise's and Nick's hands before continuing. "Anyway I want to apologize to all my fans. I know I messed up and I am sorry but fame is not all as it seems. Look at Britney Spears a really good person whom the press got a hold of a ripped her life apart. I wanted to be a star but I knew that I also wanted to be a normal everyday girl. That is why I came up with Hannah. A girl that does not let fear stand her way. A girl who conquers anything that she sets her mind to. A girl that I wanted to be one day but not the superstar. I just wanted to be normal. Not have the paparazzi follow me around so I could just hang out with my best friends." She takes a quick glance at Lilly and Oliver. "So I just want to say sorry but in a way I am not really. If any girl wanted to be famous just for the attention it is not as fun as it seems. It can be stressful so my outlet to fame was Hannah and the real me was and always will be Miley." Miley says and motions for Lilly and Oliver to come stand beside her which they do making Nick stand directly behind Miley and Denise right beside Nick. "I'll open it to questions now." Then that is when the crowd started to break out in screams and Miley pointed to the first reporter she saw.

"Would you ever undo being Hannah and take being a superstar as Miley?"

"No I wouldn't. I would still want to be Hannah because I would still want to be a normal girl."

The press conference went on for a few more hours. At the very end a couple of fans ran onto the stage but Miley gave the bodyguards a look that said don't take them off just yet.

"We support you Miley no matter what and we want to give you this." The three girls said and handed her a guitar that had Miley's not Hannah's picture on it.

"This means a lot to me thanks." Miley said before giving the girls each a hug and signing something.

"Thank you!" They say before being led off the stage.

"One more question!" A reporter yelled and Miley turned back to them.

"Will you continue your music career?"

"Yes." Miley said simply before heading off the little stage.

"You are?" Lilly asked confused.

"I just can't let my fans down after this. Ummm I just want to be alone."

"Want me to come?" Nick asked.

"I need you."

Miley said and the two went into the waiting limo in the back. When they get to Miley's they go up to Miley's room to be alone. She just sits on his lap on her bed listening to the rhythm of his heart. It soon made her fall asleep but Nick did not go to sleep until an hour after Miley did.