Sequel: Forget It All

You're My Backbone

And For The First Time, I Feel Less Alone

"I don't know know what's going on between you and Garrett, but you're either going to suck it up for today or fix it." John snapped, while buckling his seatbelt.

I rolled my eyes and glanced out the window as we back out of the driveway. "Nothing is going on."

John's car pulled into Garrett's driveway across the street from us. "Why couldn't he just walk over to our house?" I mumbled.

John glared at me. "Stop being a bitch, okay?"

I sighed heavily and leaned my head against the window. I watched as Garrett stepped outside and locked his house's front door. He walked to the car and opened the backseat door. He slid in saying, "Hey."

"Hey Gare, what's up?" John asked while now pulling out of Garrett's driveway.

I could no longer see him, but I could hear him say "Nothing really. What about you?"

"Yeah, but I'm pretty pumped for practice."

It was their first band practice with John. My brother wasn't able to shut up about it the past week and he somehow managed to drag me along. He guilted me into it, giving some excuse about how my friends were there.

The real reason I didn't want to go is because Garrett and I haven't been as close lately. Not since I went home early that day when I was 'sick'. Then at the party, he was pissed at me for hanging out Josh, and not helping him with getting John on stage.

Well, all I have to say is that he needs to fucking suck it up.

The past week, study hall has been awkward. The two of us sit at the same library table, but Maddie has now decided to join us. To my luck, she has study hall the same period. Whoop-de-doo!

Instead of chatting with the two love birds, I would text Josh, who happened to be in an easy elective class, where his teacher could care less if he got caught texting.

When Garrett asked me who I was talking to, I responded telling him the truth, which earned a dirty look that caused me to grin, that of course, I had to hide.

"So, how's Josh?" Garrett asked from the backseat.

My eyes widened slightly. I was surprised he'd even have the balls to say something like that. "He's fine." My voice was quiet.

"So...... are you two going out or-"

"No. We're not." I cut him off sternly.

I looked at John out of the corner of my eye. Why couldn't he tell his friend to fuck off?

Why was Garrett making me so angry? Why did I absolutely despise the boy right now? What did I ever find so appealing about him? Why did I ever think he was polite?

Why is he such an asshole?

I tapped my foot anxiously on the car's floor. We were getting closer and closer to Kennedy's house, which I was more than thankful for.

Finally, we turned the corner and drove down Kennedy's block. Soon, we were in his driveway and I was hopping out of the car. John opened Kennedy's front door and the three of us entered the house.

I could feel Garrett's breath from behind me. It caused goosebumps to travel down my spine and I cringed. I let out a shaky breath as I followed John into the basement, where they would be playing.

Downstairs, the guys were setting up equipment while Darry sat on the couch smiling and talking to Jared.

"Hey!" Darry yelled when she saw the three of us. She jumped up and grabbed my arm pulling me onto the couch with her.

Darry and I watched the rest of the practice intently and clapping at the end of every song.

I know I should have been watching my brother, but my eyes kept wandering over to Garrett. I couldn't help but feel my heart beating heavily against my chest. It ached. What the hell? I sighed heavily and slammed my back against the couch as the guys set up for their next song.

Darry noticed this action and leaned over next to me. "What's wrong?" She whispered.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Things have been........ weird with Garrett lately."

She nodded her head, understanding. "Yeah, I noticed the two of you haven't been so close lately."

I sighed once again. "Maybe it's just a rough patch or something. I'm sure we'll get over it eventually."

Darry giggled lightly.

"What?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her.

"The way you're talking about him....... it makes it sound like the two of you are a couple." Darry started to stifle her laughter.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. We're friends. You and I know that."

Darry sighed. "Fine. I know. But you two would be cute as a couple."

"I don't want to hear it Darry."

"Darry bothering you?" A voice from behind me commented. I turned around to find Garrett, smiling his ever-so sweet smile. He sat down next to me as I stared in awe at the boy. His hair was the mess that I loved so much.

My hate melted away just like that. I was no longer repulsed by him just because of that smile. It was the first time that smile returned in so long. I bit my lip and shook my head. "Nope."

It wasn't until now that I noticed the guys cleared the room. Darry slowly stood up and crept out also. I narrowed my eyes at the girl as I watched her make her way upstairs.

"Can, we, um, talk?" Garrett asked, scratching the back of his neck.

I swallowed hard. "Sure." I choked out.

Garrett sighed and scooted closer to me. My eyes went wide as I watched the space between us decreased.

"Is it just me or has the friendship between the two of us seemed a little bit..... off lately?"

I nodded my head instantly. "Yeah.... it has been weird lately."

"I'm sorry if I did anything that has upset you June. I like you a lot."

He stopped and my eyes went wide once again.

He realized what he had said. "I like you a lot as a friend. A friend." He corrected himself.

"It's fine Garrett. I'm not sure what's been going on between us."

Garrett sighed and shook his head. "Look- I'm not going to play pretend here. I think the reason I've been such a dick lately is because I really don't like that kid you've been hanging out with. Josh."

"Why not?" I shot back at him.

Garrett shrugged and an annoyed expression planted itself upon his face. "He just seems like a tool. And an asshole."

"He's not." I snapped.

Garrett rolled his eyes. "Not what it looks like."

"Yeah, well it's not like your girlfriend is any better." I snapped again.

Garrett's head whipped towards me. "What?" He asked, eyes wide.

"Oh please Garrett. Do you really not see how much of a whore she is? She just wants to get in your pants. And don't get me started on how much of a ditz she is."

"She is not." He mumbled, clearly lying.

"Yeah. That's what I thought." I stood up abruptly and marched up the stairs.

Everyone was in the kitchen talking. I quickly pulled Darry aside. "Can you give me a ride home?" I asked with pleading eyes.

"Yeah," She nodded her head. "of course. Is everything alright?"

I contemplated on telling her the truth, but it then occurred to me that I didn't even know what the truth was.

"No. Everything is not alright."

I caught John's concerned eye from across the room. I walked over quickly told him I was going home with Darry. He nodded his head with no questions asked.

I was out the door with Darry five minutes later.
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Thanks for all the comments lately! You're all awesome!
Not my favorite chapter; but it will have to do for now.